Aita for beating my sister up and blaming my whole family for enabling her behavior reddit

Aita for beating my sister up and blaming my whole family for enabling her behavior reddit. Turbulent-Read-6873. My brother was rude to my sister and I since he was 10, lightly beating us up, taking and destroying our things, but nothing overly obnoxious or… Advertisement Coins My sister's dad was still in her life and was willing to support her, but not me. I resolved to work hard at school and try to make something better for myself. They don't have children yet. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ My (17f) little sister (16f) who we’ll call O, is an instigator to put it simply. My mom asked my sister to tell us the truth, but my sister maintained her claim. I lost it again. So background: I (32f) have a brother, "Dave" (35m), who's married to "Sarah" (29f). You don’t live near her and she’s using your distance and guilt to manipulate you. So now they are. My boss had to call the police to have her removed because she was hysterical. AITA For blaming my nephew for my sons overdose? I (42F) have a 15-year-old son, and my sister (40F) has a 16-year-old son. My sister called us all morons, stormed out the door and drove away. Rude_Substance298. i beat up my husbands sister last week. capercrohnie. You are not her sister, you are her piggy bank. I might be the asshole for not keeping my mouth shut and being more diplomatic about her wedding being ruined. My sister also got better gifts then me. AITA for refusing to lend my sister money and "flaunting" my wealth? Not the A-hole. 14K votes, 1. I'm looking for a new apartment and a new job. That is a stone cold assessment and so VERY accurate. (Which isn’t even true. My sister and I were in the backseat of the car, we went around a curve, because my mom had not closed the door correctly, my 4 yo sister fell out of the car. Asshole. As a teen, my brain & emotions didn't work together though, so all the animosity was focused on my sister because she was the one receiving the special treatment. It is not and has never helped her. My sister has been calling me a jerk, and some people are saying I went to far. What she told me, made me fall to my knees sobbing. I rebelled against my mom in every way, because she wanted me to be who she wanted, not who I was. I 17m about 8 months ago met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, we became friends because of our shared hobbies and somehow I got lucky enough that we started dating 6 months ago. My older brother Carter went to the same university as Annika. I’m more concerned about your younger sister. It started small and super childish. I’d also recommend encouraging her to attend meetings, but my guess is that advice will fall on death ears. AITA for blaming my childfree sister for putting me off having children. AITA for blaming my parents for getting mad at me for "injuring my sister". Suprisingly, my sister unblocked me, expressing her desire for closure and personal healing. She asked if I meant what I said about Ari being a better mom than her or if I just said it to hurt her. About a week into dating she told me that she was trans, mtf. She also rejects my dad as anything other than "my mother's fuck buddy" and she has called him that to his face and in front of other people. She has a boyfriend and baby daddies to help her. Start documenting all her little brat behavior so you can throw it in your husband, your SIL and their families face. Our family burst into excited chatter, and in that moment, I felt like my news could wait until later in the evening, or even another day. I refused any and all contact with my sister and ex. It may be a forced change. Her worse choice is that she’s letting her husband speak for her. Me: nope it’s my favorite. One big rule we share is if our daughter breaks something, she pays for it. Maya: but I asked you what your least favorite was and you said supreme. No more discussion of switching. She blamed me for the water being cold cause I "took too long". Whether she is the primary caretaker or not, she should take most of the responsibility for the child, because, well, it is her child. AITA for doing the same thing to my sister-in-law that she does to my son? Not the A-hole. Before I could share my news, Emma stood up, clinking her glass for attention, and beamed as she revealed her wedding plans. But it's the best we'll probably see out of them. My wife knew I had no relationship with my sister or mother whenever we got together but now it’s causing an argument. Our parenting styles are very different. My sister did whatever my mom wanted her to, even up to now where she’s in a field similar to my mothers. I'd been saving up since I started my first job at 20. The baby is not to blame for anything, obviously. I was looking for one and my family knew it. She is my only sibling but we do not speak and haven’t since my wedding 4 years ago. "It's not my fault you couldn't produce a child, why let this go to waste, you're so selfish. We got married two years ago and his family are nothing short of the best. The reason I might be TA and more in the wrong than her is she is asking me, she came over to invite me herself and made an effort, even if not for great reasons. Me: I thought you asked what my favorite was. After my first cat died a few years ago,my brother felt like they were the missing peice in our family ,and he was right. My sister blames everything on me. ) she is very jealous, and tries bringing us down constantly. Both girls are being obnoxious in this situation, but the sister isn't the one that blew up in front of the whole family for something the rest of the family obviously didn't find to be unusual behavior. Others in my family later did the same. They help set up some things but ultimately my sister leaves a bulk of setup to me/in-laws and gets a cocktail to mingle. The biggest caveat is that they must be married in Jon's family's church, full mass with communion. It should’ve registered in your head that your husband whooped his ass and you should’ve kept it to yourself until you and your husband were in private. My grandma replied, “I don’t want another Mexican in this family. ” That was the first time I was put into foster care with a pedo. My brother put a gun to my mom's head because she tried to stop him from doing something, I got in trouble for not telling her about his plans. Guests are starting to arrive, and I check in with Jen. Plans change. Everyone was excited and proud of her, me too. AITA for dumping the truth on my sister? Not the A-hole. If your sister is being admitted, it's because she NEEDS to be there, and her needs are significant enough that they trump what is likely a very extensive queue. She was pissed at me and the conversation went like this, Sis:God dammit I had to freeze my ass off in there cause YOU used up all the water. We were dirt poor and every day was a constant struggle. Crypto Anyways to my niece, My niece Joelle is trans male to female, she came out when she was 17 and I’ve always supported her. My dad was sitting nearby, immobile from his recent surgery on his leg. You have what they want so you are in the right to give the options to them. He never had a good relationship with anyone in the family, not with our parents, our sister (f27) or me. My sister is getting married early next year and practically begged me to plan for her despite my stance on clients I know personally. A lot of people are calling me horrible and an awful person. She is screaming for help in the only way she knows how. r/AmItheAsshole •. Can’t imagine there may have been issues, internal and external, contributing to her weight gain miscarriage or no. For example, I'm a little more strict than my sister. My parents shared custody of me until I was just about to turn 8 (literally two weeks before my birthday) and then my dad passed away in an accident. " (This is my step brothers account, but I am using it because he said it was okay and he knows the whole situation and supports me) Now, I know the… Pretty much, when my mom came to my room to talk to me about what I said, I'd already decided I was going to apologize, you guys made it clear I needed to do that much. My mother did not force anyone to participate, it was up to whoever wanted to take part. We'd had an inside joke since middle school that we'd eventually be celebrating 2 Christmases. I don't know if he cares how she treats me. I suggested a radical idea. AITA For Refusing To Attend My Sister’s Wedding? Not the A-hole. I insulted my mother and called her names. Then help her set it up. I was heartbroken when my first cat died as he was my best friend,and quite frankly ADMIN MOD. About half the people agreed that the evidence point to my sister being guilty. So I (28M) have been married to my wife for 4 years and we have a 2 year old son together. He and his family are enabling her entitlement, spoiled and manipulative behavior and narcissistic attitude. Because Im not sharing the money with my family although it isn't my grandma's desire. AITA For "Ruining" my kid's life after she ruined a dress? Not the A-hole. 14 votes, 22 comments. The dinner started, and everyone was in good spirits. I have always felt like my parents saw me as a babysitter, as a third adult in the house, and have expected me to be a 40 year old kid/teenager. 1. I'm 17f. My sister on the other hand begged her to “hide” her identity so my fatehr would pay for the college she didn’t and my father disowned her after she showed up to a family gathering wearing what she wanted and worse I was meant to start boarding at school for those two years, but last minute my dad said I couldn’t since it wasn’t fair to Emily (basically him, because he didn’t want to put up with her). Focus on your own life because you’re just coming across as an easy target for manipulation. I drop them off when I go to school. r/AITAH. There could be lots of reasons the sister is withholding because she obviously has issues taking responsibility but from OP's story, they were bitching about costs, which everybody does, and instead of OP just saying wow that sucks, she brought up a horrible incident from 9 years ago and told sister to basically shut up, it's your fault and you However, even after I stopped being friends with her, she continued to make up lies about me and made my life hell right up until we graduated. My brother has surprised me and my family with two adorable kittens in october. But it isn't my fault that I am the golden child. What your sister said wasn't a joke and it wasn't funny. Your parents failed both of you. true. My (m23) brother (m25) is a complicated man honestly. Playing babysitter to her became so unbearable, I eventually “ran away” from home to live with my My sister started bringing up her cancer story again. She fought him over having to clean up after herself, and in the end my mom had to do it. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Here’s how our exchange goes: Maya: I thought you hated supreme pizza. I (28F) recently made a decision that my family is calling unforgivable, but I still don't think I'm completely in the wrong here. It was very sad. AITA for leaving my half siblings without child care? Not the A-hole. This all started because my whole family except for my dad believes they are faster than me. Now, sis (27) and I are the only grandkids. My sister 100% this, I'm not going to put my whole story here, but long story short my older sister has been a shit show for a long time. Now that I'm older, I realized my sister wasn't the one at fault & I put the blame where it belongs. This summer I am taking my family to Disney World. We didn’t talk for almost 2 months then I guess my sister finally realized I wasn’t gonna budge so she agreed she’d be more nicer to Annie and The day my dad died, my sister had become incontinent again and had an "accident" on the couch. Sis needs to grow up. Yelling, I looked at my sister-in-law telling her; How dare she use my nursery, for my baby, how dare she think she has the right. In order to raise me she gave up a lot; her relationship with her father, college, her 20s, and so much more. In some ways I want to entirely leave any ties to my biological family behind. Back in 9th grade my sisters saw me on game film and i Last weekend, I straight up told my sister I needed to talk to her, and told her that I wanted my house back and to live with my partner alone before getting married and starting to have children. If you're asking whose cookie sample made it to the menu, the answer is my sister and my 2 cousins. I got a beating. After this our parents scolded her for purposely trying to get something I didn’t like. • 16 min. The AITA part: During visits to my grandmother (restrictions allow it) she asks me how my sister is doing. It is true I said it was because I was upset she doesn't want me to go Not the A-hole. 2) I was rude to my mother. My mom paid my sister and BIL a visit after they repaid me Growing up, my parents treated my sister and me totally differently. I finally gave in and we began the process back in March. It’s an ugly look on her and it reflects badly on all of them. They married and had two more children after the one she concieved during my marriage to him. edit #2 : i came back a little surprised at how many comments this post had received. What will help her most is for everyone to stop enabling her and for her to take personal responsibility. Obviously you are hurting from your sister being put ahead of you. Whereas my sister was their baby. I’m not talking about the regular taunt here and there I’m talking about taking things with significant value and either breaking them, threatening to, or outright taking them simply to start a fight or get what she wants. She was rather rebellious as a teenager and essentially pissed her life down the drain so as a result, my parents are extra strict with me, despite the fact I've never even given them a reason to be. I resented my sister for years because of it. I have a son who just turned four and a three-month-old daughter with my husband (39m). She's a jerk to our younger brother? My fault. Not the A-hole. ADMIN MOD. I never got the same treatment as her - she got new stuff, and I had to work for everything with my part-time job, even though I had to give half of my earnings to my parents. ” My mom is from Colombia. I snapped and told her that her surviving breast cancer was not impressive nor inspiration, it has a survival rate of 96% and to stop making everything about her story. But a week after that my parents called asking if I'd found a house yet. I tell her I don't know. I refused to go to my half sister's wedding to make her look better to her future husband and his family or maybe just his family and friends. Our parents are paying 30% Stella and Jon paying for the rest themselves. I was in the room when my sister got out and she was PISSED. We went to different universities and I’m in my mid-twenties now. In mid April, he came to our house to see my sister on her birthday. O and I both like gaming, she has a Business, Economics, and Finance. She needs someone to help her process the swirling storm that is her internal thought process and how she sees herself. Me:Calm down I was out in 6 minutes, mom was the longest. This left me in the house full time with Emily. Info Few things to put on here: My wife wasn't the only one whose sample was rejected. I travel a lot for work so I have so many hotel and airline points it is crazy. I can’t forgive her for that and I feel I am owed an apology before any contact could continue. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For They said my sister has been through hell and she deserves my support, my love, and to know she has people behind her. My mom and Ted started dating around 6 months ago. You hit the nail on the head, ALL my issues' root problem is not being heard. She would blame me for everything and our parents would believe her. i don't know if i'm the a-hole in this situation Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. My sister, Gillian, is 34f. AITA for beating my sister up and blaming my whole family for enabling her behavior? -Askreddit #askreddit #reddit #aita #redditstorie #redditposts FYI, I asked my middle daughter if she wanted to move into her sister's room after my oldest moves out and she said no because she already had her room the way she wanted it. My sister and I still didn’t see eye to eye so that’s when I made the decision that she wouldn’t be allowed around us for a while and stuck with the same condition I made in my original post. I ended up in a loving family, with parents who care for me and siblings who I know and care for. I would be the first person on my way to my sisters house with some ice cream and booze to cry about what a horrible parent she has, and your snot nosed spoiled brat of a step daughter is actually instigating your behavior. She didn't do chores? My fault, I'm the golden child. Last week, while we were meeting and finalizing a few things, she asked me about the party trick I mentioned. She claims to like me but is so passive aggressive and hostile, my friends see this too. Ever. She even resorted to calling me a loser and a dropout because I decided to get my GED instead. Wow you guys are ruthless. My sister (18f) and I (20m) we not surprised to see it finally happen. Info. My parents had two girls me (17f) and my sister (14f). Ok-Mycologist-5618. The day of the shower comes and my sister (35F let's call her Jen) and my niece (14F - Anne) show up. They spoil her rotten. My parents got divorced back in July after 23 years of marriage. Wont say which but it's a big one. The daughter is self-destructive. MOD. When she didn't do anything to clean up, he asked her to clean up and get changed. I made this choice and I need to take responsibility for it. ago. Some background. That's when I found out from my parents that they actually threatened to disown my sister if she and her husband didn't make some changes for the better. My parents always prioritized damage control and keeping her happy to avoid conflict, while I quietly lived my life, got shafted on time/attention and got the weight of responsibility to family drilled into me. My older sister Ariel has 2 kids with her husband. Lastly, the rules she imposes on your brother should not apply to you as you're an adult. Wishing you all the best as you welcome your child into your family ️. I fully see that I was in the wrong and my behavior is inexcusable. My sister got accepted to her dream college. " Context and a very short version- when I was 17 I was in a relationship with my twin brothers best friend Jake it lasted 8 years till we were all finished collage and my ex had gotten enough money off his extremely religious parents to get a head start in life If you don’t know were this is going my brother and Jake were together the whole time and used me as a cover because my feelings didn I want to report my doctor, who also happens to my my sister’s best friend, for violating HIPAA regulations, most likely causing her to lose her license to practice or face criminal penalties. No one in our family is Mom ended up marrying her dad after the affair was revealed and DNA was established (apparently he wouldn't have married mom if my half sister hadn't been his). This was our dynamic 100%. Recently, he announced that he had gotten engaged to his girlfriend. The family is on board because this is going to be a very big wedding. In addition, you are not responsible for your brother's behavior and your mother needs to understand that she needs to stop comparing an adult to a child. Here's how it happened. She had sex that resulted in the child, and she will be carrying the child. The police were called, obviously not by my family, and as they were coming up to take me to a hospital, my aunt told me that I was in trouble and the police were coming to take me away, “because I was a bad boy. She hates me. Eventually my sister caught on and used it to her advantage. My oldest sister who is 6 years older than me has been very rude to us both. I'm going to try to keep this brief so if any details are required please ask. Accomplished-Bit1236. I laughed at my sister's predicament after her bachelorette party caused her wedding to implode. My dad always lets it slide and mom will tell her we're a family, to which my half sister will say she's family but my dad and I are not. AITA for not giving my sister in law and her family a luxury vacation. We are going to stay at one of the resorts on the property. It's been a few months since I initially posted, so here's an update on how my life's going. She laughs saying how 'she only had a few sips of her drink'. He believes our parents never loved him because our sister The sister needs to get a divorce. For some context,me and my siblings always generally got along. My sister walked out of the room. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Because they gave me up, I had a mother who didn’t/wouldn’t protect me from my father. Which just confirms the circle of toxic communication I am desperately trying to escape. So a little insight before I get into what happened, I, (23F), have been with my (25M), husband since 9th grade. I'm glad I made this post before acting on my anger. Go no contact. If the BIL is a half decent person he’ll send his family to you while he sorts himself out. A lot of people who say her outfit agree she was out of line for a funeral. JFC. My (16m) sister (5f) has a very bad habit of straight up clinging to me and trying to make me to do things with her, or play with her. Opening_Marsupial906. She got upset and went running to our mom, who called me an asshole for not considering how my sister would feel about that. Update 2: mom showed up at my work because how dare i talk to my family that way and how dare i not give her grandkids. I do not deserve to have her as a sister and I am literally a piece of crap. The sister is probably winding up OP. My mom and I are latino. To force him to confront his transgressions any earlier isn’t fair to either of you. I have chosen to live my life differently and I hope this book gives you the same tools so you, too, can stop enabling my sister's poor behavior. Stay but no BIL or 2. My parents always argued a lot and didn't see eye-to-eye on a lot of Yeah, they have the same food on their plate. " N-exactly-TAH, is my initial impression, but this is a very complicated situation. She told her boyfriend (at the time, now husband) that my other sister wears two bras. AITA? Using a throwaway because I don’t want anyone I know to see that i’m posting about the situation. Now I'm not sure if I totally believe that. AITA FOR BLAMING MY MOM FOR HER DIVORCE. For some context, my cousin was dating someone for a while and he was Latino while almost my whole family is White european. First, and most importantly, I am very sorry for this tremendous loss that you and your family are experiencing. They made me get a job at 14 to help with bills and rent, while my sister didn't have to. I (38f) grew up with my sister (34f) and a single mom (who passed when we were in our early twenties). I (17F) my half siblings (4&5) my older brother (19) my mom and her boyfriend Ted. May 3, 2024 · YTA for striking your sister, but your family are TA's for accepting her perverse behaviour. Good for you for what you said - and don't forget that your parents sided with your sister. They need to stop. She forgot to do her schoolwork? Golden child. Don’t come. Her 'ghosting' is likely evidence of her mental health and has nothing to do with her feelings about you. She has a place in the family too and her feelings should be taken into consideration as well as her sister's. He blames everything on everyone but him, he convinced himself he's the victim of a scapegoat/ golden child scenario. But she has rejected me as "not being her real sister" from day one. I wasn't even openly blaming her, just voicing my frustration about how badly covid was beating me, and that I had to spend another birthday being completely miserable, yet she made the situation about herself by say that the family "Never focus on the good she's done for us and only judge her for the negatives. My family have said I was wrong. Deep down, she tells herself her mom would have stayed if she was worthy of being loved. NTA - I don't think telling your sister you hate her is more cruel than her bullying you for many years, something that has soured your relationship and that few people are taking into account here. AITA for not taking any of the blame for my stepsisters learning the truth? Not the A-hole. . Someone had said something about my cousin and her bf getting married. AITA for blaming my sister when I got nothing for my birthday? Not the A-hole. Let your mother know if she won’t stop pushing for your sake than to stop pushing for your brother’s. Fast forward to the end of 2016. Be very careful - putting the blame on your sister leaves you vulnerable to the crap influence of your parents. First, I no longer feel bad about making my dad leave the meet-up - since he somehow reconciled with both my mom and sister. Safer for you, your partner and your future child. I'm going to stay with my bff for a while. My son has a strict 5:45 PM curfew; he's not allowed to date, and he's only allowed to watch PG-13 movies Street-Chip-6020. My dad His parents are paying about 60% of the wedding. We're friendly co-parents. She has made rude comments about how my knees look like boulders, and how I always look tired. This is where my grandmother always argues I should be the better person and forgive her. Just a heads up, my sister had her dad walk her down the aisle the first time after her step mom (my bio mom) persuaded Thank you for validating my efforts to stand up for myself. A few months ago I got engaged and I told my sister that Stop making her your responsibility. It's a pandemic. 7K comments. Most of my family has NEVER responded to that well. He bought a ton of gifts and said a She got pissed and told her go home and put on a respectable outfit. In other words, though the parents are the major assholes, OP, too, is an asshole. YTA for calling your husband out in front of everyone for (rightfully) beating your sister’s bf up. Parents need to stop enabling her tantrum and talk to her about how she wants her room to look. I asked everyone who they thought really made those comments. In other words, your sister is very fragile. DrawerKooky2800. Yes something as dumb as this. A few days ago my two younger stepsisters ages 9 and 8 found my therapy journal in my room after my mom decided she wanted to do a deep clean of my stuff and clear out "unwanted junk". I normally wake my siblings up get them ready for school. Once she’s away from her shit husband and distances herself from her toxic sister maybe she’ll start taking better care of herself. I met my current husband when I had distanced myself from my whole family and he was amazing and his family were great. I thought my family would back me up but instead my parents backed up my sister. For context: my sister has been a bully since she was about 6. I got involved in an issue that doesn’t concern me. Ex (31) and I (m32) had C, (F16) way too young. I (22 F) live with my single mom, brother and grandparents. I'm very sorry for your devastating loss. My sister chose to be my guardian and her father's family went low-contact with her as a result. It could cause major damage to her life, undue years of hard work and also destroy my sister’s longest friendship that means the world to her. The other half were silent. There's not a single insult you guys can give me, that I haven't given myself. They've… AITA for blaming my sister for a last-minute change of plans? EDIT: Ok, I read this post back and I realize I sound like a whiney bitch. They're throwing OP to the wolves in favour of her sister and the baby, which is very wrong indeed. Obviously she could have been lying but from her tears and the way she put trust into me, I believed she wasn't lying so I got a few of my cousins front my father village to help me locate the bastard and gave him a beating, I kept asking him why she would r*** her own sister but he just stated that she disrespected the family honour. AITA for not going to my sister's wedding. Ultimately, I shouldn't be reliant on my sister for feeling safe. My sister in law and her family had a hard time during the pandemic Proud_Buyer_8918. . I suggested my family break up. We have SIL's (brother's wife) and my younger sister's. My husband is transgender, FTM. I couldn’t ask for anything over $20, while my sister could ask for something in the hundreds and they get it for her. I am further sorry for the years of stress that your family has surely experienced from your sister’s behavior. She left and didn’t come back. I’m 42 and my family is 600 miles away, and they will never My older sister was treated horribly by our mother when growing up and she managed to escape by marrying a man and moving to another country. It's clear that your outburst has been building up for a long time, and your parents are primarily to blame for this. In some ways, I don’t want any ties to my biological family. She stayed until my mom told her to get the fuck out since she can’t dress appropriately. Aunt never married. The "golden child syndrome" made it easy for your sister to make poor decisions and rebel. Sisters (28 and 29) and I (23M) usually have a really good relationship but i recently had to embarrass them at a get together we had a few days ago. Anyway, she has 4 children (11,8,3,11m) and the youngest one is about to be 1 years old, she went on holiday cheated on her fiancé, got pregnant, ended up telling him and they broke up, he ended up killing himself. My younger sister (23F) has been planning her dream wedding for over a year. It's our parents and I couldn't stand it anymore, I just blew up at her. It was cruel. I told them my sister deserved what she got and maybe she can now learn. Reminds me of me and my sister. tx tx jh dm ya se bn yi yb at