Avx offset or not If OP has to gimp their config to only 4. Even if users don’t run AVX apps, BIOS should still be configured for it, as certain utilities use Aug 23, 2018 · If the AVX hits you with OCD, you can just disable the offset, increase the voltage a little and play for few days for stablitity instead of OCCT. I tried setting it to even -10 and it did not do anything. I dont think there is a fix for this - I read that intel mc updates (etc) can force a 100mhz downshift no matter what you set, no matter what voltage or protections Apr 21, 2024 · From what i have read (which is mostly older posts) is that if any AVX is sensed even if light that the offset kicks in. 35 Max draw of 158w 7x r20 was max temp 71 Avx offset 3 Timespy 15590 MCE disabled XMP only. 7 under x264. Dec 30, 2024 · Setting "specific per-core" ratio limits to 52x in BIOS doesn't prevent throttling (with AVX offset = 0). Even Windows uses AVX these days anyway, so just go for an offset of 0, if you want higher performance you should look into different turbo boost frequencies for different amounts of cores. Dec 3, 2018 · the odd part, it would crash if i didn't set avx offset to 2, but when i ran the computer without the GPU (GTX 1070) it would handle avx loads at 4. 先看看AVX最高能跑多少稳定,如果AVX最高能跑5. 355 So as i am pretty new to this i need advise about my avx offset. you can clearly tell when the game is running avx. With that said, expect to need a lot more voltage for 5GHz without AVX offset than with an AVX offset of -2, as pretty much anything nowadays will just run at 4. Also AVX makes the voltage skyrocket when using offset, I am trying to find the best solution, because games like GTA5 use AVX and I have heard of bios bugs as well causing the AVX to kick in a lot. The ratio offsets help achieve maximum performance for SSE, AVX, and AMX workloads. I've tried pretty much every option and setting so I'm reaching out for help. With 3xxx - there is no fun in ocing the cpus anymore. Voltages work proper until i set the avx offset then the voltage for the avx work load gets put back to 1. Not only that, but bouncing between the AVX offset and the regular clock can actually cause stability to be worse than simply running at the full clock 100% of the time because of quirks of the power delivery which haven't been ironed out on any Intel arch yet. But here, all my settings, done for non avx, are not really making any difference. Power throttling. Combine it with an AVX offset and a non-AVX P95 OC run up afterwards, ain't nothin' gonna crash that system - that's a handy OC profile to have saved for troubleshooting higher overclocks later on. 6ghz under AVX). I would recommend trying no offset, or at the very most 1-2. the AVX offset is always used. The weird thing now is that the CPU underclocks the cores under AVX load. 2 clocks while you're only running 5. Thank you! The problem is that [most] games will downclock the CPU by this overkill AVX offset, e. 8 under Prime95 and 4. Is that expected? I guess since AVX2 (256-bit registers) is a superset (and an extension) of AVX (128-bit registers), it makes sense the offset applies both AVX and AVX2 simultaneously. ) under avx instruction stuff. Someone said to use Intel VTUNE, but I can't find any guides on how to set it up too see what programs are running AVX. AVX2 offset is user specified to 0 in bios but still there is a drop. it shows the freq drop to what you set it in your bios less the avx offset. 15v (except when SpeedStep is active). 2801 IIRC Turn offset cpu voltege back to manual. If you have a CPU that's stable at 5. 0ghz range pushes the max frequency below this default 4. 6 ghz. This is not a heavy avx load and doesn't require an offsetBut if you have a -6 set your cpu will only run at 4. My AVX offset is set to 0 and CPU SVID support is disabled. Nov 16, 2021 · 5400Mhz all core with adaptive voltage + Offset - 0. 7ghz turbo frequency the behavior appears. Aug 13, 2021 · The AVX offset reduces clock speeds during AVX instructions to help maintain stability. AVX offset can cause instability, and is not recommended to use. Why you should use an AVX offset AVX is fairly new instruction set, that was first implemented by Intel with the sandy bridge architecture, it's sole purpose is to keep cpu's (somewhat) competitive with gpus in parallelized workloads. AVX256 instructions is supposed to be capped at x51 multiplier (AVX128 can go higher), this includes stuff like Y-cruncher, prime95, Stockfish chess, but not cinebench R20/R23 and many games, etc, and this limitation could only be avoided by enforcing a -1 AVX512F offset and some other workarounds which cause issues with per core usage. 1 GHz and all-core is 4. The stuff that needs an AVX offset will default to the lower clock speed. Normally games dont use AVX, but Apex does for some strange reason. 8 and 4. 6 non-AVX, so I bumped the ratios and set the AVX offset to 2 but that somehow causes it to be unstable in Prime Small FFTs, even though it's still running at 5. 2G+ frequency with AVX stavility w/ or w/o AVX offset, within reasonable voltage range. 325vcore. So offset of 2 it would drop by 200 MHz. I have my 7700k OC'd to 4. This happens if your voltage guardband is too low. If you aren't doing AVX workloads then I would turn it off as the switching of frequency when the AVX is enabled can actually cause some systems to be unstable as the entire system has to essentially stop for a moment, frequency is reclocked, then instructions have to start up again. 335v - 3 notches lower and so on. I'm just not currently running one at 4. If it's good overnight you should be good to go. A really weird thing that happens, if i try to dabble with AVX offset, for example, set it to 2, the CPU will fluctuate between 4. I also tried AVX offset -6 and -10 it absolutely does nothing. 4ghz when processing the avx On Z390, having an AVX offset would often hurt your stability in any non AVX heavy load, if something triggered a background task AVX downclock instruction, if you were too close to your minimum required vcore for stability. If the specfic-per-core frequency limits (not the 2c turbo limit, the individual core limits), are all set to 5200 MHz, bypassing active-core-dependent turbo and ITMT3. Thus the AVX offset of introduced and what this does is when it detects that AVX instructions are being used it will DOWNCLOCK 100MHZ x [the number you set] to help save the cpu from heat. What is required is a feature where AVX offset only takes effect when power usage above a certain threshold is detected. He only plays games, so having a 0 AVX offset wouldn't do him much good from what I understand about AVX. First, using an AVX offset causes instability because of something called "PLL Latching", where basically, the CPU clock speed drops to the AVX down bin, but actually, the CPU will upclock itself back up to max speed, for periods of microseconds, faster than any sensor can show, and the voltage regulators won't be able to react in time. 6 or Cinebench no matter what. This was not a thing before. There are current limits (TDC and EDC) that are available when you enable PBO, but these aren't directly AVX specific AFAIK, raising or lowering them will affect all performance and not just AVX. But remember even very light loads like some games use avx, e. The AVX offset DOES NOT WORK. What offset do I use? Do I disable it after stress-testing? Guess so Why use an instruction set on a gaming PC that'll introduce loads that are so unrealistic that you would need an offset in the first place? Which AVX to use? I read that my Ryzen 3600 supports AVX1 and 2 but not AVX512. For example, if OP's system is only stable at 4. thanks so much! The only way to get AVX stable is accept the offset or give it more voltage, which also means more heat. Mar 2, 2021 · It is common knowledge that the AVX offset helps us achieve better overclocks with programs that don't have AVX workloads. The new Skylake-X CPUs feature not only AVX-2 but also So if I have an AVX offset of 2 and the stress test programs I use are AVX, is this a bad way to test stability? My 7700k is clocked to 5. Oct 8, 2019 · I did not want to run an AVX offset because I always noted in my testing that the cpu would toggle to the avx offset constantly in games, often ping ponging between my real frequency and the avx offset. 0, an AVX offset of only 1 suffices to prevent the throttling. Here are the most important settings I set in the bios: XMP II (tried XMP I as well) ASUS MultiCore Enhancement - disabled AVS Instruction Core Ratio Negative Offset - 0 Mar 19, 2017 · The AVX feature can be use at a user-defined frequency when overclocked and that is why the feature is available. Set Active Turbo Ratios to Manual. 0 during AVX workloads. If you want platinum-standard stability over maximum clock speed, you can't do better. So you may find your CPU downclocking during normal usage, which basically counteracts your whole overclock. 5 This has been happening since BIOS rev. Thanks for the suggestions, I will try getting rid of the AVX offset and will also try realbench as a test. Aug 13, 2022 · I have ROG STRIX B660-F GAMING WIFI with 12700 cpu, now my question is can avx offset be added to bios because only option is to disable avx completelly, now i seen other b660 that have avx offset option, so what i am asking is maybe my non K cannot change avx offset or just this motherboard didn't included that option. 0x8 4. Mar 6, 2023 · 2. AVX Ratio Offset enables us to reduce the CPU operating frequency when the workload uses AVX instructions by down-binning a predefined number of Turbo bins from the Per Core Ratio Limit. 2,电压模式建议用offset加防掉压找到合适的参数 Dec 30, 2019 · offset adds/subtracts a specified voltage throughout the entire frequency range except during SpeedStep. But, cpu at 100% works at 4. After delid but before direct die I can achieve 5. You could also consider getting it delidded + I overclocked my 8086K to 5GHz with AVX offset -2 on MSI Z390 gaming plus, Vcore 1. On Rocket Lake, the AVX offset will be applied to each core separately. Plenty of applications (including games) nowadays do utilise AVX instructions, and the offset will just negate most of the benefit you would've gotten out of your overclock, and could also negatively affect stability. The higher the AVX offset, the lower the clockspeed will be when running AVX instructions. 56 all test AVX instructions (AIDA64 may need a checkbox in the settings to test AVX, check your settings). 4 GHz with the AVX offset, at the exact same voltage as before. My speeds are constantly around 4. You haven't mentioned what you use for stress testing, so I'm going to go with Prime95. 4 or 4. When I boot to Windows, the CPU frequency does not go beyond 4,7 Ghz. AVX offset is referenced against each individual P-core's maximum ratio, and will trigger whenever a 256-bit SIMD instruction is detected. I was able to run it at 1. I personally overclock with zero avx offset. 9 clock and no avx offset. 1 offset should give you ~1. Apr 21, 2024 · From what i have read (which is mostly older posts) is that if any AVX is sensed even if light that the offset kicks in. I only managed to get the speed to drop a bit by putting offset for avx from auto to -6. Now, we can adjust the AVX2 negative ratio offset, which lowers the P-core ratio when using AVX2. 05,AC line 25,DC line 100,LLC Mode 2 and AVX 0 Temperatures set to downclock at 75°C to default 12900K clock Post #10 is 5700Mhz all core overrclock using adaptive voltage and AVX -6 Temperatures set to downclock at 75°C to default 12900K clock Feb 26, 2019 · Hi all, I recently built a new system and have a perplexing problem that I can't seem to solve. Aug 7, 2009 · Prime95 Small FFTs (all AVX test selections enabled) is nearly a 130% workload, which is unrealistically higher than real-world AVX workloads. Apr 11, 2021 · A more elegant solution would be to solve it with the power limits. 9 ghz overclock your cpu will run at 4. Jul 9, 2020 · No, I'm definitely under the impression that I'd need a -1 or -2 AVX offset at 5 . AVX is demanding anyway. The purpose of this setting is to slow the CPU down when it is running AVX instructions. g. 0的话你可以加0. Even Der8auers OC guide recommends an offset of 3 at 5ghz. however using locked mode i burn 100 watts at idle extra ove Intel crutch tied to the days of AVX 512. Which there is pretty much none in games. a 5GHz 8700k will downclock to 4200MHz when a game is running because AVX use is detected, thereby severely hamstringing game performance when AVX offsets are enabled - when playing the AVX game with 0 AVX offset will work just tine. Jul 5, 2022 · Now I'm wondering if there's a way to set a specific voltage for avx operations, as my attempts to manually OC end up requiring a much lower AVX offset to maintain safe temps than the motherboard will do automatically if I just leave it at optimized defaults not breaking 1. There is NO fix to this except don't use an offset. Avx offset 3 Timespy 15680 MCE disabled Same XMP DDR4 3440x1440p warzone Average FPS 138 (Capped at 159) Gaming temps 67 Stable daily: Will next be trying going lower on vcore and tighten up the ram timings. 330v with llc level 6. temperature. 2GHZ w/ AVX offset of 2 or 5GHz w/ offset of 2 ? It triggers my OCD a little not having it all at 5GHz but i guess can live with it for stability's sake. Set All Cores to 50, AVX offset to 4, and CPU voltage to 1. No need to adjust your cooling setup or reapply thermal paste. 305. 1), but the offset is not kicking in for Cinebench R23. 5 with an AVX offset of 1 again, it is perfectly stable. The 'Coves' cores instead combine the existing 256-bit AVX2 ports for 512-bit operations. You can reduce the AVX offset to 0 in some BIOS or disabling the feature but i highly recommend not doing that. 8 with that offset instead of 5. AVX offsets are still very much an imperative part of overclocking. you can assume the AVX offset will ALWAYS be applied unless you do an all-core strictly non-avx load. So, the AVX offset was not triggered. 0 when not using anything AVX related, meaning i turn on the PC, and CPU-Z will read 4. 4 stability. -turn off set off and go back to manual type in voltege Try 1. 9ghz. On AVX2 loads around 6 out of 8 pcores drop to 49x, two cores stay at 50x. The programmed behavior with AVX offset is to drop clock speeds as soon as an AVX instruction is encountered since AVX instructions can quickly produce a lot of heat under load. 3 & 3. If you dont agree with my testing methology or the conclusions i have drawn or your own testing contradicts my statements, please let me know. (4) If you know that you don't use AVX, then once again, make your offset the most minimal value, which in your situation is "1" since the BIOS on your ASRock Fata1ity K7 Z370 motherboard AVX Offset is BROKEN I am using the latest BIOS 7D30v12 I set AVX support (enabled) CPU Ratio Offset When Running AVX (-2) I run OCCT AVX2 CPU stress test and Cinebench R23 and Prime95. If I set it to 0 then it runs at 5ghz and I get a score of ~1650 as should be expected. If you have set single core boost to 55x for example, and all-core boost to 52x, an AVX offset of -2 will cause the single core boost to drop to 53x, while all-core boost will remain at 52x regardless of AVX being in use or not. I could OC to 5. 1 or so but would need at least a -2 on the avx or I'll crash. You might consider using a turbo power limit instead of an AVX offset. The only way to get AVX offset to work with adaptive voltage is to set the maximum adaptive voltage with AVX offset 0 and it will work thru out the whole curve with different AVX offset but it will tend Jan 26, 2016 · i keep AVX @ -2, AVX 512 @ -4. Most overclockers call this cheating as it's not an entirely stable OC if you have to use the offset. I have been modifying the settings through the BIOS when possible, but downloaded XTU to make sure my limits were set to the max. 38v. 6 non-AVX, so I bumped the ratios and set the AVX offset to 2 so that it would still clock down to 5. 7 and stays at 4. Utilities that don't overload or underload your processor will give you a valid thermal baseline. Unfortunatly i can not test the gaming performance benefit of running a smaller AVX-offset, since my CPU/Mobo dont support an AVX-offset. 0ghz) but at the trade-off of significantly more voltage and heat. 8 with a negative AVX offset of 1, giving me 4. I was told the load of the GPU communicating with the CPU was greater than the load of the CPU processing the graphics itself If primary is not met, then achieve some degree of AVX offset with 3. Intel had a different 128bit vector ISA, but that was called SSE. May 17, 2021 · Max temps of 65°C- 85°C are very reasonable with an AVX offset of -2. 3GHz for non-AVX tasks, but 5. CoD BO6 uses AVX2 which can cause higher temperature spikes. 6. 0 GHz until the AVX workload is done. Mar 19, 2018 · ^^ when I set an offset on the avx and play games it drops from 5ghz to 4. Some cpu have non linear vcore requirement for avx and non avx. . 304 - 1. Is there a way to avoid this throttling mechanism other than a large AVX offset? Aside: when I say "most code" above, this includes prime95 1024k in-place FFT, as long as AC Load Line is raised or CEP is disabled. During the FFT workload, also AVX, the frequency is back to 5 GHz. Just do few AVX tests (P95 last version 1344 FFT size for example) and seeing how your system feel yourself. 0ghz this flag was set as yes and throttling ensued (both at 4. With avx 512, I have same situation. 9 GHz most of the time. I eventually just said screw it, set it at 4. If you want to test memory stability Prime 95 also has a “Blend” test that will test everything but test more RAM. 3 and will crash eventually. 15vcore. Period. So 5ghz non AVX and 4. Jan 3, 2024 · Now, I thought I would see if I could do 5. 1x4 5. 35V, Everything boots great, Open up CPU-Z and temp monitor, load up P95 and it shows 4. the avx offset lowers the amount of clockspeed on your cpu, because it's heavier on the stressload and produces more heat, also requires more vcore. So, you could get some extra performance by relaxing the AVX offset, but more strenuous AVX workloads may not be stable any more. 2 but crashes during AVX workloads due to heat, you can run a -2 offset so the CPU only runs at 5. If I switch back to 5. 8 and 5. Aug 31, 2021 · Setting it to either 0 or 1 (or any number) doesn't do anything different from auto. 3rd goal: If there is any need for OC in the forseeable future, achieve 5. AVX Offset: 1 Temps while gaming: 60-70 degrees Measured Vcore while gaming is around 1. Do you get crashes in any other games or benchmark programs? So with avx offset you have lower clocks hence lower vcore. Correct way to oc with offset is to run avx test first and find your max with avx. 2ghz, it does not lower it to 5. Nov 6, 2020 · So based on that table, its not possible for a stable 5GHz for both SSE and AVX at reasonable voltages? So if id like to do 5GHZ, either i do 5. If i lock voltages the avx voltage stays at 1. You are increasing the offset = you are limiting the ability of your processor to reach the maximum frequency set by the CPU multiplier ( if the cpu multiplier is set to 50, for example, your cpu cores will reach 5 GHz, and if you set your AVX offset to say 2, then the maximum frequency your CPU will be able to reach when using AVX instuction The AVX offset wasn't added until 6 years after AVX was in consumer CPU's (Sandy Bridge and Bulldozer in 2011), so we figured out pretty quickly after launch that it was not very useful :D Was big overhyped by reviewers who didn't understand the software or hardware limitations that well though Mar 1, 2021 · I think AVX Offset is only available on the unlocked K series CPUs. so if you go 50x100 and do avx 1, it would clock down to 49, if you do avx 2, it goes down to 48 etc. I am running at 4. Boot in to window if you bsod then you need more volts or 5 ghz is to high for your chip . Even bios ignores AVX when an offset is engaged, up until the cpu discovers it's using AVX at all, then kicks in the offset, which can upset fps in an otherwise Jul 31, 2019 · Cinebench probably doesn't use AVX in a very intensive manner. 1 GHz in cb r23 or prime95 and thus crashes quickly. If you were to run Prime95 for example, you'd probably want to keep that AVX offset in place. There is no avx offset to play with manual oc (remember you need an avx offset to lower down the full 256 bit - 1 clock execution avx heat and max needed voltage for given clock and absolute stability), there is no way to tinker with boost behavior either. 8 ghz, even when utilization is under 10%. You will then keep your set clocks. Should I turn off the offset during stress testing to guarantee stability? Also, what temp reading is the most important? Hottest Mar 30, 2021 · This is very different from previous Intel CPUs. Basically, the CPU downclocks by a few multipliers when it detects AVX instructions, e. Clocks are stable at 4. Jan 24, 2019 · AVX - as I understand if offset it set, the cpu speed will drop when AVX applied by 100 MHz per each AVX number offset. Zen 2 and Zen 3 achieve the same effect through different (and hidden) means for AVX, AVX2 and FMA3. In Aida64 and Prime 95 the clock runs at 4. I got awesome temps on Prime95 (blend), Cinebench, Realbench. With non AVX offset I have cores hitting 5gjz, with AVX -2 offset set I only see up to Aug 1, 2024 · Intel first introduced the AVX negative ratio offset on Broadwell-E processors. Jul 24, 2018 · Was wondering if someone can help me to locate the cpu avx voltage. AVX workloads are harder for the CPU to process than other workloads. So at 5. I found these not as accurate on L4 as the AVX disabled predictions, because the die-sense load voltage for AVX enabled may drop lower than the Vmin point of prime95 small FFT with AVX disabled at the prediction points. I've run 1 hour of Prime The client SKUs do not have any dedicated AVX-512 EUs on port 5 as this occupies extra die space, reason for which it is typically located outside the core on Skylake-X and its server derivatives. e. even with a manual lower voltage set, with AVX set to 0 offset usage would spike temps to >80°C which i don't like to see. Jan 15, 2025 · Since this is a non-AVX workload, it’s as expected. Why is this? I don't have msi dragon center It is unrealistic to not stress test with avx because many programs/games now use different avx instructions. AVX offsets cause problems in non AVX loads due to the offset triggering a random downclock and re-upclock during the non AVX stress test, due to background processes that use AVX instructions, or even some SSE2 instructions that are similar to AVX code (any change in clock during a stress test causes a worst-case transient voltage drop). Jan 15, 2021 · I installed an i9 10850k on a msi z490 a pro motherboard (new) yesterday and I cannot get the cpu to downclock when it is idle. I guess the only reason i used the AVX offset was because the RealBench temps would go to mid 90s if i don't do it during stress. Or fluctuate, if the AVX workload isn't constant. 9 GHZ with an AVX offset of (-2) accordingly 4. but i have a manual overclock of 5. It allows you to set a number of multipliers for the Dec 21, 2023 · Set AVX Settings to User Defined. I found a way round. Saying that, if the type of workload you encounter doesn't really use AVX then it should be fine but i guess you wouldn't have noticed in the first place if that was the case? Jul 31, 2018 · I'm playing with Overclocking and seeing something I don't expect. So I'd say basically that it may be needed to have some negative offset to AVX when overclocking, but otherwise, not actually. Oct 30, 2018 · AVX workloads put out more heat and use more power than "traditional" workloads and sometimes can cause an otherwise stable system to crash. Everything functions as expected here. So I entered a value of 2, and I know it's supposed to downclock by 200MHz (BCLK=100) only when an AVX instruction set is loaded However while running either Mar 5, 2024 · Sure enough, if I applied a -3 AVX offset at 4. Prior to this, I use -3 AVX offset. The 512 was so hot they had to slow down the CPU to cope, but still worth the reduced speed because of sheer throughput of AVX 512. 3, I set AVX offset to 2 to test first. I've managed to get it stable to 5. You can test thermals using non avx tests, avx tests will push thermals to unrealistic levels and should only be used as a judgement for users whose workloads are avx only (probably not you, you Oct 18, 2019 · The AVX Offset setting mas added a few generations ago to allow for different levels of overclocking depending on if AVX is detected in use. everyone really needs to spread the word on this as almost everyone results here and everyone are not valid. In fact, as far as I can tell, if any AVX offset used with an adaptive OC in the 4. Oct 26, 2024 · Seems like your AVX Offset is not set properly. The game I play most of the time uses avx instructions. 7 GHz cache (previously max at 4. 30v with load line on high not max -avx offset off not 2 turn it off. So you can be gaming and you get down-clocked from the offset whereas if you had not had the offset you would be fine since the AVX load was not high enough to cause instability. AVX-512, and, on Sapphire Rapids, even the AMX ratio offset. 5. Dec 12, 2018 · An AVX offset of -3 (300 MHz) or more may be needed to limit Core temperatures to 85°C. Because practically everything uses a little AVX instructions nowadays, even the OS. In the ASUS BIOS, you can configure the May 1, 2020 · Prime95 small FFT with AVX disabled puts a similar load as Stress FPU. the actual final voltage depends on the default VID of your CPU and your motherboard. Successive processors adopted this feature and eventually expanded it with AVX2. Given the same TDC/EDC/PPT usage values the non-AVX load will boost higher. when encoding video. I've been looking for the solution for not crashing on avx load and at same time having high core clocks. Does the AVX2 offset option also work for AVX instructions? A. AVX offset is VERY unreliable. Not sure why yours is so high I'm hitting 5ghz@1. 0ghz. Jul 26, 2020 · Either check the setting in the BIOS or just run an AVX and then a non-AVX load on the CPU, and see if the frequency changes. The stuff that doesn't use AVX doesn't need the extra clock speed because it's not intense enough. If your workload is gaming for example than there really is no harm in running an AVX offset. I successfully tuned 4. 8ghz since I have the offset. I just switched from an 8700K that was dying but I delidded it and I don't think it ever went above 60-62 in Prime95 without AVX and only slightly over 70 with AVX on and AVX offset is related to the load. Dec 23, 2021 · When i enter an avx offset of anything other than 0 for avx2 or avx512, it does not reduce the multiplier by that amount. The specific behavior of the AVX ratio The AVX offset only clips the max frequency each core can reach on 11th gen and onwards, so if you set max single core to 5. 8 GHz with AVX offset 1. 6 respectively, so it's definitely specifically clocking to the offset. in the meantime I installed a new version of AIDA, but also ran Intel XTU and GigaByte's Easy Tune - and this is where something got changed because now if I stress the FPU, the clocks drop to 4. Maybe the tim between the die and heatsink is toast or not applied evenly The downclocking pattern I saw while P95ing in this circumstance was each core spiking momentarily down to either the AVX offset (when using non-AVX P95) or the x8 idle ratio (with AVX enabled and therefore the offset also) at 20-30 second intervals, not necessarily synchronized with the other cores. (Not sure if that was your question) Yes running AVX based stress test its at 4. Stability means that your computer is stable across the board. I believe the only setting I changed in XTU was setting “Turbo Boost Short Power Max Enable” to “disable”, which should disab Feb 28, 2016 · What little AVX is used is only for things like vector analysis in explosions and particle trajectories etc, so the slight increase in temps is very temporary and not really a concern. So you potentially can push for 5 ghz with -2 avx offset. 2 with a negative 2 avx offset (5. Apr 15, 2019 · My OC runs stable but when I set an AVX offset he uses this Offset in every program. With the offset (3) put on avx I avoid the bsod. 4 GHz). With your 4. 3ghz AVX, a pretty big gap. OC clock 4. Intel® AVX When I set lower AVX offset it doesn’t not matter because with AVX offset 3 the chip was being feed with 1. I always thought there was a single AVX offset. 33 and no avx but it's just annoying that it isn't working i assumes it would be 5ghz. AVX and AVX 2 use the same 256 bit registers. The Offset is referenced against the Per P-core Ratio Limit, which we will configure later in this guide. 1GHz for AVX tasks. 0 does not downlock and it stays where you multi is, 52x100 in my case. However, when trying to reach 5. Then after direct die I can achieve 5. Motherboard is using latest firmware version 0811 at the time of this post. 71 with no AVX is kind of hot for a delid, especially at that voltage. A processor compatible with AVX is only able to manage AVX. Then there are two AVX workloads, BPP and SFT, where the P-core effective clock drops to 4. All an AVX offset does is downclock it a certain amount (avx offset *100 in mhz) when you hit any AVX workload. You do need to test AVX for stability. If I change the AVX offset to 2 or 4 then it downclocks to 4. So when AVX instructions are detected, the frequency of all cores would be the all-core maximum ratio minus the AVX offset. Oct 26, 2017 · (3) I am not aware of any games that use AVX, so if you don't run any apps that use AVX such as rendering or transcoding, then you don't need any AVX offset. If I were you I'd forget about avx offset, it's something that one generally doesn't want. Please bear in mind that Intel does not provide overclocking assistance, this is considered out of scope of support and I am sure you can get plenty of information about overclocking on Internet forums. 7 under AVX loads. Meanwhile your Vcore is high enough to support 5. They are fixing at 5. AVX offset make AVX workloads easier to handle by lowering CPU clocks. I would test avx loads with x265 4k encodes, not with prime. Doesn't matter, though - AVX offset was MOSTLY the trick, but the cores will still downclock 100Mhz for p95 sFFT if any form of AVX is permitted - this happens even if I downclock. Tjmax just means if it is under the set temperature it will run at full speed and throttle back when it gets hotter. 42v with no avx offset if I am not hammering it with prime95 avx, if I'm using x265 need to put the multiplier at 51 at 1. 0ghz at 1. 2频率然后偏移2这样的,调用AVX指令时候频率会自动下降0. 312 V). I was told the load of the GPU communicating with the CPU was greater than the load of the CPU processing the graphics itself Dec 3, 2018 · the odd part, it would crash if i didn't set avx offset to 2, but when i ran the computer without the GPU (GTX 1070) it would handle avx loads at 4. 2GHz v1. What is avx offset everything is stock nothing overclocked The AVX offset setting is generally not worth using. 0 as if the AVX offset frequency is the default frequency. 2GHz with -2 AVX offset. Shoot, if I tell prime95 to disable AVX it still applies as well. By fine-tuning the Short and Long Duration Power Limits in the BIOS, you could not only allow AVX code to run unrestrained for a certain period of time (until your CPU/VRM cooling is saturated or limiting), you could also dial in the frequency behaviour exactly according to your cooling capabilities. Running CPU only stress test in XTU or while play CoD Cold war etc i kept an eye on the cores and all were running at 5 Ghz. It works in Prime95 small FFT with AVX2 (P cores drop to 5. If I set AVX Offset to 5, my desktop 10850K will run 500 MHz slower when running any software that uses the AVX instructions. 1 GHz Oct 24, 2024 · AVX Ratio Offset. Jan 21, 2021 · I set the cpu frequency multiplier to reach 5Ghz and set 3 AVX offset. So then, what is the point of an AVX offset? Why not just run it at a lower clock speed with no AVX offset? If it needs AVX Mine runs fine at 52 core 48 cache 1. However Prime95 AVX disabled does not test AVX, so this should be a baseline for basic SSE2 stability. On SSE and AVX loads frequency of pcores does not drop. The downside of AVX offset is that some games, programs, and even the latest versions of Windows 10 use AVX to some extent, not just stress tests anymore. Maybe that's great, but I doubt about that. AVX offsets are fine, but lots of modern games use AVX to a limited degree, so it will downclock. It seems like, when set, the AVX offset is always applied. Now, I thought I would see if I could do 5. Before delid I can only achieve 4. If you're at 49x multi with AVX offset, you're actually testing 4700 Mhz at your current voltage which could result in a stable condition that is not stable on non-AVX programs. 8 for 90% of the time, and rarely spike up to 5. If I have offset any lower than 700mhz for AVX it cannot pass AVX tests. h264 video encoding than AVX performance may be more of a thing for you. 9 Ghz. Download and run Intel Extreme overclocking app, while running your overclock and using a AVX stress test use the Intel app to set an AVX offset of say -2, apply, then set it to 0 again. Disable AVX on P95 and rerun and everything shows it back to 4. Dec 13, 2021 · AVX support is a problem on ADL. Set AVX Offset to 1. 8 all core. So I am able to run P-core all core 5. Nov 10, 2020 · Leave the AVX offset to zero. If I don't set any AVX offset in the BIOS, the frequency reaches 5Ghz as expected and the system is stable. Whenever I enable an AVX offset (say -2) to avoid 100c temps in Prime95 when AVX is enabled, the cores always offset even when non-AVX apps are running. 9GHz manual mode all core with no AVX offset. It changes your multiplier (according to what you said. 3GHz with 200MHz AVX offset, it runs at 5. Shamino explained this here. So setting it to -1 and pushing 4. Running AVX my cpu downclocks from 5GHz to 3. 6 ever again, use the latest build from here . Feb 27, 2018 · Intel has added in an AVX Offset setting, which allows you to set a number of multipliers for the CPU core to drop down to if AVX is engaged. So the clock goes down to 4. 0 GHz without offset and bonus 4. 1 in Cinebench R23 without any issue. 28v but bf2042 didn't like it for some reason every other game was fine 2042 is really cpu heavy Nov 4, 2021 · This is expected as the 5 GHz P-core frequency is reduced by 500 MHz due to the AVX offset. 9ghz or -4 AVX offset at 5. 9 will give better performance probably same voltage. Also, don't use Prime 26. So, seriously, what is the point of an AVX offset? Even Cemu (Wii U) and Citra (3DS) emulators use AVX and cause the AVX offset to activate. This is expected as the 5 GHz P-core frequency is reduced by 500 MHz due to the AVX offset. I'm using a kraken x63 aio. Tjmax to the temperature. Yes, if AVX workloads kick in, your CPU is forced to downclock by the offset for the duration of the workload. 3ghz with avx-512 ~4. That is, when the AVX frequency is 1 bin below 5200 MHz, the cores can run at 5200 MHz in problematic workloads. To test, I used an old version of Prime95 to test my non-AVX load speed and x264 to test my AVX speed. 3V (Mode 4 LLC = 1. A brand new base install of a windows build with no device drivers installed won't downclock with avx offset. Aug 27, 2021 · I remember my 7700K being stable at 5. 32v on my i7 9700k with a 0 AVX offset hitting about 72c while gaming in bf2042, only difference to yours is I'm running a Asus Z390-H mobo & ROG Ryujin 240mm water cooler. But with this generation i don't quite understand some things. 1x4 Cache 4. 0 GHz with AVX offset 2. 8. If the game or application does not use AVX then it will not apply. 2 and E-core 4. So if your cpu is executing those instructions it will operate at a lower frequency. Depending on your setup and cooling capabilities and what actual use you are doing some people don't set an offset because they never do anything that does I have an MSI Carbon z390 with a 9900k. The crappy part is that down clock occurs for ANY avx instruction, even a single one. 27 vcore during the most stressful of P95 tests. As far as I know, from what I have read and seen in videos, Version R15 is not supposed to use AVX, is that correct? Sep 16, 2021 · set your avx offset in your bios and then go play a game with afterburner enabled and showing cpu frequency. If you do work with heavy avx loads yes an offset can be good to bring stability. 0 GHz, and an AVX offset of 2, it will only clip loads that allow the CPU to boost beyond 5. 4, but somehow this causes it to be unstable in Prime Small FFTs, even though it's still running at 5. 7ghz all the times, but sometimes. AVX Ratio Offsets are useful to achieve maximum performance for both SSE and AVX workloads. It can be enabled or disabled. And you're right, I should've just shut it down and remounted as soon as I noticed the issue where one of the mounting screws had a little more room to thread onto the post. Then the next 4 AVX workloads, N64, HNT, VST, and C17, bounce back and forth the AVX offset and non-offset. AVX offset references against each core's maximum multiplier, if maximum boost is 5. 7 GHZ with Prime 95 26. I managed to get it working using 12900k p-cores at 5. AVX offset will lower your CPU frequenzy by 100Mhz for every step when a applications or a game uses AVX instructions. 8 GHz for AVX loads, it might be able to do 5 GHz for non-AVX loads. 3 GHz, all-core to 5. You would use programs which use AVX instructions and never know about it. That can cause instability, so if that happens on your chip, increase bios voltage a bit until the load voltage is better than The impact of running an AVX offset is going to be dependent on the workload that you are running on your PC. It's basically an alternative approach to dealing with heavy AVX loads by using turbo to throttle the CPU only when AVX uses too much power, rather than the moment AVX kicks in no matter. This would mean that light AVX workloads, i. 2: The difference between advance vector extensions expansions is: A processor that supports AVX2 is backward compatible with AVX, and a processor with AVX-512 is also backward compatible with AVX2 and AVX. 6 Vcore 1. Anything below 90°C is fine. I understand that when it runs processes that utilize AVX instructions, it decreases the clock speed by the AVX offset. I really just want to figure out what programs are running AVX, so I can disable them. Previously, the AVX offset would be referenced against the all-core maximum ratio. This is why an AVX "Offset" is used to keep Core temperatures in check, just as TravisPNW pointed out. Disable the AVX offset and that issue will be solved. You wont run at 4. If you do AVX-1, it will run at 5. It appears the board is setting a AVX offset even though the bios is set to 0. You might run Cinebench for max. So by using a negative AVX offset you can run higher clock speeds while still being stable during AVX loads because it throttles down. Take my recommendation or not is up to you since it will void your warranty and extra job done. On my 8700k, I can do 5. 8 GHz by setting AVX to 0, they're missing out on the potential gain of 5 GHz during non-AVX loads. So if I were to put the multiplier for all p-cores at 5. Depends what you want to achieve. 6Ghz all core, but I do not have AVX offset set I know that I'm late to the party, this is so great since bios avx offset technically doesn't work. Exactly. What i want to achieve: All core overclock with no AVX/AVX2 offset, Pcores 5000MHz, Ecores 4000MHz, Ring 4000MHz. most games, will not trip the offset, however heavy AVX workloads, such as video encoding/encryption etc, will, thereby allowing us to game with maximum CPU speed. And cores that are clocked at 50x are changing constantly through AVX2 stress test. Nov 28, 2017 · If you set it to 2, you're going to drop the clockrate by 200 Mhz which in effect means you're not really testing the set clock speed of your system. I got a OC i really like. you get 200 mhz drop because some sort of windows service pack, patch or device driver causes it to use AVX instructions for some reason. Set AVX Optimum to Enabled. 8-5. 8 GHz, an AVX offset of -4 will limit all-core boost to 4. Then after that you run non avx at the highest stable speed without changing your voltage. Everyday programs like chrome/firefox trigger it all of the time, reducing clocks on ALL of your CPU cores for a prohibitively long time period. a -0. 7 GHz. battlefield 5 is the 1st that comes to memory. If however you are doing a lot of . 7 most of the time but flicks to 5 ghz now and then asus maximum x board cpu is fine at 5ghz 1. But you can find your stable freq for a reasonable AVX workload, then start with an offset of 1 and increase clock by 100MHz and test non-AVX (SSE), to find the max freq you can run without AVX, at the same voltage. 7ghz with an AVX Offset of 2 when Apex triggers AVX. That's the problem. I have a Strix Z390-E and 9700k. Sep 14, 2022 · On my past config (8700K and Aorus Gaming 7) there was no problem for me to overclock it, increase multiplier, cache/ring, set AVX offset to 0, increase voltage, etc. Background instructions--even the windows start menu, runtime packages and other things can trigger an AVX offset even during a non AVX workload (which is why you may wind up crashing when your CPU downclocks during a non AVX stress test suddenly and then clocks back up, destroying your voltage transients). 2GHz all cores and at 5. Avx offset should always be 0, any OC with avx offset above zero is throwing away performance as well as having unnecessarily high temps and voltage. The frequency reduction when your power consumption is too high is applied somewhat more graceful than an AVX offset, and power consumption is more directly linked to heat output than whether or not an AVX instruction is lurking in the pipeline somewhere. That being said, I'm not sure whether AVX offset actually even is a thing on Ryzen, now that I think about it, since those CPUs clock quite differently compared to Intel. 8GHz AVX offset all core and 5GHz all core for gaming and other non-AVX loads. 8, dialed in the voltage and left it alone. 5 GHz. Cinebench R20, AIDA64 Stress FPU and Realbench 2. cppbyv gocjs yec zypl vnmr usp kbskie cxcvnw ujfuzjbj zyfpn
Avx offset or not. 8 ghz, even when utilization is under 10%.