Lotro virtue traits for champion
Lotro virtue traits for champion. all the way through to the other side. Instead of the elements doing the damage on long cooldowns in red. Passive means you will always have that bonus if you equip it or not. Values. Managing Fervour, health, and power makes this Tank unstoppable. The High Elves are those who are counted among the Noldor, the Falmari, and the Calaquendi, who have been to Valinor and seen its sacred Light. Equipping Traits. Which virtue traits should I pick? I've been using Valour, Discipline, Innocence, Justice, and Loyalty for years, but I figure enough has changed in the game to possibly re-think those. Aug 30, 2023 路 Beornings. The Deadly Storm. Gameplay: Champions wade into battle swinging their weapons in all directions, dealing significant damage to many foes at once. I’ve been playing a Rune-keeper in LOTRO on and off since 2008, and I thoroughly enjoy it. Welcome to LotroHQ’s Captain builds! You can click on the image of the red/blue/yellow build to visit the associated guide. +x Tactical Mastery Rating. Points Spent: 0. Mar 22, 2021 路 Best Virtue for Champion: Fidelity. There are 10 virtues in Lord of the Rings Online, and each one has different benefits and effects. And for the Champion and Mariner classes, Might also contributes to Physical Mitigation. Warden Blue Line Class Trait Analysis and Tank Build Guide. 4. Build your LOTRO Captain - Lead the Charge Trait Tree using in-game like editor. The Update 39 instances will show us where it will land. Traits: Discipline, Determination, Valor are must haves imho, Justice and/or Loyalty are quite good because of the extra morale and i would suggest Innocence because of the melee defence rating. Find the best LOTRO Class Builds, Guides, Tips & Tricks here! Our Discord bot in your server! LotroBuild bot allows you use all features from our project right from your discord server! The Virtues of the Elves are represented strongly in you. Later on, we will go over our virtues and racial traits. The best way to learn about Class Deeds is to open your Traits panel ("J" key) and select the "Class" tab: Class Trait Panel Breakdown. I Love Fried Orc is the latest Lotro Trait 13603. Determination. Beast-slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) Slayer. But you’ll need 16 virtues at level 68 to add up to 2 essences worth of stats. Join us on Discord! LI Tracery Planner. Gameplay: Beornings are skin-changers that can change into the form of a bear in combat. +x Tactical Mitigation. So basically, I should throw away two decent level traits and start over with new ones. Dedicated to The Lord of the Rings Online, the MMORPG based on Professor J. Blue Warden Virtues: Which ones and why? LOTRO is my first online game, and I'm playing a level 30 blue-line hobbit warden. They are gruff, distrustful, impolite, respect all creatures of nature, and hate Orcs more than anything. If you like the video, please Each virtue has an active and a passive. Or, going for mostly offensive virtues, and a couple defensive virtues, then slotting in gear and essences to get you up to the numbers you want on both. However in a group setting it’s hard to control their damage between a mix of longer cooldowns, lots of dots and aoe. These are consumable items that immediately grant VXP when you “use” them. play, he is a juggernaut of brute force, bowling through any obstacle. I always forget about Fidelity. Specs, Class Traits, and Leveling. I've read lots of suggestions about which virtues to choose, but I'm still scratching my head. gg/KgjbSchCGPSupport Ghyn: https://ko-fi. They are one of the easiest classes to play out-of-the-box. Defeat 200 Beasts in Eastemnet. I've got an old Champion at level 24 and not a lot of experience with captaining. There are 2 ways to go about determing how to trait a Champion. from the Martial Champion line makes Glory stance increase maximum. Virtue Packs. +x Critical Rating. Points Available: 95. Depending on the instance, group composition and tier, a heavier emphasis on mitigation and morale is warranted. Zeal. 馃崠 Support ILFO! New ILFO Dashboard. Red loremaster got a massive update to their redline skills in U33. Here are the Virtues which go along with the Stat Goals: Confidence. A hard to control force making it a bit of a hazard Apr 14, 2024 路 The potency of Virtue Traits may be gradually improved by increasing their tier. easy for a Champion or a Guardian. A lot of people have been asking about Virtues lately, and since I've just spent a bit of time looking at the Virtues in-game to decide which are best for my lvl 75 Minstrel, I thought I'd share some advice based upon my findings. Aggro, Threat, and Force Taunts Miniguide. Less of a "stance" than a "fast-burning fuse," Continuous. To begin, I chose the stats that I most need and want the virtue bonuses. Boar-hunter of the Eastemnet. I've looked through several wiki pages of the virtue traits and have gone to at least one specific virtue trait page (discipline) and I'm not seeing…. Innocence for Phys, Tac Resist Discipline for Phys, Resist Might (also Might means more block rating) Charity for Phys, Resist, OOCPR Honour For Vit, Tac, Resist Loyalty Vit, Pwr, Arm So to hopefully answer your question also farm other virtues that Apr 13, 2021 路 Hunter Leveling Builds Guide in the Lord of the Rings Online! Covers a class trait build for each spec (blue, red, yellow) and details what they each offer for leveling a hunter in LOTRO. Red Captain or Lead the Charge is a must for just about any instance/raid. Welcome to our Beorning class guide for Lord of the Rings Online! This guide will cover the basics of playing a Beorning, the best virtues, crafting professions, and gameplay tips. This is a Lord of the Rings Online guide on the red line specialization for the Warden, Recklessness. down, Burglars have a very high survival rate. Wit and Confidence are universal dps boosters, boosting primarily Finesse and Crit rating respectively. For endgame you can look up guides on how to properly deal damage with a champion, but all this is pretty much useless while leveling, and leveling is going to take a while until you take short-cuts (warg-pens/valar/. They focus their wrath while in bear form, choosing to deal grievous blows or bolster their own resolve. Thing is, I'm not sure which would have less friction for general play. Pages in category "Champion War-steed Traits" The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total. They utilize their Trick skills to debuff foes, and can later remove the Tricks for additional benefits. Trait points were granted from various sources such as completing class skill deeds, epic quests, certain quest arcs, and earning Promotion Points in Epic Battles. Same as the blue mariner it hasn’t had an instance and raid fight where it competes for the dps spots. Passive bonus: +x Maximum Morale. Welcome to LotroHQ's Guardian builds! LotroHQ – Class Builds, Tips & Tricks for LOTRO. For Champions, every 1 point of Vitality is equal to 4. Defensive virtues, like mitigations and resistances. Virtue Guide for Minstrels. Others will prefer to My Champion is slotted down the red line, as I plan on focusing on single-target DPS. Oct 10, 2023 路 The Beorning class is one of the playable classes in Lotro. Introduction. Brawler has 2 heals later on in the trait tree! It kinda feels like what the champ should have been, instead of just constantly spamming battle frenzy. Deeding While Leveling (With a Shield) You Don't Have to Tank! Tip #1 - Fillers and Weaving (Gameplay) Captain - LotroHQ - Class Builds, Tips & Tricks for LOTRO. The 10 virtues are: patience, kindness, humor, love, hope, faith, courage, wisdom, and fortitude. In this part of the guide, we will cover class traits. Men also make good champions due to their +15 might and +5% incoming healing modifier. Continuous Blood Rage - A legendary. Agility is "very important" for a warden, yet most posters aren't recommending using the Determination virtue to get maximum Oct 18, 2023 路 This skill is acquired by completing the Enmity of the Hillmen II racial deed, and requires the Strength of Morale racial trait to be slotted in order to use the skill. This is a Lord of the Rings Online guide on the blue line specialization for the Warden, Determination. Beornings are a unique race and class combination introduced to LOTRO with the Gondor Aflame update in 2014. Tactical Mitigation reduces incoming non-physical damage, like fire, acid, frost, lightning, and shadow. Jun 25, 2012 路 But on the end the Champion needs to make enough damage to kill the mob before the Champion dies. As a general good all round virtues I use. +x Finesse Rating. A mix of warden and champion with its mix of aoe, single target and bleeds depending on what skills you decide to chain together. So overall, while leveling try to keep your 5 active virtues topped up. A Lotro Virtue is a special quality or trait that is inherent in a character. In fellowships, a Lore-master concentrates on supporting his allies, primarily by hindering the foe's ability to deal damage. Yes, passive virtues eventually add a bonus. The above image shows eight class traits for the Warden's "Way of the Spear," but notice the Trait Dec 27, 2022 路 Champion Starter Build Guide for the Lord of the Rings Online! LOTRO Champion yellow line fifty trait point starter DPS/leveling AoE build guide also cover s Apr 20, 2024 路 Updated: April 20, 2024. Build your LOTRO Champion - The Berserker Trait Tree using in-game like editor. There are three "Trait Sets" for each class in LOTRO. Available to races: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man, River Hobbit, Stout-axe. They provide the support (buffs) which are required to clear the raid bosses, but apart from that, they can help out with decent DPS as well. This effect can stack up to five times. gg/hAZcHspM35Ghyniverse LFF server: https://discord. Lore: Unrelenting in battle, Champions are the consummate warriors. A possibly beast of dps when it has the correct spot to shine. It was added to the game with Update 15 - Gondor Aflame, in 2014. Welcome to our class guide for the Rune-keeper in Lord of the Rings Online! This guide will cover the class basics, race options, virtues, useful crafting professions, build suggestions, and tips on how to play the Rune-keeper. The first stat listed on the tooltip grants the largest bonus, the next grants a somewhat smaller bonus, and the last stat listed on the tooltip Deals bursts of single-target high damage, relying on a high Crit chance to do massive damage. I Love Fried Orc is the latest Lotro Trait Tree Planner, updated in 2023. Virtues. Our guides are aimed at all players. The Power cost for this skill is 30% of your character's current maximum Power. Keep in mind that, through the traits Shoot To Kill and LOTRO community discord server: https://discord. com/ghynghynTwit Apr 20, 2024 路 Updated: April 20, 2024. Damage-soaking Tank who prefers offence over defence. The five green traits across the top of the traits panel are the stat traits, which increase your War-steed's attributes. 1. The guides covers an in depth analysis of the spec with: This guide was updated during Update 28. They can attack from range and combat in melee with their Staff-strike and Staff-sweep skills. Award. Nov 23, 2023 路 About the Will topic: I think in the long run there will be a change back to might for bGuard (although this coming from my experience with my bWarden so not a 100% comparable) - Slotting Will seems just to be a stopgap solution (higher mits) until our overall mits increase, making Might (or in my case, agi) better for the higher avoidance rating. Trait preview link: Introduction. So it is in your favor to get all of these to the max - but focus on your 5 first. Then you want your character's main stat (Might for Captains), Physical Mastery, Critical Hit and Finesse from your virtues so pick the virtues that prioritise those. Zeal isn't as good as the other dps virtues because might is just not as efficient stats wise, and having both loyalty and fidelity for the extra morale and the tactical mitigation is very good for Oct 7, 2010 路 Trait lines for Champions are fairly straightforward: one line for area-effect attacks, one line for single-target attacks, and one line for defense. U24 brought this large revamp to our virtues, so we cover eve Apr 16, 2024 路 History. Feb 15, 2021 路 Virtue. Their abilities are a mix of nature magic like fire, lightning, and frost. I will discuss skill rotation, trait point usage, virtues, and legendaries. Oct 8, 2010 路 sword-and-board style, wield powerful 2-handed weapons, or dual-wield. For some, trait-line purism is the preferred method, specializing in a single aspect and mastering it. Class traits are highly dependent on the role you're filling, either single target DPS, AOE, or off tanking. But each level 68 is roughly worth 1,5 essence making up 1 or 2 extra gear pieces. Jul 6, 2020 路 Warden Red Line Trait Analysis and DPS Build Guide. The release of Before the Shadow saw a simplification of the system granting trait points solely Mar 21, 2024 路 Some gear items, virtues, and relics also provide Physical Mitigation. Although your character can earn up to 21 different Virtue Traits, 9 Racial Traits, and a multitude of Class Traits, you may only equip a limited number of traits at one time. The Beornings have a famous affinity with animals, which they foster and keep in their homes more as friends than Blue Champion or The Martial Champion, tuned for tanking. May 7, 2024 路 The champion class is available to the races of man, dwarf, and elf. While levelling you usually go for offensive virtues since you are usually not in much danger and killing faster is useful. Now if someone with knowledge would make a Yellow Guardian guide I’d be over the moon. Uses a wide array of AoE attacks, inflicting whirling damage upon many foes at once. You then repeat the process until you Apr 20, 2024 路 Play-style of a Lore-master. Guardian tanks can mitigate sustainable damage better than any other tank, they have the best aggro control (AoE and ST), have one of the best B/P/E and have A Lord of the Rings Online Hunter Class Guide covering a starter build, in depth trait analysis, and gameplay guide for the blue line specialization "Huntsma Jan 15, 2013 路 So traits are best to suit what you are playing. And because its new, LOTROHQ won't have a build on it yet. Are those still viable options for DPS and survivability, or should I look Jul 28, 2023 路 Some racial traits also boost a Virtue’s level while the trait is slotted and active. Currently use this guide as a start point for your level 140 journey. Deals whirling AoE destruction upon foes. Fast paced and fluent gameplay as a new class where you pound enemies with your fists. Expires if out of combat for 9 seconds. generally-preferred method of interrupting enemy inductions. When it comes to stat prioritization for a Red Hunter, Critical Rating (25%) should be prioritized over Physical Mastery (200%), followed by Tactical Mitigation and then Vitality. The guide covers an in depth analysis of the spec with: A background on Captain as a DPS for leveling and group support in the red line. Currently limited guides available. Zeal, Valor, Confidence, Loyalty, Fidelity are the correct answer, don't bother with others until after level cap. Guardian tanks, which is specifically tuned for high-end Raids/Instances. Community Builds. Sep 19, 2021 路 Champion Trait Tree. This trait does not apply to unequipped or capped Virtues. Valour or Honesty. Virtues grant bonuses to stats and are an important part of improving your character. Apr 20, 2024 路 Welcome to our Hunter class guide for Lord of the Rings Online! Here you will learn about the play-style of the Hunter for solo, landscape, or dungeon game play. Jun 4, 2019 路 Rank: x. In the beginning levels their damage takes a while to get up relying a lot on the gear you’ve equipped being lacking upto 30. Trait points were introduced with the release of the Helm's Deep expansion. [deleted] • 2 yr. Class Traits: 4 Red; 3 Yellow imho but thats a matter Generally for heavy/medium classes you want to go for tac mit virtues. Beast-slayer of Eastern Rohan. Wit. A decent dps if played average. Virtue. 5 points in Morale, meaning you’ll have +2643 in Morale. Tolkien's beloved fantasy…. Unlike other classes, there are no alternative skills for rotation. Animation Cancelling (With Stamp) Flexibility in Class Trait Builds. They bring a 2nd Reveal Weakness debuff, which the group can use Fidelity is the better of the 2 tactical mitigation boosters due to its other two bonuses. Ideally you want to be able to mix and match from tolerance for tac mit, innocence for phys mit, fidelity for tac mit and vit, loyalty for vit. Read on and I'll share my thoughts on the best of each. These priorities are based on value and being a healer. In fellowships, a Champion concentrates on engaging as many foes as possible. Provides a lot of variation and safety compared to a fragile loremaster, but recent nerfs to the max level of pets has dampened their kill speed and ceiling of damage by a lot. S-tier: Loyalty, Valour, Zeal, Confidence, Fidelity. Detailed breakdown and analysis on trait choices. Gameplay: Burglars are masters of debuffing, skills that cause foes to deal less damage, or be easier to defeat. This spec does have a steep learning curve to it (especially when tanking groups which have high DPS), so aggro Points Spent: 0. Defeat 200 Lathbears, Draugar, or Swert Hounds in Eastemnet. Jan 28, 2021 路 Champion class gameplay in 2021 in the Lord of of the Rings Online (LOTRO) on all specializations. Share your builds with direct link or instantly in your favorite Discord server! Stat Goals. 2, in January 2021. As for endgame, it works up to t2, but because of the current raid mechanics t3 has more range classes. ) Reply. R. Red Burg has a guaranteed spot in just about any instance/raid, as they provide a lot more to the group than just DPS. Role: Damage. Aug 16, 2021 路 Virtues traits grant bonuses to your character's base stats. With each strike, their Fervour grows, allowing them to use even more potent skills. Sep 15, 2010 路 In solo. Virtue Traits are available to all characters, regardless of race or class. This is a Lord of the Rings Online guide on the red line specialization for the Captain, Lead the Charge . Some of Lotro's toughest mobs primarily do tactical damage, so even for ranged dps having a bit of help here is nice. . A-tier: Wit, Determination, Honour, Tolerance. The Lore-master plays an essential support role in LOTRO and is the only class that can wield a staff and summons nature pets to fight by their side. Good aoe attacks with some good finisher and solo or group damage buffs make the red brawler or The Maelstrom. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Sometimes even different areas/zones or fights are better with different virtues slotted. into groups of enemy mobs to sow seeds of destruction, and is the. After the recent update they are not horrible at solo dps for your weekly and other activities. 5. trait trees. You may block with a two-handed weapon. The in game trait grouping kind of helps with this, blue for tanking, red for single target DPS, and yellow for AOE. Virtue Traits also provide passive bonuses even without being equipped. Deals bursts of single-target high damage, relying on a high Apr 8, 2024 路 Champion. This is the LOTRO Basics class page for the Champion class in the Lord of the Rings Online - containing a list of class guides and resources with the goal to provide the community with up-to-date and current information on the class! Welcome to LotroHQ! Your ultimate resource for class builds in The Lord of the Rings Online. They can come in the form of a “potion” with this icon , the same as the free 20/40VXP items you get from Hobbit Gifts. The potency of Virtue Traits may be gradually improved by increasing their tier. This class is inspired by Gimli son of Red Burg or The Quiet Knife has one of the easiest rotations amongst other LOTRO DPS classes. Class Difficulty: Basic. Burglars also have stealth skills, and are proficient in initiating Fellowship Manoeuvres. Later on things may change so you may want to try to Valour, Fortitude, and Discipline for starters. Burglar soloing requires strategy and planning, and once you have those. After this the red mini is a force. In PvMP, the Guardian can charge. Below the stat traits are three trait trees, in red, blue Sep 23, 2015 路 This is a full 75 point build into The Deadly Storm. Plan your trait lines, share your builds, and browse others' builds! Jul 15, 2020 路 Captain Red Line Trait Analysis and Build Guide. Jun 7, 2019 路 I take an in-depth look at the overhauled virtue traits system in the Lord of the Rings Online. Oct 22, 2010 路 Soloing with a Burglar is not "easy" in the same sense that it. Deals single-target, Crit-based melee damage. Apr 14, 2024 路 Racial Traits are associated with your character's race. Blue gets the job done, but yellow feels so much more fun! 63K subscribers in the lotro community. is. It's very easy to get offensive stats from gear but a lot harder to get defensive stats. Here, you'll find a wealth of information and analysis on each of the game's classes, including recommended skill and trait builds, playstyle tips, and more. skill attainable at level 58 by completing (something in Moria). Soloing is slower with a Burglar that with a lot of other. 2000. +x Physical Mitigation. Celebrimbor, the leader of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain and greatest of the ring-forgers of Eregion. Your well-honed wit is a true advantage. There are not many High Elves left in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age. Throw in Zeal and/or Innocence for tankiness, Empathy for crit rating. that stands in his way. headlong into an enemy raid, with a better chance than most of getting. . But 2023 is a year of class changes. The following Virtues increase Physical Mitigation: Compassion (+15 to +8062) Innocence (+15 to +8062) Charity (+8 to +4031) Discipline (+5 to +2423) Fidelity (+5 to +2423) Tolerance (+5 May 31, 2020 路 I’d still put them behind trait points or your Legendary weapon. Honor and fidelity woulf be better for tankyness as a champ is bound to have high phys mitigation from the start. The player can slot five at a time, usually picking those they deem appropriate for their class. This bring their damage up to top. The Morale restore is 40% of your character's current maximum Morale. morale while toggled. This guide will cover Hunter build suggestions, which virtues to slot, which vocations are useful, and tips on how to play your Hunter. Additionally, each Trait Set has nine available traits. Feb 18, 2017 路 This panel contains three types of traits: virtue, racial, and class. Stat-wise, dwarves tend to make slightly better champions (guardians as well arguably) due to their +15 might and +10 vitality racial trait - but this is fairly negligible overall. Oct 16, 2023 路 Traits Panel. Jun 2, 2023 路 So, I have enough character slots to make a Captain and a Champion for a Hardened Traveler run to 50 for the titles with the rank 3 difficulty slider. While there’s no specific content which requires a Blue Champion Tank, they are still perfectly viable to tank 3/6-man Instances and Raids up to and under T3 Difficulty. A Champion cares not for his own well-being, but relies on his strength and prowess to slay the Enemy before they can bring more destruction to Middle-earth. Plan your trait lines, share your builds, and browse others' builds! May 7, 2024 路 The champion class is available to the races of man, dwarf, and elf. Confidence, Valor, Wit, Loyalty, and Fidelity are the best 5 virtues for champ if you're raiding. Captain 4. Let your pets do all the work for you. The guide covers an in depth analysis of the spec with: A background on Warden as a DPS and the red line. +x Physical Mastery Rating. If you’re a new player or returning to LOTRO Providing using anthems and ballads to boost your damage for longer fights. Your War-steed's Traits can be viewed on the "Traits" tab of the Mounted Combat UI (Shift-M). Gameplay: Lore-masters are the masters of crowd-control, skills that trap foes and keep them from fighting. Jan 15, 2013 路 Now, my kinship leader, who is a very knowledgeable guy and can answer almost any question I might have about LOTRO says I need different virtues, namely Loyalty, Valour, Discipline, Compassion, and Charity. +x Vitality. We hope this guide will be useful to you. Share your builds with direct link or instantly in your favorite Discord server! May 15, 2024 路 Virtues are a type of trait that characters can gain in Lotro. It is easy, but in a different way. Sort by: Search Comments. You can get stat increases on the following: As a minstrel you can either Jul 3, 2020 路 The 7 Guardian Tips: Fillers and Weaving. Pets, pets, pets and more pets. Oct 23, 2022 路 Includes LOTRO Warden basics, stats, gear, specialization overviews, class trait builds (blue tank, red DPS, yellow DPS), virtue trait selection, and legendary items/tracery builds. In a group, the Champion is the group's cannonball, hurled. Beorning is a heavy armour healer, which allows it to be in melee range, to keep its debuffs going and to make up for their lesser radius on majority of their healing skills, not to mention their wrath generating skills, which are also mostly melee. For the LOTRO Champion picking the right class traits can seriously affect your success. Decent aoe and decent single target with the option to refine your self- and group buffs depending on which skills and finishers you use. Excellent on the move and a lot of burst damage. Even though racial traits are race-based, we can still cover how some aspects apply to Wardens specifically. For details see Beorning (Race) Beornings descend from ancient Men, and can "skin-change" into bears when angered. Reply. A warrior line, forgoing the shield for better weapons. Critical Rating-> Physical Mastery-> (Enough)Finesse -> Tact/Phys Mitigations -> Vitality. Oct 13, 2022 路 5. Passive bonuses: +x Physical Mastery Rating. A player's choice of race for a character is often primarily based on the Racial Traits available for that race. These five traits are identical for all three steed types. There is not a lot of ‘Form’ switching while tanking, and it is generally advised you stay in Bear Form while tanking, at least around 90% of the time. Beorning tank brings great debuffs for the group (especially for the Melee DPS), it has solid Physical Mitigation (around 75%+ with Minstrel), and has great aggro control. Blue Guardians got a little revamp to some of their skills and they are now pretty good tanks for all content. The Champion is a relentless warrior, always at the forefr Aug 27, 2021 路 **For champion dps and agility/will dps Tact Mit build Fidelity is supposed to be the virtue instead of Honour**In-Depth virtue guide for how to get max valu Just left-click on the unlearnt virtue (it will say Earning i think) and complete deeds to start earning VXP towards unlocking it until you have enough to reach level 1. to every race. Aug 30, 2023 路 Burglar. A well played Beorning will always keep Introduction. Each Virtue grants bonuses to 3 different stats. My recommendations are: Tolerance, Fidelity, Mercy, Honour & Innocence. Jan 14, 2024 路 High Elves of Lore. Your fidelity has earned you the respect of those around you. They may call on animal companions to fight by their side and even call on elemental forces to damage their foes. Leveling Guide: Pull enemies, kill them however you like. Therefore, the discerning player can choose one of their five virtues and then undertake specific deeds to level it to 75 which is the current cap. ago. Anyway, when you go to the class traits in the trait Oct 8, 2010 路 Slotting 4 traits. Physical Mitigation reduces incoming physical damage. Active means you will have that bonus when you equip it as part of your five. The Guardian class is available. gg nn zv eq ly da lj rm cx iq