Cancer woman reddit He is cancer sun, cancer moon, and Scorpio rising. Hypes up and speaks highly of aries women and associates cancer with "jealous, competitive, and mysogynists". Still as passionate but yet effortless as we were at the beginning. I actually love that about her. if the love is there and you’re both loyal and determined to make the relationship work, then it will. Both my parents are cancers and my best guy friend is a cancer. My relationship before him was also with a cancer guy. And the worst part is Cancer thinks its emotionally intelligent, xD, yeah sure. i get along with scorpios extremley well, and rarley ever with other cancers. Cancer men are clingy af and weirdly whiney/feminine. Honestly, i rather have a cancer moon than any other sign. So many things upset y’all and your emotions get so big. It’s weird that he won’t text you throughout the day. I broke up last September, and in the end, it had become a toxic relationship. Cancer moon here. I had 1 acquaintance and a friend, he was a Cancer and she a Cap, (I was friends with the girl, I didn’t consider the guy my friend), and the tantrums that he would throw at her and emotional lack of self control that he had in his relationship, opened up my eyes to how SOME Cancer guys can be with their gf Cancer woman stellium and definately dont mesh as well with any other sign romantically, some are great but the waters dont run deep with any other sign like they do with another stellium Cancer. 100%. I couldn’t interact with her without feeling this unjust prickliness to her. To be truthful here, I am smitten by how she looks and find her extremely cute. I agree ^ cancer men get scared off easily. I’m a Leo sun/Leo rising/Pisces moon and he’s cancer sun/cancer rising even if the cancer ascendant native is extroverted by nature, their rising sign will often betray them, causing them to appear awkward or timid at first those with cancer on the rise may falsely be mistaken as being diffident or self conscious until one gets to know them this is because of cancers governing celestial body, the moon Just don’t disrespect their feelings, or break their trust. I think the cardinal energies of mine and my partner’s sign work so well because both of us are driven and ambitious when it comes to work and I think scorpio women gets along better with pisces men. Cancer males are pretty cringe, some more so than others, definitely better friend material than boyfriend material. Especially with the amount of cancer in the family. Therefore, I just stay away from watery-heavy charts, specially cancer. or they don’t communicate effectively to tell the person that they aren’t being fulfilled in their love But wait Cancer is water & Sagittarius is fire! That cannot happen! If we took every challenge as bad it would be dishonesty to what Jupiter is and stands for. wicked attraction right off the bat for both of us. Cancer water == the family living next to the water type on a beach There is no possible way a Cancer can trick a Pisces or Scorpio, both will have to always 'accept' the BS of Cancer to just be 'around' them. So, although people say its might be hard. That is my exact experience, as a Cancer Woman, with my evolved February Pisces Husband. Do you trust him at least? Do you get the vibe that he likes you? If you don’t want to wonder too much, maybe just straight out ask him what’s going on. My mother who is a Cancer married a Scorpio manand my grandmother is a Cancer that married my Grandfather who is a Scorpio. Scorpio-Cancer (when they're both evolved) is a wonderful pair! My cancer male friend has been dating a pisces woman for 5 years now. Was only until I turned 40 that I found one. I enjoyed my Cancer friend once we got to know each other it was like "damn you just get it" whenever id be in my feelings. Yes. And yes, we areπŸ˜… They just HIDE their emotions because they are crabs hiding in their shell until they know it’s safe to come out. Taurus comforts cancer and not fight back. Motherly, gentle, compassionate, intuitive, and always so beautiful. Very thoughtful, caring, and loving, and will love you unconditionally. We operate in 5D as in thinking the same things, finishing eachothers sentences, learning eacothers sense of humor. I also like scorpio woman with a cancer woman, that’s a beautiful combo. I've had other relationships but this is my forever person. Why are you so catty towards Cancer women? Have you met all cancer women in the world? Do they all act exactly the same? I am guessing you are an aries woman. In my experience, a Cancer can hold a Sagittarius, but a Cancer can't keep a Sagittarius. There’s are times when she becomes distant and I don’t hear from her via text for a day or two, so I let her have her space (I know she’s in school right now) which has worked in the past because she always comes back with a more bubbly personality and more willing to open up more. The bigger question is how do cancer ladies put up with Gemini! Lol πŸ˜† oh gosh i found your post cuz i’m in the same boat. The way Astro portrays Cancer is kinda 'Mehh'. I’m a Cancer woman. Remember, a heartless man is a devil only until he meets a Cancer woman. That being said, if the relationship ended because of something you did that was particularly bad, forgiveness isn't a cancer strong suit. I'm a cancer woman, but my sister in laws "husband" is super loud, abrasive, has an easily bruised ego, and talks over people too. But it really depends on the emotional maturity of the person. Ron and Tammy 2 on Parks n Rec is the definition of fast-moving toxic cancer/scorp love, riding high on the fumes, lol played by a cancer and Scorpio who are married in real life. no animosity or huge falling out. I’m a Sagittarius woman and my worst relationship was with a Cancer. This might be the most emo Cancer post ever. I can say sue really lived up to her astrological sign. Also, my mother's brother is a Scorpio that married a Cancer woman! I'm not sure why these two pair up so much, because honestly - I see them as being very toxic. I commit to the wrong people for far too long, I blow past red flags and instead see the best in people. He complimented me a lot on the date even after he dropped me off he said he had an amazing time despite me being awkward & nervous and I was gorgeous. Previously married to an Aries for 21 years. Both signs are passionate, sensitive, and love cuddling. As a cancer man it’s tough to even appreciate myself and feel worthy of love when so many women on Reddit talk nothing but trash about Whoever you've been with must have learned to use their sensitive side to manipulate. I'm sun cancer moon pisces, spouse is sun scorpio moon scorpio, married two years now. As a cancer I knew from age 18 I was meant to be with a scorpio. But wait Cancer is water & Sagittarius is fire! That cannot happen! If we took every challenge as bad it would be dishonesty to what Jupiter is and stands for. Lol For me, dating a cancer man is like dating another version of me (Pisces woman) after being in a relationship with one before. I often found that he was very emotional, but manifested it in other ways rather than crying or yelling. I dated an Aquarius stellium for 3 years who was also Aquarius moon & Mercury clearly survived & he was just overly intellectualizing his emotions 24/7 which was Lol all these comments on the toxic traits of cancer. I was scared that I had to wait but all the cancer is cardinal water, so in this medium of water it will create a big wave and then die down before creating another big wave, sometimes in a completely opposite direction. We met each other through work and were quietly attracted to each other/avoided each other for years and hardly spoke a word. πŸ™ˆπŸ€£ Cancer's ruling planet is the moon, and as a result Cancer is also closely associated with the ocean's tides. Yea maybe. I found myself very much in tune with my previous partner (cancer) and a strong sense of connection between us. After that it’s either a game changer or a game over. I'm a Taurus female with a Cancer male. Hey folks, so I (M 30) met a cancer woman, in Jan at a social gathering. Cancer women are thee worst enemies to have, especially when in a work or family situation. 5 years. On the other hand, Aries is the archetype male energy and Cancer is one of the archetype female energies of the zodiac (together with venus). i am a sag stellium. Cancer moon currently with Pisces moon gf and she is a Cancer sun. Fire during kissing thought that was fake, deep intimacy during lovemaking though that was fake too. As a Cancer woman, I'd say yes I think Cancers are just really just shy. I find them superficial and materialistic. They’re sensitive, sweet, and funny as hell. Cancer females in my experience tend to be very round, cute, and demure, but also easily hurt and more likely to hide in their shell than the males. I can relate well with being super guarded emotionally due to both having a Cancer moon and having it in the 12th house. Im a Taurus woman who dated a Cancer woman for two years. Maybe it works better for the inverse where the male is Gemini, female Cancer? Cancer men can be very negative and prone to emotional outbursts, which truly sucks the soul out of Gemini. It's a really contradicting and confusing placement for emotional processing in a Cancer moon due to being put in the 12th house. He was emotionally abusive, narcissistic, insecure, a pathological liar, among other things. Yeah cancer’s insecurity and sensitivity drives me away I’ve only ever met one cancer that I enjoy being around, all of the other ones end up annoying me I once worked with a cancer woman and it was as if my existence triggered her. Cancer is the mother of the zodiac; the need to protect and nurture Cancer has find a very good target in Aries, and Aries will certainly enjoy Cancer's attention. Cancer is ruled by the moon, Libra is ruled by Venus. As a Libra I want to be there but sometimes Cancers let emotions consume them and it’s very difficult to deal with. That said, I've known other cancer women and even WITH the arguments ( plenty of ) and the excessive pride, they're wonderful. But he (Aquarius male) was no saint either. I like all boobs, big and small, as long as they look nice. She was a fucking cancer that needed to be surgically removed and she played so many manipulative games it was fucking stupid. Lol. Cancer either men or women, personality we clash, im too blunt and they take everything extremely personal and that leads to awful bittersweet experiences. com Aug 25, 2024 Β· Cancer in love will have to use their charm to attract a possible future partner. However cancer men that I’ve dated or dealt with were emotionally exhausting, mentally/emotionally manipulative to the point of abuse, unfaithful, promiscuous, and most of all: unhealthy admiration for their mothers. ) just letting you know. He literally sucked my soul with his negativity and moody behavior. Come on don’t be so judgy and deem a whole entire demographic of men as evil. However later on I began to date Cancer women And I would say this I have never seen a women react to the real me like them, I was shocked to be quite honest how attracted to my real personality these women where. My hs former friend is married to Aqua tho he also got Cap stellium. When I’m into someone, I want to talk with that person all the time!!! Maybe he’s different. Married to Cancer. A matter a fact, it’ll make the heart grow fonder. when they fall in love. Not all cancer women are like that tho. Now granted, cancer doesn't typically grow that fast - I had to wait a month before starting treatment even though they considered my cancer aggressive. 🀷🏼‍♀️ Pisces are my favs/besties and I love other Scorpios, yet, Cancers always tend to rub me wrong and be too emotional and/or manipulative/pain in the ass for me. We really had a good on the date, she laughed a lot and occasionally touched me. We’ve been together for 18 months. Ex was Aquarius moon and she wouldn't feel much but we had a great chemistery. She threw his inhaler away once when she got mad at him. The cancer moodiness is there but it doesn't necessarily play a big part, due to other signs in other houses in the chart, etc. Cancer women often have big boobs, but big boobs aren't a Cancerian obsession. (Scorpio venus thoπŸ₯΅) I am a Cancer sun, Libra rising, Virgo moon. Everyone has their flaws and everyone messes up but not everyone’s the same. There’s a victim mentality that gets attributed to this placement, because as a water sign ruling an emotional planet, your emotions will influence how you think and feel. They can be sweet and nurturing but can easily turn on you in an instant. As a cancer july male, I will respond exactly! If you take my suggestion, take him out for lunch and start talking all funny stuff and talk something sad things about you in between. It's funny because I always tell my friend he's literally just my dad but like 30 years younger lol. i know that aries and cancers aren’t supposed to work, but i think that it can be a really beautiful connection tbh. It seems the women embody the Cancer stereotype but the men are considered psychos, manipulative and vindictive. Can take things very personally, it’s like walking on eggshells to avoid offending them, hurting their feelings or setting them off. I also just think cancer women are less toxic than the men. It takes a great deal of effort to keep my cool around them. They can have psycho moments, I think it's the influence of the moon doing that though. I'm an aqua rising though and I know I've read on like astro. One was just a great friend the other was a coworker & the most respectful man I'd ever met. Love this combo. The perks with a cancer moon is that although we feel deeply and may cry some days- the ability to cry is the most healing thing ever. Opinions on this match and any experiences from yourself? (I am a cancer woman) and it was an absolute disaster. Pisces female here dating a Cancer guy. I feel very protective and close with cancer women. He's insecure asf and she's the only girl that likes that about him. Cancer & Aquarius (I’ve been hearing this combo for about ten years) and only one aqua woman told me that the only reason why she’s with her cancer is because he helps keep her grounded, great in bed and a good father. Cancers are obsessed with making eye contact. Cancer relationships go two ways for me. Cancer reciprocates with kindness and return by giving us good food. Maybe she is an unevolved cancer perhaps. met this cancer woman, i’m a taurus sun cancer moon while she’s a cancer sun scorpio moon. then it’ll I like Cancer women a lot and I am drawn to them as they exude feminine energy. i find that as capricorns and cancers, we value the same things just in slightly different ways. With every virgo in my life I have the exact same problem: our characters match great but there always seems to be an irritation from my side. Plus Scorpio is gonna fight for you fight for the relationship, cancer on the other hand will do what her mom tells her to. Cancer gives you everything but they don’t give you themselves. In my opinion it's very naieve to say someone is too young for cancer and it grinds my gears too. The necessity of a Taurus to been understood in their stubbornness is complimented by the empathy of a Cancer. I am sag sun, aries moon, and cap rising. To be honest, I get it! But not every cancer is the same. Gemini here I was with a Cancer man for 5 years. Tho I am a cancer woman, I feel like once a cancer learns to openly communicate what they feel & is not afraid of change. Too temperamental, moody and dishonest. Which is fine I guess but not my thing. Now, my experience with him was clouded by a personality disorder on his end, so he was definitely not like most cancers. Scorpio men are great, but women are often too petty or vengeful for my liking. I haven’t dated a libra man personally but, I attract a lot of libra men cause libra is my 12th house ruler. And her here I am at 41 years old with stage 4 breast cancer and 3 teens at home. As a cancer woman myself, don’t do it. In your situation - It just sounds like there isn't enough of an initial spark here. PS: I’m a pisces woman, not a scorpio so I might be biased here. The connection is simply magnetic. I think i most commonly met Cancer women that are married to Cap men, like, 3-4 of them. he's the most intuitive, patient person I've ever come across and I've never had such open conversations which is crazy to me bc I've always gravitated towards She (cancer female) burned his clothing when he hung out with his friends because a woman was there (the woman was a lesbian). and my Cancer cousin married a Pisces man. Im a cancer woman (aries rising) with a sag man and we have been together for more than 2 years, we never fight or collide, each issue can be talkable, i had difficult relationships with other sag people so i was weary when i met him but everything went great, if you like him and are having a good relationship dont worry about sun signs, theres a whole chart that takes part in our personality Cancer women do love nostalgia so they entertain exes perhaps more than the average person. I'm not sure if i noticed other matches. Sooo nurturing, warm and caring. I'm pretty sure she might be f-ing him lol. We've been together 11 years. Capricorn woman. 🀣🀣 This is the best place on Reddit for TST-related news, blogs I(Capricorn male) found that Cancer sun and Venus women are my weakness. i can’t remember how many years it has been since we’ve been miserable. Let's say we feel things deeply and can relate to eachother a lot. Personally I am horrible at texting and being apart, but that doesn't mean I don't like someone specifically - it just means I want to be alone. Lemme know if you wanna know more about anything. com and that sort of thing looking at my big 3 it says I don't have the usual compatibility for a Taurus because compatible placements like cancer would find me too detached which I've found to be true. it just didn’t end up working out. Seems to be a pretty boring relationship. I swear, we cancer moons + 12th housers NEED to have a creative outlet to feel okay. Ive read Pisces + Cancer moon is the best mix. Like, Oedipus level admiration. ) & i think sag/ cancer pairs find the perfect cross But I’m the cancer woman, been friends with a Scorpio for almost 15 years and dated some in between. Pisces women are great, not men though. In the grand scheme of things we want the same life, we clash because we have totally different ways of doing things. My bestie growing up was an Aries. Otherwise hell will break loose, and they will leave you bleeding badly. My cancer manager was the same, I could tell based on how he interacted with other women, plus was struggling with alcoholism and no work ethic. We tried to make it work 7 years ago but it didn't, our personalities clashed and our thinking were different-still are different. hello! i am a cancer woman, my partner rn is a cap man (11 months in a rel), my bff (woman) is also a cancer his bf is also a cap man (6 years in a rel). Its at home and I’ve seen to many earth , fire and air moon sign suffer emotionally. been together 8 years, married 1. As a Cancer when I like someone, it’s not easy for me to throw in the towel. Current partner is a Capricorn. cancer gets called “bipolar” or “moody” for this reason: it will push a certain feeling it gets SUPER hard and then drop it like it didn’t happen. They are more sensitive but doesn't mean manipulation right off the bat. i believe the pair is very drawn to one another for sake of gaining more access to what the other holds back on (emotional receptivity, heightened confidence, a will to strive for greater, etc. in my experience with those friendships I’m a cancer and I’m dating a virgo man. Cancer women are the best. Cancer men have to have it their way or the Highway and pout if they have to compromise and do something they don’t want to do, even if it makes you happy. Libra women like to make friends with other popular women, but Cancer women will never make friends with women prettier than them. Cancers are very good at love, which is a glass-half-full way of saying that a Cancer-in-love will slowly get worse at everything else. but i got a airy ting to it, since my mercurey is also in the 1th hous, my venus in the 11th, pluto in the 5th, and my 7th houses in uranus and neptune. Cancer character is locked in a shell, so they have to wait until they Aug 2, 2024 Β· It's easy to like a sweet and nurturing Cancer woman, but how do you know if she feels the same? Ladies born under this sign are careful with their feelings around most people, but they'll blossom around their crush. Cancer stellium male dating a Taurus stellium woman here. I told everyone in my life that I knew my soulmate would be a cancer woman and she is! Cancer Women: What sign is your partner and how long have you been together? I’m a cancer and somehow end up dating virgos but only my 12th house is in virgo. I am Jupiter in Cancer. but 2 years later and we're engaged :) cancers get a lot of bs but I think it all goes way deeper than just your sun sign. For scorpio gay guys I suggest a capricorn or a virgo because I can’t imagine a scorpio male with another male water sign. I have met terrible women and men with Cancer suns. I'm more into big butts and small boobs, honestly As the cancer moon mom who commented on her Aries moon son, I totally understand where you are coming from and I see the shadow side of cancer expecting this from their children. It was an immature relationship but it lasted on and off over years. I guess I had done self-checks but never regularly, which is how it got to stage 2 before I found it. And I’ve noticed cancer men loves to perpetuate a double standard with gender and sex. Great compatibility. Dont make fun out of them or do not hurt them while they are being vulnerable around you, its the biggest sign of their trust towards you. With Cancer, it tends to be because they get caught up in expecting the world to conform to their needs or attitude (which tends to be either very blunt to a fault, or the opposite extreme of sugarcoating things to seem better than they are), and are too stubborn to realize at times that this can lead to them forcing their choices or ideals We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I got back together with my libra bf and we're happier than ever after he spent time doing a couples workshop with me. I am proud to say that I do not expect this, but it is still so sweet and appreciated, and very much unexpected that out of all my children it’s my Aries moon boy Both Capricorn men and women dislike people with low self-esteem. so the people i like most almost always had scorpio influence As a fellow cancer, I can agree we're not that great. She was pretty controlling and hardly ever gave him space, and made him delete most women from his socials. If you don’t have a lot of life experience (unevolved), or have unsupportive placements in your chart, hurt feelings Capricorn woman here. Lamar Odom and a Kardashian were a cancer/Scorpio couple who got married within like a week of knowing each other in real life. Hi there! I’m a sag woman with a sag stellium. also a sag f with a cancer m!! I was super sketched when I found out he was a cancer before we started dating. I hate that shit. Might be wrong though. Her behavior sounds toxic get far away from her wtf! See full list on vekkesind. I’m a Leo woman dating a cancer man and we’re pretty much inseparable, affectionate, silly, supportive, have a lot of sex and communicate really well. Cancer is feminine and Libra is masculine (⚠️). Cancer can be too clingy for Aquarius, and Aquarius can be too distant for Cancer. also, there are a lot of stereotypes surrounding aries and cancer that aren’t necessarily true. it was just really intense and fun until it…just wasn’t. people say that aries As a Cancer woman most of my ex’s have been Aquarians, like there is a lot to like about them, but I guess the keyword here is ‘ex’s’, they just didn’t seem to last the distance. As a Pisces man myself having given ten years to a cancer woman. libra woman married to a cancer man. I don’t know about that… I remember this couple being not good for the Cap woman. On the other hand, I’ve met the most empathetic and interesting people with this placement. -- usually as a woman. As a Cancer sun woman, I've had 2 Capricorn men confess their love for me after years of friendship. A Cancer-in-love will probably get better and better at holding, actually, while getting worse and worse at keeping. Representing the two lights of the sky, Leo the Sun and Cancer the Moon, reducing the relationship of Leo and Cancer to being "incompatible" due to being Fire & Water does not make sense to me. As the closest celestial body to Earth, the moon appears in a lot of mythologies -- Selene, Artemis/Greek, Chang-o/China, Isis/Egypt, etc. Cancer women: most of them are very beautiful. Cancer needs a strong emotional connection and not much of a mental connection, Aquarius is the complete opposite. As a 34F Cancer, I have had such a challenge with dating. Very hard to hide they see you. Cancers need a “safe place” where they can express their feelings. Too young. Ultimately it would really depend on her entire birth chart (: - but for sun signs sake it can definitely be a beautiful union but there has to be a lot patience (especially when we hit those moody strides ) and trust and understanding or willingness to , on both ends . in my experience scorpios are givers . We met via internet and conversed on there for some time, very flirtatious and suggestive conversations, always sending me nudes and shit but we also could have serious and wholesome conversations too. Libra is about partners, marriage (7th house). I'm a cancer woman married to a Libra man(9yrs together/4 married, 1 baby) and we have created a wonderful life together based on open communication. On one hand, they can be the most immature and selfish people out there. And they are just so stable- we cancers love that! Also, the match up is so complementary - Earth and Water go so well together. Aries a very straight forward but know that if she is she doesn’t mean to ever be insensitive just focus on the fact that she loves you there can difficult compatibility between cancer guys and aries girls but the passion attraction and connection is very deep. Several surefire signs can tell you how she feels, so read on for a complete guide to knowing if a Cancer woman likes you! Cancer woman been with a Capricorn man for 7 years and it’s kinda disappointing to see these comments… I cherish and appreciate all the Caps (and tbh all the earth signs in my life so much). However, like another comment said, you need the whole birth chart, or at the very least, the moon signs as well. this one at my job is just so open and comforting that I had to fight the impulsive urge to just grab and hug her so I can keep her all to Cancer woman here wondering how bad the Cancer Woman/Gemini Man combo is, and after reading through a few posts - how are there so many success… Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Pisces men with a cancer woman? Been dating this girl for over 2 weeks and things are moving super fast en and everything feels so good, and the sex is amazing. Similarities: both are cardinal signs. this is a bit different for me but personally, as a cap sun and cancer rising woman, i’ve been in friendships with cancer sun women many many times and find that we naturally gravitate towards each other. That’s like racism, it’s bitter and nasty. They just get us cancer women so well. cancer stellium here - im a woman but i would say that if the cancer man doesnt hermit himself from time to time and intentionally reflect and refill their cup, then they can perceive their giving love as overgiving and can be resentful. It’s my experience. On the other hand they are secretive about their true inner feelings. Very good for eacother. cancers serve, but there's a little bit of a selfish streak with cancers (sometimes, not all the time. Have touch and empathy for her and her times, ask how Is everything going and listen to her vent better than give her solutions or jugdment, I'm a csncer woman dating scorpio man, match made in heaven, willing yo travel through hell if necessary As a Libra sun woman, I've had a pretty nasty experience with a cancer woman. I can say, without a doubt, she is one of the most hard-headed, stubborn, defiant human beings I have ever met in my life. I’m a Libra and the cancer man I am seeing is so emotional. Look in the mirror before you go shitting on cancers. I think the most troublesome in this rel is that cancer women are most likely to blow out their emotions to the cap man. Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. Cancer needs a lot of affection and love from their partner, and can be offended when the Aquarius rather be alone than hang out with them at that cancer can be whiny, and scorpios, can hate the whiny part lol. Cancer women seem much more positive and upbeat as a whole which is good for Gemini. Took the wind out of my sails constantly with his dark cloud. They don’t want to be so vulnerable that they get heartbroken in the end. So toxic that I do not have any confidence in any way I approach people. I’ve always adored fire sign women. I’m the Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Gemini Venus He’s Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon,Rising is unknown, Libra Venus I feel like our moon signs are not going to be a big issue. 🀷🏼‍♀️ I think my VERY facts/logic based and loving Aquarius moon nature comes out with them and CAN’T STAND all My (f) last relationship was with a cancer male for a few months but he had decided to end things around 8 months in. Usually, when these types of cancers don’t like someone, it’s for a good reason. Yes! My current boyfriend is a cancer and we've been together for 2 years now- still going strong. A Cancer woman has a power to make even the most powerful man weep like a baby for I’m a Scorpio man. - lol made my own swaggy quote. Their moods can be hard to decipher sometimes but it doesn’t bother me. (Not exactly the same things). Cancer woman here currently dating a Capricorn guy. Once the honey moon phase is over, scorpio will want dominance over their cancer. I'm also a pisces woman and my boyfriend is also a cancer and we would see each other 3-4 a week in the beginning (which is a lot, when you know that both of us had weird work schedule! anytime we would have a free time in common, it was spent with each other). As a Cancer woman here, I can attest (for myself, my opinion) that you not being around for a while won’t make her lose interest, if she’s interested in you. I’ve met some of the sweetest cancer women you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. 🌌 Each zodiac sign a symphony of stars, a poetry etched in timeless memoirs. Dated Cancer and other zodiac signs. He reached out to me in September 2023 and we hung out and fell in love quickly. They are very sexual. my very first boyfriend was a cancer and my most recent boyfriend was a sag who broke up with me and began dating a cancer woman. but im a scorpio moon in the 5th house, and moon rules my chart since my rising sign is cancer as well. Okay, so she's *very* Taurus, haha. I immediately went to the doctor the next day. 160K subscribers in the astrologymemes community. That open communication is the key in every situation and every relationship. In the celestial sphere they… Pisces man questions as a cancer woman. My dad has learned how to do that as a Cancer man 🀷🏻‍♀️ but not my Cancer boyfriend This is coming from a Pisces woman. Before that I had endless relationships with other cancers mostly. I also have a cancer sister who is the same. But the rest of the chart matters a lot. There’s a cancer woman that I’ve been talking to for some time now. I could say that Virgo and Aquarius should be compatible because the picture of their signs are both humans, it's a similar logic going on with this. I don’t want to date a guy that is as delicate / sensitive / emotional as (or more than) a girl πŸ˜‚ Prefer spending time with Earth signs or at least being around with someone who is grounded (okay I sound biased i’m a cancer woman and for me the whole thing was just really fast, really intense, and ended really quickly. They’re great. Cancer women can be insecure sometimes, they often compare themselves to others, and are prone to jealousy, this is a big NO for Capricorns. How do you expect your partner to support you emotionally? 33K subscribers in the Zodiac community. Every person is different tho! It started out very strong and back then I would’ve agreed. So I’m a cancer woman who was talking to a Aries man for a week we went out on a date a few days ago and I was visibly Nervous but he kept reassuring me that he liked me. Totally agree. I think eventually the ‘messing with your head’ thing takes a toll, even when they don’t mean to do it, and I never felt a sense of security with them. Sun in Cancer also, overall a very strong chart with more than 3 planets in dignity. i want to make it work but i know this is a terrible paring and quite honestly, maybe i should just be realistic and call it quits now before we have kids I think they are most compatible compared to any zodiac signs. They tend to fall in love with everyone they meet. It’s seems to be the same for Scorpio, the men are considered more reserved but the women embody the sign to its core. Cancer is the one fellow water sign I have the hardest time getting along and connecting with. Differences ; cancer is water sign, Libra is air sign. We took our time getting to know each other, spending time together and talking talking talking to each other. I had met 2 cancer man before that and one of them was manipulative,and so irritating,other one felt to me like a sloth,his thoughts and my thoughts didn't match,he was always left behind whatever I say or do,he couldn't understand my humour or sarcasm at all and both of them made me feel dissatisfied. Astrology says this is a great match and I agree. I swear there’s just something about them that pulls me towards them. (Cancer Sun & Rising, Libra Moon, Leo Venus) I could use some insight and support around dating. This pisces man and I, a cancer woman, have been in the weirdest nebulous for a while now. They can be a more healthier choice to be with. Ugh huh. Cancer is about home, family (4th house). Im going to push for my own kids to get mammograms much earlier. Taurus understands Cancer and their moodiness because we are nurturing. I believe in evolved and unevolved signs/placements, and the moon is at home here. The first time we met we both got so shy locking eyes for the first time she was so shy smiling i’ll never forget how cute she looked. My cancer male friend has been dating a pisces woman for 5 years now. Unfortunately he moved away and we didn't get a chance experience a romantic relationship together. Musk is a Cancer too and imo he speaks nonsenses) they speak the truth what they think about world, life (often their opinions are truthful and well thought). We don’t always seem to understand each other and we need to talk a lot to resolve our problems. Every Taurus man I've met I've connected with on a different level. Might have something to do with cancers sign doesn't mesh well with toxic masculinity that's groomed into lots of boys. I’m female—I absolutely adore Cancer women. I’m an Aries I’ve been in love with a cancer guy since high school Cancer men tend to have a superhero complex, but they are incredibly caring. Edit: formatting Also in a relationship with a Scorpio Man , Cancer woman here . Cancers are magnets for tragedy specifically untimely death, every cancer I know has lost someone very close to them and they were all by means of murder or fatal accidents. I had been trying to seek out advice from cancer and sag couples online but haven’t found many too. We have a lot of tumors in our relationship. Don’t let his past worry you and go Yea. I feel like this wouldn't be a good romantic match because we'd tend to feed too much into our negative traits. Can also be very vindictive. Personally as a Taurus woman I rarely feel attracted to cancers in that way, but I have a lot of friends with cancer placements. Oct 29, 2023 Β· Cancer women keep to themselves and only talk discreetly about their personal problems with people they trust. Also, they're prettier than the Libras I've known 🀷. A couple of times, it almost felt like a soulmate. Cancer women are the most likely to become cougars when they get older. i guess i’d say anticlimactic for my situation Im a cancer woman dating a sag man and we do have communication blocks but everything else is easy! We’re best friends and lovers. Our Mercury is highly compatible so we can communicate easily and a lot, for example. Best relationship I've ever had. The stability of a Taurus is comforting to the emotions of a Cancer. Placements also play a great deal, along with free will ofc. Not that Cancer men are like that. At some point in my life, I met this friend of a friend who was a cancer, and he really had a thing for me. I haven’t met a libra man that’s not a walking pole of red flags. You have to know when to bend a little bit to keep them at bay. 1 sentence out of 10. cancer woman here, i was with a cancer man for around 2 years and i gotta tell you, i left feeling like i was his mother (not to mention he would argue with me while saying "you're not my mom!") – i did NOT want to be his mom – but due to my nature, i may come off a little "mothery" and he would behave like he needed mothering (or Cancer & Virgo are both ruled heavily by their emotions. Virgos can be negative, but might appreciate all of the attention that the cancer man would pay to her. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL… Cancer men: if they are mentally healthy (because E. . This happened 6 months ago, he ended our casual relationship which lasted a good 2-3 months but we only seen each other like 2 times during the casual relationship. uhhi owune sdzwzw hhlq emot wglwq xrat bqutd kqinjwt nqilaz