Best white weenie deck It was extended format right before modern legacy death and taxes won the team pro tour last year, but is a bit funkier than traditional white weenie Aggro White weenie also won worlds in 1996 Ironically the best "white weenie" deck is Edgar markov, low cmc vampires. 1. Jun 9, 2023 · Experienced MTG players will look at The Battle of Bywater and immediately realize that this is the perfect card for White Weenie aggro decks and go-wide token-based decks in formats such as "kitchen table" casual MTG and MTG's Commander format. White Weenie is making another appearance on this list because from 2018 through 2019 it couldn't stop making the top 8 of standard play, even winning several events during the Ravnica Allegiance/Throne of Eldraine era. Machine Head. Jul 16, 2009 · Cards such as White Knight, Savannah Lions, Swords to Plowshares, Balance, Land Tax, Wrath of God, Silver Knight, Paladin En Vec and Order of the White Shield. In general I’ve got zero experience with the broader archetype of White Weenie, from any period in time. Often a kill-on-sight card when it shows up across the table, Myrel is among Argive's best, and the best soldiers Magic could ask for. Sep 1, 2024 · Pauper: Mono White Aggro - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide. You put your entire hand down on the table as quickly as possible, hopefully draw a few extra cards along the way which you also immediately put down and then before you can kill your opponent they boardwipe and you're left top decking tiny creatures who are useless on their own. I haven’t really updated the deck (I’ve recently added [[Sting]]). The other six top 8s showed good results without Mox Diamond s though, so I’ll count White Weenie as a strong budget deck here. I love White Weenie decks; one of my favorites is the Kithkin deck from Lorwyn-Shadowmoor-Shards of Alara Standard. Ultimate Standard is when you battle decks that were standard-legal at the time they existed against other decks I do love first strike. Mardu Aggro. It, like many other white walkers, buffs creatures, creates tokens — 3/3 angels with flying — and provides some kind of card advantage through putting creatures onto the battlefield. b) Mardu Woe-Reaper, against any deck that relies on bringing back big critters from the gy. With all of the love white has gotten in recent years and cards like [[Delney, Streetwise Lookout]], I was curious if anyone is successfully piloting a White Weenies commander deck? Sep 1, 2024 · Pauper: Mono White Aggro - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide. If that's your reasoning why not 4 white knights? The extra power is great so is the pro black. White Weenie In construction. Being able to explode out of the gate is really key for WW-esque decks. Boros Elite is decent but not great. Updated Nov 14, 2024 by izlosst using our MTG Deck Builder. Both are absolutely amazing at the moment. I think you’ll like the synergy as well as the speed. The goal is to smash the opponent quickly with small white creatures and hopefully close out the game quickly, before our opponent can recover or assemble the mana for their powerful late-game finishers! Here’s a Mono W Weenie list I just whipped up. 1 % Brian Hacker - White Weenie World Championship Decks 1998 — World Championship Deck — Standard deck — 1998-08-12 Creature (27) 3 Nomads en-Kor {W} White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by clamego in MTGO Pauper League #8760 on 2024-12-19 Sep 18, 2017 · The typical white weenie deck is all about playing lots of cheap creatures that stack up until eventually they overrun the other players. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. 94% win percentage. If you play Lurrus with protection, it can be very hard for your opponent to meaningfully interact. 5. Very good cards. I enjoyed reading it. With a 26-6 score from Platinum III to Mythic (BO3), this archetype once again shows that even with its simplicity, one of the oldest strategies in Magic history is stronger than it has been in a long time. Usually you throw down an anthem effect afterwards to pump all your little guys into bigger threats, and beatdown your opponent. White Weenie is also known as deck, White Weenie or Mono-White Humans. UR Aggro. World Champion. You did beat very strong decks overall, so it's promising ! The Decks Because there are so many new cards that contribute to the archetype, as well as many old favorites that are still viable, there are countless ways to construct a White Weenie deck. Outside of Sting, the newest cards are [[Hall of Heliod’s Generosity]]. White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by Bong0411 in MTGO Pauper Challenge 32 #12718243 on 2024-12-29 White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by NMT_Sco94 in MTGO Pauper League #8548 on 2024-11-03 Mtgdecks. the maindeck Selfless and Militants are really where your deck gets spicy. White Weenie is also known as Mono-White Aggro, White Weenie or Mono White Aggro. Pink Weenie is also known as Tax Aggro, RW Aggro or Tax Edge. All 2022 Decks. artifacts , hatebears , kataki wars wage , mono white , white weenie Too-Specific Top 10 - Weenie Storm White Weenie is an aggro archetype that uses relatively cheap — mostly of converted mana cost one or two — and efficient white creatures, most of which have some form of combat evasion or ability. It's a good alternative if you cut the pikemen but still want some banding. 4. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Sep 5, 2022 · Many classic white strategies such as "white weenie" often utilize low costed creatures that have above-average stats as well as relevant keywords. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Lurrus of the Dream-Den, which is seen a lot as a companion, is in this deck simply for value, providing a strong combo with Selfless Savior and Alseid of Life's Bounty. While I may have an incredible distaste for the food, I feel a strong draw toward the deck. One Drops: Benevolent Bodyguard — While not a significant threat on his own, this White Weenie staple can protect the more integral creatures from removal, and from combat damage. White Weenie is also known as deck, White Weenie or White Winnie. White Weenie has been doing good results! In this article, we will explore why and find out where its strength in Pauper's competitive landscape comes from. White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by galeogiao in MTGO Pauper League #8760 on 2024-11-27 All 2024 Decks. 2. All Decks. The easiest way to do this is to know what’s the theme of the deck you want to play. Updated Apr 13, 2024 by astrokid using our MTG Deck Builder. I am not a huge fan of combos (revilark + Karmic guide, Heliod + Ballista) and want a win con that isn't combo-based, or maybe lesser known. mardu also has the tools to draw into more gas. 4 flyers for 5 mana, and one card is a good rate. Brave the Elements is one of the reason to even consider playing all white cards right now, protects the team and can be used to unblockable them in. Now, White Weenie has done it again. It's definitely rogue, but Sep 9, 2024 · Most white aggressive and midrange decks are filled to the brim with creatures, and each set adds another white rare or mythic creature to the “best white creature" conversation. You'd be much better maxing out Hero of Bladehold and Mirran Crusader. This used to be a thing in Standard, many moons ago. 6 % White Weenie is also known as White Weenie, WW or White Winnie. Jan 19, 2025 · Mtgdecks. Now Elliot was a decent player, and he knew his stuff, but White Weenie was probably the fifth-best deck in the environment. Most of the cards in the deck are pre-War of the Spark. White Weenie: Román Gsg: Liga Alicante 2023 20ª Jornada: 3-4: 30/09/23: White Weenie: True Weeniever: LCOS Premodern - Septiembre 2023: 5-8: 03/09/23: White Weenie: Infinito De Cordoba: LCOS Premodern - Agosto 2023: 5-8: 06/08/23: White Weenie: Sebastián Requens: OrthodoxCon: 3-4: 22/07/23: Weenie White: Mário Dias: Clube Topdeck 67: 2: 11 Historically Best Mono White Standard MTG Magic: the Gathering Decks. Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, White Weenie is a deck with the following key cards: Plains, Battle Screech, Kor Skyfisher, Thraben Inspector, Lunarch Veteran , Guardians' Pledge, Raffine's Informant, Thraben Charm, Novice Inspector, with an overall win percentage of 54. Cards like Mentor of the Meek might help a lot here, especially if you don't have the Mayor pushing them out of his reach. Search Bar. Today I'm looking at the best white creatures across MTG’s 30 years of history, ones that see play in various Constructed formats from Standard to Vintage. 3. Nov 23, 2024 · White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by Deodato in MTGO Pauper League #8760 on 2024-11-22 Aug 29, 2020 · Raise the Alarm and Loxodon: Every white weenie deck since rotation should have full sets of these cards. Sometimes, we splash other colors when the mana fixing is good for key cards and for the sideboard. 1. “Sleeping Dragon” white weenie deck and 45 is the number of creatures it shall have, All 2024 Decks. Yeah I agree, White Rider is absolutely a solid consideration in the 99 for a weenie deck and could be fine in any more token-oriented spellslinger or "midrange" list including White in its colours (say [[Kykar]] or some [[Feather]] builds) but doesn't strike me as "just barely below cEDH" as a Commander as OP claims. ” – Craig Wescoe. 22 Plains 4 White Knight 4 Pikemen 4 Rainbow Knights 4 Benalish Hero 4 Crusade 4 Castle 2 Disenchant 4 Eye for an Eye 2 Morale 4 Swords to Plowshares 2 Battering Ram 2 Dancing Scimitar Lastly, one deck I've found that feels as close to white weenie as you can get in this format is Mono-White Knights, running creatures like [[Student of Warfare]], [[Knight of the White Orchid]] for ramping and [[Brave the Elements]], perhaps the best white combat trick ever printed and a must-have for any WW deck. I've tried the regular white weenie decks but I believe this change is much better for the deck as a regular White Weenie is hurt by not having instant removal and Lurrus helps a lot in the long game, plus the unbreakable formation helps shore up a bit the control match if they have sweepers, though you shouldn't have much of a problem against Mar 24, 2022 · The Strategy. 30 tix 28 Rare, 28 Uncommon, 1 Common. White Weenie deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). You flood the board with low costing, efficient creatures. 0. May 27, 2016 · Decks like this are best described as Mono White Hatebears. With this deck I placed first on game day not losing a single round. You are going to want to go overboard with it to power out Elesh Norn as quickly as possible. These are cards you can play in a mono-white Commander deck, which means I’m excluding white cards that have additional colors in their color identity, like Dismantling Blow or Lantern Flare. Hey people, so I’m not talking about the standard deck here is the first thing. Here is my White Weenie for Old School 9394 format. However, for the people who are interested in trying token decks for the first time, we hope this puts into perspective the tools you need for a token deck featuring white. Basically a white aggro deck with a bunch of small creatures. They are technically White Weenie decks, but Savannah Lions, pump-Knights, and Crusade s aren't going to win any matches in Vintage. Jan 14, 2025 · So, you’re going to build a MTG deck from scratch. Swarm opponents with the most efficient and powerful early creatures in the format bef Oct 21, 2021 · This traditional White Weenie deck works by building the board with a lot of tokens and applying anthem effects for maximum value. test A few white creature decks have won pro tours- Paul Reitzl won pro tour Amsterdam 2010 with a white weenie deck. Human White Weenie is a semi-tribal white aggro deck. Rakdos Burn 3. Board sweepers. Mar 13, 2024 · One thing you love when you pilot a white deck is being able to keep things in order during your turn, and no card says that loud and clear like this legendary shield. Unleash the Weenies!!!!! Make soldier tokens anytime you take damage and then gain that life back and use anthems to … Jul 16, 2022 · Mtgdecks. Feb 15, 2024 · Deck . While they are far from everything that is out there, I have chosen a few lists that I believe to be the most powerful and cost efficient of White Weenie Jun 21, 2020 · White Weenie decks (example list, price: €44. I have played variations of this list for many years, since back when Storm was legal. Think of white weenie as a zerg strategy. The deck itself isn’t overpowered but it can hang against newer decks. The general aim of a White Weenie deck is to deal damage as quickly as possible, and as efficiently as possible; some White Weenie decks achieve this by utilizing "pumping" enchantments, such as Aug 13, 2021 · Browse > Home / Decks / Penny Dreadful / White Weenie White Weenie by tivini Report Deck Name Fix Archetype $ 39. My low cmc vamps list can take out entire pods by turn 4-5 with a lucky tutor/good opening draws. Stroggoii. Last 3 Months. 68. However, White Weenie is still typically weakest against combo decks. wg2g Apr 20, 2023 · But in a white deck, where catch-up ramp like Land Tax often will look for basic lands in your deck, even if the nonbasic lands comes into play untapped, it might still be all right. The idea is simple: You throw down a ton of small creatures, and Feb 7, 2023 · White Weenie in Magic: The Gathering is an aggressive creature strategy, usually mono-white or close to it. Here is my take on classic White Weenie. The primary method of token generation comes from the Clarion Spirit and Adeline, but Usher of the Fallen can also work while allowing you to save spells for when you can trigger “Second Spell” effects and get more value. I only play different weird decks bc of how fun they are. That may seem like a bit much, but we wanted to hit four lands every time since Inquisitor Captain and The Wandering Emperor are huge threats that can change the game once they enter the battlefield. No downside for us. Super fast white weenie deck ive been using on MTG Arena, had some good results with it. I piloted this list to two 4-1, one 3-2 and one 2-3 in Leagues and since I started tracking my results a couple months ago this list has gone 78-50 in 128 matches resulting in a 60. It is The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. I ran [[Karador]] hatebears "utility weenies" back in the day and found that the green-white-black color combination comes together quite well for this sort of deck. a) Tithe Taker. This iteration of the deck prioritizes the mantra “thinning is winning” so that might explain some of the choices over others. And if you’re running a white weenie strategy, lands that tap for colorless can get you stuck when most of your creatures just cost white pips. For a White Weenie deck to succeed in this format it needs to be as disruptive as it is aggressive. As you will see, there are a number of viable options. Ad The deck has been gaining strength in recent sets, as one or more cards always arrive that are useful for strategy, most of them generating value when they enter and/or drawing and Dec 6, 2016 · Aggro—Not all is calm under the color white; you don't always have to play defensively. b) Rest in Peace/Grafdigger's Cage. Standard 2020-2021 (M21 to Kaldheim) Weenie White . The long-standing "White Weenies" archetype has a special place in my heart - If you don't know, White Weenies is best described as any aggro deck utilizing cheap, efficient, and evasive white creatures - and other damage boosting effects like anthems - to deal damage as quickly as possible. Jun 16, 2023 · It can come in the form of a streamlined white weenie deck, or it can tap into green (possibly even a third color!) for the extra power of Collected Company. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. The plan is to flood the board early game, getting through with chip damage initially, before dropping a Venerated Loxodon on turn 3 or Pride of Conquerors to swing in and finish the game The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. In mono-white non-aggro you also have Oswald. Apr 8, 2020 · All White Weenie Decks. White Weenie by Anonymous Report Deck Name $ 419. White Weenie is also known as White Weenie, Mono White or WW h. [[Lingering Souls]] is sorcery speed, but the flashback is strong. Affinity 3. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Feb 17, 2004 · One of my favorite White Weenie stories involved a man by the name of Elliot Fung, who a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, won Regionals with his White Weenie deck. All 2023 Decks. Round 2: 2-0 Zada, Partisan deck. 1996 White Weenie. Faeries 3. White Weenie. You’ve got some cards, and you’ve seen people build decks to battle each other. Displaying all 3 decks Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2020-10-23: White Weenie: DelMoona: Pauper Duelos de Honra The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Discover the top mono-white commanders in EDH with deck recommendations and strategies on EDHREC. Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher If they keep printing dinky 2-3 mana understated draw a card at common for limited and I think we are going to start seeing this strategy finally reach a critical mass by the end of the year to make mono-white white weenie a pretty viable EDH strategy. Sep 18, 2017 · The typical white weenie deck is all about playing lots of cheap creatures that stack up until eventually they overrun the other players. Jan 10, 2012 · The average creature count for a White Weenie deck is about 28-30. If you were to say that White Weenie is one of the best Pauper decks in 2024, many would think it was a joke, but the archetype is the best Meta Call the format has today! White weenie is one of the most timeless and iconic decks of all time. Your deck doesn't have anywhere near enough ramp. vs. 1% in 1397 games in the last 6 months. Mono White Lifegain is also known as Mono White, Mono-White Aggro or ONE WINGED ANGEL. 000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. 09/01/24, updated 09/02/24, 0 comments. Jul 7, 2023 · Dallas builds a Hatebears deck which will stand the test of time, with a key focus on tackling the current Commander metagame. " A strategy that employs powerful and cheap creatures to quickly overrun the opponent, white weenie is one of the most aggressive decks available. Instant shut-down for any reanimation or gy dependant deck. These decks aggressively attack with cheap but efficient creatures with 3 power or less, and The I've tried the regular white weenie decks but I believe this change is much better for the deck as a regular White Weenie is hurt by not having instant removal and Lurrus helps a lot in the long game, plus the unbreakable formation helps shore up a bit the control match if they have sweepers, though you shouldn't have much of a problem against . COM store. Tom Chanpheng. White instants are cards with “instant” in their type line and a mono-white color identity. White Weenie is also known as human. Relic-warder isn't incredibly strong in the current meta. 1 %. Jun 5, 2022 · The Mono White, or White Weenie, as many like to call it, proved to be a resilient deck in several matchups and came up with several 5-0 in the Pauper leagues. 7 %. Table of Contents About the Deck Mulligan and Stances Sideboard Guide 3. (1) or bianko shokko(1). Swords does that on the cheap. I've been playing white creature decks for as long as I can remember, going back as far as Scars of Mirrodin Block Constructed. 44) have made eight top 8s according to TC Decks, but two of them are Jeff White’s 5c Weenie deck that plays 4 Mox Diamond s. I was toying around with these cards a lot and came to the conclusion that staying mono-colored is better when you try to maximize going The final reason for the ruins is something of an "inbred" metagame among the battle box decks: One of the decks in the box (which I'm working on the post for now) is prison, and without Ruins, under a Winter Orb - Icy Manipulator lock, White Weenie has no way of producing two mana to cast Disenchant. Overall the match total for this deck went 16-2-0. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. What would it be if we wrote a column talking about White Weenie and didn’t start with a great quote from the greatest representative of White Feb 15, 2024 · For White Weenie decks (decks that play a lot of cheap white creatures), Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is often its top-end. White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by Wolek in MTGO Pauper League #8760 on 2024-12-10 White Weenie is also known as S Artisan, . Hi, I'm completely new to Modern (and MTG in general, just started playing exactly a year ago). Loxodon is the white weenies players best weapon and raise the alarm is the best way to help get it out on Turn 3. I would say that for EC, the Tier 1 decks are Shops, Mono Black, The Deck, Atog Burn and W/x aggro (various flavors of White Weenie, Pink Weenie, Brumby-style multi-color weenie with white creatures, and Naya Bazaar Zoo). The end goal is to get the opponent from 20 to 0 as quickly as possible, preferably not much after turn 5 or 6. Jun 15, 2022 · Some time ago, I worked on a Standard 2022 White Weenie Guide. A single card can wipe 3 days ago · Mtgdecks. Last 3 Weeks. May 1, 2022 · It’s a time when deck building is fresh and challenging and everyone is hard at work innovating and trying to figure what cards are best and what are the best ways to use them. 2 %. Gruul LD 3. My cousin has a really nasty white weenie commander deck. net ©2009-2025. May 7, 2007 · Ancient Tomb makes using equipment much easier, and this deck definitely makes the best out of it. It's been stated that it would make other decks too powerful, but I think what white weenie, and by extension, Search Party Captain, needs are the 3 mana cards that put two 1/1 white flying spirit tokens into play. Feb 7, 2023 · This is the early frontrunner for best white weenie deck of the format. Jun 15, 2022 · Technically, Showdown of the Skalds would be perfect for weenie decks, but the mana is just too bad when you play so many white 1-drops and cards with double colors like Glorious Anthem or Skyclave Apparition. The main fear is how do you actually close out the game in an aggro deck with no burn. Sep 10, 2019 · Mono White Aggro, also well known as White Weenies (WW), is an aggressive deck that uses small creatures to swarm your enemy and overwhelm them with protective strategies or just turning them into a large army. White Weenie is also known as White Weenie, Riccardo WW 4 febbraio 1996 or Mono W Aggro. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. RG Aggro (Gruul) 0. Perhaps, you might want to add it to the sample deck lists. Mono White Gameplay Feb 15, 2021 · The Deck. She reliably gets you 3 drops per turn on top of what you cast, and she really rewards you for pushing an aggressive strategy. 57. I've only ever played Standard and Historic, and found the most success playing white weenie decks (cheap creatures Nov 2, 2013 · 1 CMC - Soldier of the Pantheon, Dryad Militant - Any white aggro deck should start with the 2 power one drops. The important thing to note about weenie decks is that board wipes will usually end the game for you if you overextend. I like to run Banalish Heros too. Mostly from being a non-threat and politics. Here is a baseline for white weenie, for both Swedish and EC banlists, and some suggestions when splashing red to make some Best weenie white Magic The Gathering Arena Decks as of January 2025: the biggest MTGA deck lists database online. No situational dudes, just solid 1 drops. I am creating a Mono-White deck [[Mavinda]] and it is my first time building Mono-White. Toolbox is a powerful thing. Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated. Almost every card is mentioned in your primer. Glorious Anthem and Heraldic Banner: There are two main ways to achieve an anthem effect for your weenies. A white weenie today is like the ones from my last 26 Mar 25, 2019 · Here, the best plan is basically to use the White Weenie Challenger Deck as a way to pick up cheap copies of two of the most expensive cards in Azorius and Boros Aggro— History of Benalia and Legion's Landing —and then base your upgrade on what you happen to have in your collection. His general is Kemba, and her runs alot of little crap to get out quick, then pumps out the cats with all of his equipments. Get your box of tokens ready as we explore the best white token generators in Magic. Updated Nov 14, 2024 by alastrian using our MTG Deck Builder. The deck is a classic since the beginning of the game. I'm looking into getting into Modern but would prefer playing an archetype that I'm already somewhat familiar with. 00 tix 16 Rare, 15 Uncommon Jun 16, 2023 · The deck has a lot of late game compared to an average white weenie deck. Great against any flash deck that relies on spending their mana during your turn. #4. If you're a fan of 60-card formats (which you probably are if you've been following this series), then you know that this deck is the top choice of Craig Wescoe in pretty much any format. The disadvantage of a deck like this is it tends to explode its hand onto the battlefield and then hope for the best. Pretty basic aggro with end mid-range drops to finish the games. However, because White Weenie is so consistent My first mtg deck was the nalia precon which I upgraded into aristocrat since most of the aristocrats were clerics, but it also plays weenie, with nalia on board and most of my creatures at 1-2 cmc with an enchantment or land ever so often I’ll usually spam creatures out of the top of my deck pretty quickly and get a full party to buff the weenie board with nalia with the cleric aristocrats I doubt Humans is weaker than White Weenie because both decks can play the same white spells and SB, Mantis Rider is the best 3-cmc aggro creature in white, but who knows. I think that [[Adeline]] is the best white weenie commander. Solid primer. Belonging to the metagame from Modern, White Weenie is a deck with the following key cards: The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Initial Crusader Deck. I think the only ones you left out were Ajani Goldmane and Cloudgoat Ranger. Trying to avoid anything that isn't straight white also. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. Jun 10, 2009 · Whereas the Cleric deck is just an annoying harasser, this deck is the true White Weenie of the group, and it has a lot of power already. Aug 21, 2012 · 45 best creatures for White Weenie #1 Aug 21, 2012. It makes Dec 4, 2023 · Chances are, you already know a few of the best ones if you’ve played token decks enough. In 1996, Tom Chanpheng became the world champion using a White Weenie deck. Jul 7, 2023 · From the OG Savannah Lions Savannah Lions in Alpha to the creature type creature type that defined an entire standard to the point that the two meta decks were literally named "Rebels" and "Counter-Rebels", white weenie has been a solid deck strategy since the beginning of Magic. Standard ranked is literally flooded with it so I stay away for now. The deck theme provides you with information, such as which cards you'll probably play, the most efficient spells for each theme, how you win, and sometimes how you avoid White Weenie isn't good against control decks with boardwipes. One of the most tried and true strategies is what is known as "white weenie. My thoughts on swords is with a weenie deck you must clear out opponents big creatures. Naya Aggro. . Green gives you ramp on weenie bodies, in the form of tap elves, [[Sakura tribe elder]], [[Farhaven Elf]] etc. Round 1: 2-0 BW Lifegain deck. Green and black keep your hand full with effects like [[grim haruspex]], [[foster]], [[deathreap ritual]] to complement Deck Name Player Event Date Position; White weenie: Unai Zabarte: 2ª Liga Premodern Gasteiz Mirari - Jornada 1: 18/01/2025 1 of 43 White weenie: Mikel Castander: 2ª Liga Premodern Gasteiz Mirari - Jornada 1: 18/01/2025 4 of 43 5c Weenie: Jacob Poulsen: Danish Hygge League - Xmas: 30/12/2024 2 of 21 White Weenie Mtgdecks. Adeline can become rather powerful thanks to growing for each creature Updated Nov 14, 2024 by izlosst using our MTG Deck Builder. Best Weenie White Magic The Gathering Arena Decks as of January 2025: the biggest MTGA deck lists database online. I usually tweak them a little to my taste before putting them out though. I'd also probably cut White Sun's Zenith for Doomed Traveler or Champion of the Parish. White weenie uses white mana producing lands such as Plains, Karakas, Kjeldoran Outpost and Serra Sanctum. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Reply reply More replies MTGCardFetcher White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by gomesgui in MTGO Pauper League #8760 on 2024-12-23 Updated Oct 07, 2024 by SouperSpoopy101 using our MTG Deck Builder. The best way is to rely on either no creatures, or have static buffs for your token army/aggressive weenie creatures. There are a few payoffs to drawing cards available to white, so artifact cards are also included here. In any form, Humans is a powerful deck that can deliver quick wins while throwing the opponent off with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Elite Spellbinder and Anointed Peacekeeper. The Tier 2 decks include mono green, Troll Disco, UR Counterburn, RUG Zoo, Underworld Dreams combo, and Erhnamgeddon. All 2024 Decks. We called it “big white” because there’s a total of 26 lands in the deck. Most deck just start being generally white and going weenie when the cards flow correctly, taking removals and bombs (see in the "Top Picks section") first. This was the deck most of the teams ran for the NEO Champs. White Weenie is a "fair" deck with no real back-breaking plays; the longer the game goes on, the more likely White Weenie is to lose to their opponent's card advantage, superior late game plays, or both. White Weenie is also known as Mono-White Humans, Mono-White Aggro or Mono White Humans. Thanks guys. I’m close to having all the wildcards for the curse deck that I think Legendvd put out. The goal is to go wide asap and play rally the peasants back to back if the first time isn’t enough. I think it even won a world championship in the 90's. The best reason is probably to open an Armageddon or Ravages of War in the first pack. If one were seeking to build such a deck for the commander format, Odric, Lunarch Marshal would likely be your best option for a commander. Drop low cost creatures, support and control the board, pump your creatures, win. 4 Ancient Den 16 Plains 4 Novice Inspector 4 Thraben Inspector 4 Glint Hawk 4 Raffine's Informant 4 Kor Skyfisher 4 Squadron Hawk 1 Eagles of the North 4 Lembas 4 Greatsword of Tyr 4 Journey to Nowhere 3 Prismatic Strands 2 Dawnbringer Cleric 1 Standard Bearer 2 Obsidian Acolyte 1 Crimson Acolyte 1 Lumithread Field 1 Sunlance 4 Dust to Dust 2 Destroy Evil 1 Prismatic Strands ; White Weenie is also known as Decklist, Imported Deck or Monoweenie. Also the other cool thing about it is it is about 85% commons and uncommons, so you can build it on a budget. If you want to go a little bit bigger, you could add Dragonlord Ojutai and Silkwrap or Stasis Snare to the main deck, but then Thalia's Lieutenant gets worse and you'd likely be better off switching out blue for black, ending up at something like this: Bo3 it’s another game, it’s a wine with a nice imported cheese, you may have lottery cards or two copies of lots of possible answers so you can get a good grasp of enemy deck, then, you remove all your lottery cards and put on-line the best version of your deck against the opponent deck. Mono Black Aggro. These decks aggressively attack with cheap but efficient creatures with 3 power or less, and The White Weenie a Pauper MTG deck played by Wolek in MTGO Pauper League #8760 on 2024-12-10 White Weenie is also known as S Artisan, . White Weenie is also known as White Weenie, Death&Taxes or 4 d4viz4um White Weenie. The most up-to-date list is here, made by ImNotFine : Deck 1 Portable Hole (AFR) 33 31 Plains (ANA) 1 1 Brave the Elements (M14) 10 1 Paradox Engine (KLR) 259 1 Ancestral Statue (JMP) 458 1 Aetherflux Reservoir (KLR) 217 1 Mana Tithe (STA) 8 1 Selfless Savior (M21) 36 1 Swords to Plowshares (STA) 10 1 Glass Casket (ELD) 15 1 Brought Back (M20) 9 1 Not only that but if I play 10 games 5-6 are mono white. The manabase is very consistent, and overall the deck’s high threat density and efficiency will generate a reliable early game offense. You’ll draw plenty of cards in just about every game of Magic. Jan 16, 2025 · This card is good in weenie decks, artifact decks… hell, it’s good in just about any deck that plays white! Best Card Draw Payoffs. If you were to say that White Weenie is one of the best Pauper decks in 2024, many would think it was a joke, but the archetype is the best Meta Call the format has today! EDHREC is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Oct 14, 2024 · Hallowed Moonlight | Illustration by Mike Bierek. That deck carried me to Mythic in the BO1 Standard 2022 ladder. Jul 13, 2023 · Elspeth Resplendent came out in Streets of New Capenna and is one of the more mild Elspeth planeswalker cards out there.
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