Eve vni ratting 2020. Ensure your afterburner is on 5.
Eve vni ratting 2020 gallente ships work best for this as they have some of the best drone based ships, which are Jun 18, 2017 · EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Many alts VNI AFK < AFK Mining If someone is dissatisfied with VNI ratting and wants to upgrade, and doesn't mind spending a good chunk more money, they'd get way better ticks by buying a budget-fit Rattlesnake for 500-600mil. These are the fittings of the Holy Potato of Ratting. S : Please keep in mind that I’m Alpha… [Vexor Navy Issue, Jorg Estemaire’s Vexor Navy Issue] Capacitor Flux Coil II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer I Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier I Drone Damage Amplifier I Drone Damage Amplifier I Cap Apr 5, 2018 · This amount of income is not the greatest, but – as a beginning player – a lot more than you can earn by running low level high sec missions or mine in a venture. That sounds like hyperbole but it's an apt description for most people in null alliances right now. how can I get my sig higher besides afterburner, mwd, firing weapons or fitting shields? Jan 29, 2019 · The only afk rating I heard of is VNI ratting. the entire point of null ratting is to drop a ship in a site and watch netflix for 20 mins. So I was thinking The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. In some ways the VNI can work decently well for a specific form of PVE, ratting. Background: plenty of nullsec ratting in vexor and VNI, but in system that was -0. It is the king of subcap anom ratting. So i recommend carrier ratting due to safty because they always aligned and dont have to scoop dones. They did this,as they say,to help reduce the amount of ratting bots in game,by making it harder to rat using the VNI…So lets use this post to share relatively new cheap and effective ships and fits for NS ratting for us relative newbies,since the VNI,as many say,is not up for the task anymore… Post away,and Hello guys, I am looking to start ratting in null sec with a VNI. And of course, ratting is only profitable, when you don't lose your ship in the process, or your ship is super cheap. Also you want to yeet yourself into any nullbloc and do ratting in a random allowed empty-ish system there. Nov 12, 2024 · Ohk, so I have looked at the pyfa preview for the new ships- which seem to be mostly accurate except of course for the damage calculation. This is a skill plan and setup guide for creating a free-to-play Alpha Clone alt character for the express purpose of getting it into a sovnull corp/alliance and AFK/semi-AFK ratting Forsaken Hubs (a type of combat site that VNI's make the most ISK in) and Forsaken Rally Points. Drop MTU 3. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! 189K subscribers in the Eve community. Vexor, VNI, ishtar (and mymidon I guess) can all be done semi afk. I roughly made 100 mil isk after these ratting sessions, which is enough to buy a Vexor Navy Issue (VNI) and start to run cosmic anomalies. Sep 10, 2021 · I can’t find a vexor belt ratting fits that work so do you guys have any that i can use? (most that i find are from 2018 or for eve echoes) My budget is 100 mill (not including the ship). I have a steady, highsec ore mining fleet that gathers almost nightly and earns me appx. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships the VNI is kinda trash these days after they changed the bonuses on it. You have to be constantly engaged, but you can pull out an easy 50-60m/tick for your troubles. Short Tutorial to get you started with VNi Ratting:Fit is posted below:[Vexor Navy Issue, Vexor Navy Armor Blitz Hacker]Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane IIMe I would start with a vexor, maybe get into a vni after a little bit of time. Apr 18, 2020 · As in everything else in eve, there is no best ship/fit, Rattlesnakes tend to dominate wormhole ratting but they tend to be pricey and not best in every situation Orhoth_Namri (Orhoth Namri) April 18, 2020, 11:58am One thing I've heard is the Ishtar, but from what I've seen in EFT the Ishtar is only slightly better in some areas and worse in others compared to the VNI, and it doesn't seem like it could do higher tier sites or get significantly better ticks than a VNI, and at around triple the cost of a VNI. I started as a VNI then moved up to a Rattle, carrier, super, and now just two days ago I bought my first titan. I can’t do all this and carrier rat though, the carrier takes too much focus to not lose a fighter. Apr 14, 2018 · The backbone of null sec ratting: The Vexor Navy Issue. This is useful, but it'd also be good to outline the skills needed to get to the level required for this to work effectively. Though I have seen an uptick in guides showing up running into this fall. There are several ways to take it down a notch:remove 1 medium slot or remove 25mb from it’s bandwith or reduce powergrid or reduce capacitor/shield stats. The armor fit is also over tanked: [Vexor Navy Issue, Ratting in null] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Small Armor Repairer II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Drone Navigation Computer I Omnidirectional Tracking Link I Experimental 100MN Literally every single time I get curious to try the "Afterburner" ratting mechanics in anything except a Gila, it never works and my drones are all targeted unless I stick with Light drones like Acolyte IIs. i recently joined null from wh. You get a rattlesnake for the escalations and C3 sleeper sites. By far the most popular ratting ship in null security space is the Vexor Navy Issue aka VNI. There is nothing wrong with ishtar ratting, and 40-60 m/h is not bad considering effort (or lack of). 15-30m/tick ain’t fast). But I assume OP wants to have the slight element of dscan anonymity that you get from hunting ratters in a common ratting ship. So I decided I would like to try out ratting in EVE. But that's more work and more dangerous so people just do the infinite anoms. This guide is now inaccurate. 3 to 11666. 1 the rats "behaved" just fine and rarely if ever switched from me to the drones. This includes money from selling escalations, loot, and faction spawns/drops. It should pay itself off in 2 or 3 hours. You can rat in an Ishtar, but financially it's far more risky. every 20 min one or up to 4 drones have been attacked yesterday, using shield vni. when a dread (NPC) warps in I was so busy trying to get both vni's out that I got neither of them out. Go join a nullsec alliance that you like and rat there for 40-50mil/h in a VNI. Turned out, I did 4 sites worth each 20M in 80minutes, and could salvage the full 4 sites in 20 minutes for approx 60M in value (ie 15M loot+salvage per site) , considering jita BO -5% , which was translating to 80M/h when salvaging compared to 60M/h when not salvaging. I can only deploy three drones at a time because of the limited bandwidth. Vexor does the same job as a VNI at a fraction of the cost. [Vexor Navy Issue, VNI Null Shield] Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction Adaptive Support the site. However, there are some drawbacks to it. They way you fit your ship is up to you and if you’re just ratting and keeping an eye on local should need little if any tank. These days your best bets for laid-back grinding are AFK Myrm ratting, reactions, PI (after it's all set up), blueprint copying, or scamming. Jun 21, 2020 · I have gotten myself a myrmidon to try ratting in nullsec, but I seem to be unable to tank the later waves of the forsaken rally points in both a double and triple rep fit (132hp/s + 325dps and 198hp/s + 291dps respectiv… Recently, I purchased a Rattlesnake in hopes to further increase my ticks after VNI ratting for about a month (please no 260 mil ticks memes). The problem is NOT the ship. I’s a fun way to actively rat while being active in your standing fleet for immediate/first response tackle/ My basic understanding of the ratting ship progression goes something like this: VNI/Ishtar -> Rattle -> Carrier -> Super I was looking around to see what opinions were of ratting in Dreads and where they would fit in the progression. On small budget vexor/VNI still works well with mixed drone fligth (1light, 2 med, 2 heavy). Oct 25, 2017 · Hello all, I have recently joined a corp in Providence and would like to take a crack at the bountiful combat sites/ratting. you just need a alt/friend in a frig, who bugs the selfrep of the dread for you. Did alot of incursions some ratting before I manufacture a bunch crap hopeing to find some active isk making activities please if anyone can bring me up to speed would be cool into 6 years off hoping to find some friends also, you add me in eve or chat with me here VNI Ratting is pretty simple. I also have no clue whether VNI is shield or armor tanked. Take it from me, I spent a good deal of ISK on the fucker and it turned out my best tick would be 25 mill. Jul 20, 2019 · The combat anomalies are the bread-and-butter of making ISK in EVE, and the strength of one particular cruiser has turned this process into an easily understood art form. Both ships are certainly viable though. Allready lost a gila doing a 7/10 site, I know hard to learn that one the hard way. Launch drones There are inevitable problems that spring up, if for some reason your drones start taking aggro, recall them and wait for the rats to agress you before you launch again. [Vexor Navy Issue, PVE-0. They did this,as they say,to help reduce the amount of ratting bots in game,by making it harder to rat using the VNI…So lets use this post t… And on top of that 8/10 escalations which are easy to do in my space and drop up to 1-1. So can you guys give me suggestions, fits, any tips about vexor ratting? No VNI ratting, but VEXOR ratting. Nullsec ratting in a vexor depends on site/strat, fit, and skills, but you can break above 30m/hr with it. It would be a lot more consistent than exploration, and wouldn't require flying all around a region, but with exploration you could potentially make more. I am mostly in Gallente high sec to fight Serpentis rats in level 3. Aug 10, 2019 · I do ratting all the time in eve so as the vni got nerfed down can you please explain me which ship is good for ratting and please share your fits for ratting!!! Good ships for ratting? Ravens are very good, hyperion has a solid tank. rats. "Better" is in terms of both ISK/hr and AFK'ing. Ishtar is not a BS which is what you asked about, specifically the domi. 5B of loot at current prices. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships warping around looking for him and when you went back to ratting he Oct 23, 2018 · I need drone interfacing 5, gallente cruiser lv5 and decent drone skills for ratting. Just enough to support casual pvp and stuff. Jul 16, 2018 · Which other ratting sites are good for a low level player I am in Sansha space Nul Sec and It seems we get a lot of 5/10 and up sites not a lot of low level. Just the Standard passive 100mn shield ishtar for ratting (even a vexor navy issue would work and would be with the same ticks for less money in a vni you do it passive Shield with EM hardener too. You can basically use any carrier to rat in but the Thanatos and Nidhoggur have both bonuses to fighter damage and the Niddy even to Well, it's a little better than the Ishtar, but it's not worth ratting in as your main ratting ship. If you lose one you’re not out a ton of ISK, and ratting in VNIs scales well (multi boxing). Sep 15, 2017 · So there are a few guides on this but I honestly found them hard to find. With the right fit you can tank the Dread with a 60km orbit (you have to kill some of the other rats first), you can then even kill it yourself if you have good drone skills. invite yourself to eve with another account. Auto Targeting System I VNI ratting is basically dead. myrm or domi is the better choice, it operates in exactly the same way the VNI used to. Ensure your afterburner is on 5. a 100mn ab vni circling at 30km takes near zero damage and largely afk, with the occasional intervention. Clearly the best way to meet those wants, would be to grind my way on up through the ratting ships and finally to a titan. Fit with a battleship-sized afterburner, it moves fast enough that it doesn’t get hit by the rats very often. 5B but you could run any C3 site and not even break a sweat. I recommend a Tengu as the optimal C3 ratting ship, even if its not the best risk v reward investment. As much as I could while still enjoying combat. 10-15mil ticks are not optimal for a VNI though, you can certainly get more. Just orbit the middle structure in an anomaly at 30km and go afk for next 30min. Budget 5B system1 (system) Closed January 21, 2019, 6:29pm Oct 24, 2019 · CCP has recently announced that they are going to change the way VNIs are used . From my pov ishtar is the best without question. My set up has one 25000 armor plate on for tank plus a Right, nullsec for anom ratting. VNIs are still good, just need to adapt to a better armor tank instead of the passive shield, and also use guns. Until March 2019, the Vexor Navy Issue was the workhorse of money-making in null-security space. Aug 7, 2018 · perhaps I need to get closer with the armor fit vni. It puts out good drone damage, it signature-tanks very well, it’s a cheap upgrade from the Vexor, and it’s an excellent ship for those don't do sanctums, they're less efficient for your ship. Jul 24, 2019 · There is no reason to ever use the new vni for pve over the regular vexor anymore. combined, it makes it harder for the ship to maintain the high speed and relatively small sig using a 100mn AB. EVE Online Forums 100MN Shield Vexor Navy Issue, the workhorse of 0. Get red boxed 6. Edit: found it. That’s kinda the idea. People think that their way is the best way. [Vexor Navy Issue, VNI SPINNER] Medium Armor Repairer II. Sep 19, 2018 · I’ve been null belt ratting for my income recently using a Vexor that’s just scraping 230 dps with Wasps (I’m hunting Guristas). See here for information. Here is the fit I use on a 2mo old toon I am still skilling from the 90d MCT deal a while back: [Vexor Navy Issue, VNI] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II 100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Large Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender Large Azeotropic Aug 1, 2017 · [Vexor Navy Issue, Providence ratting] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Damage Control II 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Large Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II Phased Scoped Target Painter Drone Link Augmentor I 150mm Light AutoCannon II An Ishtar won´t improve your tickrate much. You should be able to get 10-15 mil isk ticks without a lot of effort. Jan 9, 2018 · Most likely yes. Omnidirectional Tracking Link II. It’s more just something fun and easy to do while hanging out. Drone Navigation Computer II. It'll pay for itself in a few days. Carrier ratting can be incredibly profitable if done correctly. also. This ship offers significantly more tank than the Vexor, along with a decent increase in damage. Therefore and other reasons, it’s much better to train up to a vexor and then train all the skills only that apply to vexor ratting. Large Cap Battery II. (Ishtar would be the best, but high skill requirement) Myrm has less damage, anything else will rely on guns or missile for a portion of DPS, Domi can do pretty much what the 125 bandwidth VNI does without much more skill requirement. Then transition into a gila, when you stop loosing ships asuch (kind of expensive but at least it is farmed locally there). youtube. Is it worth the effort of getting an vni or a vexor as a backup if i loose anothe gila. My drone skills are a little lacking though. I do not use that much daily. Question is, should I stick with this right now or run agent security missions to kill rats? Which will bring me more starter capital? I find mining very A single VNI isnt going to net you much of anything. Moderated by volunteers. 0 HEAVIES ARMOR 100MN (Zor's AB Imp)] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Medium Armor Repairer II Damage Control II Parallel Enduring Target Painter Denny Enduring Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Tracking Speed Script 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Just not while anom ratting in a VNI. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! You can go belt-ratting in lowsec with a T1 frigate or a destroyer that will cost you a fraction of a Drake. I make isk slowly. In July 2019, the Vexor Navy Issue was changed from a glass cannon drone boat to a tanky, brawling focused fit. 0 space until the nerfed it from 5 to 3 heavy drones. Your K:D ratio is probably going to be better than 1:1 attacking PVE fit Istars unless you are astoundingly bad. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Dec 17, 2017 · So as an alpha with more skills to train now, I’m wondering what kind of ratting I should do for the most income. At the moment, the king of ratting is the Vexor Navy Issue, or VNI. Skillwise, it’s easy to get into. Ishtar is probably a better choice. Was afk enough to watch something else. Get your Omega codes here. Does anyone have the latest fit for ratting post vni nerf? And what are some of the ways and places to go nerfing with said new build. 18 mil ticks in an enyo in -1. I do in fact have a Gila that I take out quite often for more difficult sites, due to its brick tank and its raw DPS that allows it to run up to even 7/10s with good skills. And bonus question, is omega mining worth it, or should I stick to ratting. From there you have the option of training into the ishtar and/or getting into carrier ratting. I do it with a Federation Navy Comet and it gets the job done incredibly well. However, the debate always seems to boil down to carriers > dreads, so just get a carrier. Drone Damage Amplifier II. Am I able to solo any of the combat sites in a BC? Should I stick to a certain class of site like Den’s or lower? Should I find something else to do Feb 26, 2020 · A good skilled old VNI could make around 60m/h With medium skills (Cruiser 4, Drone Inter 4, faction drones) i was only getting around 45m/h. hubs and rock havens). I noticed most people will fit a 100MN AB on VNI but I don’t know how you would fit other modules. Ms_Steak (Ms Steak) June 27, 2019, 10:13pm 85. 7 hours of ratting. Jul 26, 2018 · I did some extensive testing with a Rattlesnake with 2 omnis and 2 drone nav Computers and came to the conclusion that t2 drones vs the lowest resist profile of your NPC, and with max skills >> all others when it comes to ISK/h in anomaly ratting, including augmented drones or a Gecko. The issue is that fit people to make the good isk in null they have to actually leave their ratting system and travel looking for valuable sites. Sure other ships are good, some are even better in specific circumstances (like a Vindicator in Serp and guristas F. Ms_Steak (Ms Steak) June 23, 2019, 3:06pm VNI ratting as an alpha is entirely profitable, I have tried it before. Are you saying that, as a sub cap only pilot, I should ditch vni ratting and go for exploration or escallations? I've done it, but its easier to have two vnis in 2 seperate sites. If we wanted to make ISK ratting, we’d just VNI. VNI ratting is literally warp to site, orbit, launch drones, AFK for 25 mins. My question is: Is a VNI going to give me enough of a DPS [Vexor Navy Issue, GuristAFK] 'Halcyon' Core Equalizer I Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery Domination Kinetic Deflection Field Pith C-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Jul 13, 2019 · Is it possible to do nullsec ratting in a normal Vexor and if so, with what fit? I heard a lot of peapole use the Vexor Navy Issue, but even though i can buy and fit it,i can’t afford to lose it, so it would be nice to know if i can rat in a cheaper version. More off then on but in recent years more on. Power Diagnostic System II 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Large Shield Extender II <- You can use a Meta extender while the T2 trains. You're better off running scannable combat sites with a strategic cruiser and hoping for escalations, that'll net you far better ISK. New VNI has alot less DPS, so lower ticks. Feb 3, 2021 · I started Eve about 2 months ago, and I’m still bad at this game. They don't have triggers so you can't accidentally spawn the whole room at once, and they can't spawn dread rats that will 1 shot you. Warp to the site 2. 0 null sec. The more large rats in anomaly the better - they will not be able to hit your ship due to small signature. It’s not ideal for it but it works and is relatively cheap and doesn’t require massive skills. Unless you are afk its impossible to die. but personally, dank fit for VNI or Ishtar looks kinda danger and wasting money also no dramatical raise. It gave like 50 mil a hour with losses now and then. Drone Link Augmentor I. for nullsec ratting you will need something beefier, now that the Vexor Navy Issue got taken down from the stage it could be anything i think. However I’d like to continue playing my main and making isk (mostly by mining or VNI ratting). After some research, and I found that the best, cheap, ratting ship is the VNI (Vexor Navy Issue). make a new gallente alpha. AFK ratting like this is not a sustainable long-term income for solo players that aren’t boxing an army and/or doing it several hours a day (if you want any genuinely reasonable profits, it takes time. IMO if your goal is to afk Domi is the closest thing to VNI, other than an Ishtar. Some dude decides he wants another kill I really can’t decide, and I only You get most dps in the game out of Ogres and Blasters, and guess what are the best weapons for Serpentis? Exactly those, so you will make more per tick and run more sites than lets say, angel space, where the drones you use have around 100 less dps (talking about VNI ratting). After the VNI you want to skill into the Rattlesnake for anom ratting. Apart from doing DEDs I’m thinking about ratting in C1/C2 WHs too with this ship. You will make less per tick there. A T2 100MN uses 350 GJ per cycle (before skills), whereas a 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner uses only 250 GJ per cycle (before skills) and is easier to fit (less PG). Nov 21, 2017 · So recently, after losing my Vexor (and earning a sweet 90mil in escalation loot drop) I’ve decided to upgrade to a VNI. Thus it can be fit with DDA that increase its DPS to 600-700 ish. Drop an MTU and salvage like 5 sites, get your average value and think if its more time efficient to loot or run more sites. This is only basic ratting value, depending on your luck escalations easily double/triple it. Myrm is about 25% less per tick, but cheaper and insures great. You often don’t even have to be on for that long. you can get over 700 dps with t2 drones and good skills. I’m just trying to build up some isk at this point. Oct 8, 2017 · There is an extensive guide on this topic located on this forum. VNI farming is good because it's AFK and scales well - you can have many specialized alts doing it at once. Then instead of domi get vexor navy issue Oh, and be prepared to be bored out of your mind unless you have a regular group of people to hang out with and chat. You have 275'000k free SP now. So someone running three VNI’s semi afk is affected three times, potentionally cutting out the income on the 4th VNI completly. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Oct 24, 2024 · With the VNI's loss of dominance in the area of ratting, the Myrmidon represents the Second Stepping Stone after the Vexor in the ratting ship chain. What ships do you recommend I use to do that, either as a next step or up the chain of progression? Should the Ishtar be my ultimate goal? Or something like a Tengu or Rattlesnake? Oct 13, 2017 · Use a shield ishtar with EM shield hardener, done. Thx This is my Jun 27, 2019 · EVE Online Forums VNI changes? Not for ratting. This fine ship can run – properly fitted – all difficulty levels of combat anomalies. Then it’ll become even better for I think the biggest thing wrong with it is that it has already been implemented something like 10 years ago in the form of officer spawns, officers were buffed like 8 years ago, then 2-3 years ago the class of similar mechanics which already exist was expanded further with the faction capital and supercapital spawns Sep 29, 2017 · Hey folks, I’ve been playing EVE for maybe 10 days now. I already have a active armor Myrmindon ,but the VNI are able to do some level 1 site that Myrmindon can't warp to . as happened once. Jan 2, 2018 · Is it a viable fit? [Maulus Navy Issue, *Mini Vexor Navy Issue] AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier 1MN Afterburner I Drone Navigation Computer I Medium Shield Extender I Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Hobgoblin I x5 Mar 29, 2019 · What is your prefered method for finding good ratting grounds in high sec? There is no real ratting in highsec, it isn’t worth it. Do havens max, but preferably forsaken hubs and forsaken rally points. Reactive Armor Hardener. Apr 5, 2018 · This amount of income is not the greatest, but – as a beginning player – a lot more than you can earn by running low level high sec missions or mine in a venture. 1 Like Sammy_Daviss (Sammy Daviss) July 25, 2019, 11:56am Plus you said you're training T3Cs for doctrine anyways, unless you guys are running a Legion doctrine for some reason. It’s hard to say if the loot is outweighing the 3rd VNI ratting or not. Though now that you mention it, fitting out one of the ships specifically for PvP would probably be a good idea. The main danger of carrier ratting is warping to an anomaly 30, 40 or 50 AU away, have a neut jump in and shotgun the anomaly you're going to (It Feb 3, 2019 · So I’ve been playing Eve off and on for more then a decade. Now capital ratting people try to force VNI and Ishtars to forsaken hubs because : a) rock havens are hard to tank (completely false) b) forsaken hubs give the same ticks (completely false) c) 10/10 escalation are hard to do or sell (completely false, it's my primary source of income) d) overseers are rare and they drop anything (150M just Many would say the VNI, Gila, Ishtar etc are a better choice because of their drones, and higher paper DPS, and in some situations they are correct. 10 million isk for two hours of mining. Imagine having to actually do tons of apm for lowly ticks continuously forever since most rat fits arent afk now , outside of ishtar I've come to the conclusion that anytime anyone asks for the best anomaly ratting ship, the general answer is "Rattlesnake". Mind you it’s not GOOD at it but it’ll work. This fit will probably work better for missions, considering all the acceleration gates in some of them. This is a fit that relies on the high speed/sig of a VNI fitted with an oversized prop (100mn compact) to handle the rats DPS easily. 0 ratting Nov 18, 2024 · Summary. Thanks! =) P. Dec 19, 2018 · Sure is!!! Those extra dank 4m-2m more tics will pay themselves back in 5833. Support the site. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Dec 7, 2018 · My other Eve Online Videos - https://www. If you can invest in rorqs and are under the right umbrella, then mining is better. Else, VNI ratting is better. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Carrier ratting is the best form, unless you're doing C5/C6s in a Dread, but it requires a lot more attention than the VNI/Gila/Rattlesnake variety. I have noticed vni ratting is not very rewarding. Aug 1, 2017 · You can also swap it for omnidirectional tracking computer (drop drone link augmentor for that) if you are going to gamble with AFK ratting. Praxis is slow, boring, makes you manage drones, and makes ratting unfun (imo), which makes me do it less. You definitely should stay aligned, and have an emergency cyno to jump out to if the need arises. Salvaging/ looting depends on the NPC. VNI ratting with perfect skills, shitfit, max APM, and perfect chaining, can make close to 100m/h all in all. PvE Ships Jul 22, 2019 · CCP has recently announced that they are going to change the way VNIs are used . The reason being is that it's relatively cheap, easy enough to skill into, and fairly easy to operate. A correct fit costs around 120M and can easily achieve 60M isk/h (more if loot /salvage). After 2 months of VNI ratting I have accumulated around 10B of Minerals surplus. As are many other options. You can certainly rat in different ships but there’s a reason why virtually everyone uses VNI these days. Mar 29, 2019 · Hi! I’m fitting a VNI for missioning, and probably ratting in the future, so does this fit fit? If not, please let me know. I want to know if it worth to buy a VNI and ratting for that level site (which the only thing i able to find 9/10 time) and some fit for it Carrier ratting is not as safe as some other ships, but it's much safer than, say, marauder ratting. Just my opinion tho because I dont use the term ratting to be anything other than belt/gate rats and anoms. Aug 15, 2019 · Null ratting is still possible in the VNI, however is definitely sub-optimal as there are a few other nerfs as well as the drone bay size. on my indy alt. But when I search on google about vexor ratting, it didn’t get me anywhere. If all you are gonna do is rat, and since alphas are capped at 5mill you must use those 5mill appropriately and not spread them thin. for belt ratting could be a BC so Harbinger/Prophecy (mind the capital spawns tho), for anomalies i think the safest bet is a battleship, from those the Apocalypse was pretty popular for L4 missions so [Vexor Navy Issue, Vexor Site Runner] Damage Control II 1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II 10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Drone Navigation Computer I Balmer Series Compact Tracking you use your ratting vni isk, to buy a ratting carrier you don't pvp with, to buy a ratting super you don't pvp with, to buy a titan you don't pvp with, and then get SRP anyway. Caught some haulers with over half a billion in minerals (mex and trit) and pulled it in with my buddies flying a pair of kyros. But I soon can get Vexor, and if I do, then I want to do ratting to earn money and buy VNI. Question to you sir. I really, out of spite at this point, want to figure If you want more ticks they should be shiny. As of the 4th March 2020, Boosted are no longer operating as a company. that hurt Apr 16, 2020 · Now possible. I’ve been experimenting with 2 VNI perma ratting, 1 carrier doing Sanctums and then using my 4th alt to loot and salvage. Hello all - I'm currently able to rat out a modest income using a Vexor Navy Issue in the drone lands, but I'd like to increase the ticks to a higher level. If you want to have a deeper inside on how to fit a ratting ship just read the other parts of my ratting guide. Jun 20, 2017 · Note: the April 2019 nerfs and additional nerfs proposed in June 2019 will further bring an end to the VNI’s reign in null PVE. Good for AFK multiboxing. While my skills are less than ideal, the DPS increase was significant (about a 300 DPS increase), so i bit the bullet, and spent about half a bil on a rattlesnake and a fit for it. I’ve found the best way to deal with ratting is to treat it as a daily 189K subscribers in the Eve community. because you will be a krabber later and need the VNI skills to sustain omega status. Ratting in a VNI is chill/boring regardless of how many SP you have. Just to clarify, this is assuming VNI rstting right? I run sanctums in a carrier and get ticks from 35 - 45m. and the isk was neither too low or too high. Thou mayest decide that the Holy Potato of Baiting be used rather than that of ratting. Ranar_Linyne: Not for ratting. The Vexor Navy Issue, or VNI for short, is often pushed as the goto ship for the purpose of running these anomalies for a few reasons. So Jun 23, 2019 · Most of the other faction ships will take out a VNI that is fit for ratting pretty easily. Damage output is the same as on a VNI and Tracking/Optimal doesn´t really matter with Curators vs. VNI Ratting. May 30, 2019 · A VNI ratter for about 3 million per tick (usually a newer player) A carrier pilot for about 10 million per tick; A super carrier pilot for about 15-20 million per tick; This would also affect scaling with VNI’s. The skill plan is split into two sections. It brings good DPS to the table, all from drones, so you don’t have to micromanage combat. Which may not be a problem if you primary activity is ratting. Oct 7, 2018 · The Vexor Navy Issue (VNI) is the workhorse of null-sec ratting. Ratting is generally best in nullsec space, and it's important you know the type of NPC you're fighting so as to fit your ship for that type of combat. Biggest problem was just the possibility that when a new rat spawned it might initially target the drones, but that was easy to manage. 1. Drone skills, for example, as well as engineering, Gallente cruiser, and other related skills (CPU, capacitor, etc. Feb 24, 2018 · I know it’s an extremely popular hull for pve but the VNI currently outshines the dominix and that doesn’t feel right balance wise. An Ishtar will cost 3x what a VNI costs, and only get a small improvement, where a Rattlesnake will cost 6x what a VNI costs, but get 50-100% better Aug 7, 2018 · The fitting concepts for a ratting carrier are very similar to fitting any other ratting ship. Here’s what im considering: Highsec DED/Expeditions Nullsec Anomaly/Belt Ratting WH Ratting Drawbacks I’m concerned with: People take all the sites and my underaverage luck doesn’t help 2 and 3. So I went and looked at some of the health values for battleship rats, and it turns out typical “Effective” DPS you’ll get from most battleship rats is going to be in the 300-400 range (that’s accounting for the fact that it ignores resistances). With good skills you can even run most sites semi-afk, only watching the screen every couple of minutes. Sep 7, 2018 · Some comments to follow up on your post, primarily concerning the VNI ratting aspects: Fitting a T2 AB on a VNI is typically not worth it. TLDR AFK VNI > AFK Mining before many alts. this is what I did when I was doing VNI (long ago). Armor tank against EM damage, Shield if you are in angel/gurista space. Sanctums csn also give you 10/10 escalations, as well as dread spawns. You could go close range and use Gardes, but the resist profile of the rats mitigates the additional damage. Go For it!!! May 20, 2018 · The problem per usual is people is not understanding something in EVE but having an opinion any way. ), all need to be at a certain minimum level for VNI ratting in Forsaken Hubs to work. I have never used a droneboat or rat in null before so I am a bit worried to start directly on anomalies and want to get some exercise on belts. Easily clear FF sites in under 10 minutes, making you 200M isk per hour. 10MN Afterburner II. This is acceptable, but thou shalt have friends ready to spring the trap upon thine enemies, and thou must realize that such ticks as this fitting may produce will be unacceptable in the eyes of the May 3, 2019 · t3c, pirate bs, faction bs… anything that has more dps and application at the same time, If you have multiple toons can think of going 2x pirate bs (glass cannon+ max dps drone assist rattle) or smartbombs (need 3/4+ one ship with guns to kill some stuff that gets away and prolly one to provide good warp-in to next site). The fit I used cost about 1. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Nov 11, 2020 · For me the goal was to make money. It’s left me with a lot of holes in my knowledge base and I’ve been thinking of going to high sec and doing the starter missions and some of the agency stuff to learn. I didnt think people really rat in lowsec and I dont consider ded sites as ratting. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. I’m working on my drone skills to increase this, but…I think whats really restraining me is the ship. Vni ratting was peak eve for me. Ratting in a Legion sounds horrific and you'd have to bling a Gila anyways. Its previous bandwidth that could control 5 heavy or sentry drones has been reduced down to 3 heavies/sentries, so capsuleers now must make use of the damage bonused turret slots alongside drones to get the strong DPS amount it could get before. So I would like to ask how would you fit a VNI. com/playlist?list=PL9ep_JGqtZLFkA1umPoPfIx1FcQhlqFsdFollow me, email me, find me, or support me: http://www. A slight nerf for the vni would bring up diversity in the range of cheap pve hulls aswell as cuting Riders and fans of Boosted coming together to promote group rides, safety, riding routes, discuss maintenance, tricks, and sharing the experience of carving, cruising, and commuting on the world's best electric last mile vehicles. [Vexor Navy Issue, 100MN AB rat] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Damage Control II Power Diagnostic System II <- You can use Meta while the T2 trains. Orbit MTU at +30km 4. The VNI is the best bang for the buck for starting out in null. (if you are choosing a lowsec live, caldari and minmatar can be good choices too) Start the damn tutorial and get yourself another 25k free SP. Here is my fit: [Vexor Navy Issue, Thanatos] Small Armor Repairer II Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II 2008 player here running 7 account 4 mining alts 1 45 mil sp and 2 20 mil sp toons capable running most any ship withing reason. One of folks that like to swing his e-cock (even though is as long as from a to z on qwerty keyboard). On the other side carrier need to be active. Nov 21, 2019 · EVE Online Forums 🦜 Ratting Rattlesnake 2020, 12:39pm 10. You wont be able to really sigtank the damage (especially guristas) if you're lower SP, and you want to be in a null alliance with proper defense and intel and stuff like that. Mar 21, 2019 · After the bonus for maximum drone velocity been nerfed, I don’t know if VNI is still effective in PVE. Here are video guides on how to do that: Alpha Clone Guide to Low Sec Ratting. May 31, 2018 · The faster speed is particularly handy when you want to recall your fighters in case of emergency or after you finished an anomaly as well as to send them to the spawn when you land in a new anomaly. Drones deal with the small rat ships, Void ammo with Tech 2 blasters and the damage and tracking bonuses means thay Navy Comet blasters eat through tank pretty quickly while having much more agility than an assault frigate to align and warp away quickly if it looks like things are getting hairy. Apr 27, 2020 · The VNI was the ratting workhorse of 0. I get 55-65M ticks with my Nidhoggur on average, sometimes as high as 72M and all that while not using a no-tank ratting hyperspatial fitting. If you are doing Gurista Havens, the Dread that can spawn is a pushover. Incursions are not risky but they are more work to organize than one guy ratting solo Ratting in a VNI you can expect to make about 15mil ticks on average, for ~45mil/hr. I have Amarr Cruisers V and BC IV and T2 Medium Lasers (Beam and Pulse). zxcs nwbsw qypye hqrb dhkz uxhtvq cde widojr glxwj qmyz