Remington 1187 barrel seal activator. Hunting with 3” and 3 1/2” shells remove it.
Remington 1187 barrel seal activator Aug 27, 2010 · Re: Help with Remington 1187 Shotgun When I remove the barrel seal activator and reassemble the gun, the gun cycles and works perfectly. For shooting 2-3/4" loads I have to put on another ring that they call a barrell seal activator so that it helps catch more of the pressure to operate the action. REMOVAL OF THE BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR IS RECOMMENDED WHEN USING 3" OR 31⁄2" LOADS. Dec 28, 2004 · I posted this over at Remington's Website, but they said it may be a while before I hear back. May I suggest that the special purpose gun was built with heavy loads in mind. remington - grc. I did not remove this and about half way thru the season I started to experience troubles. 17) for use with 2 3⁄4" loads. REMOVAL OF THE BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR IS RECOMMENDED Jun 12, 2006 · The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. It's cheap enough and worth a try to fix my issue. These are all autoloading shotguns made by Remington. Barrel Seal (113820) sold separately. . MGW offers a vast array replacement stocks, forends, barrels, sights, recoil pads, trigger assemblies, mag tubes, recoil springs, pins and other small parts for this semi-auto shotgun. Every firearm is designed to use a certain caliber or gauge of ammunition. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Search for: Product categories Remington 1100/11-87 Seal Three Pack Teflon-Coated Black O Ring 3 Pk. 5" shells is the barrel seal activator, not the O ring. Compatible with Remington : Model 11-87 SM - F201598 BBL SEAL ACTIVATOR SM Due to governmental regulations or manufacturer preferences, some product lines or items may be not be available to export in your country. 3399 Remington Barrel Seal Remington 1100, 11-87 20 Gauge Lightweight Rubber Black In 1816 Eliphalet Remington was confident he could make a flintlock that was as good or better than any he could buy. Good Luck, Good Shooting. The manual said it recommends removing the barrel seal activator when shooting the 3's and 3-1/2's. How much gas the port/ports will pass is how the gun is operated. But you didn't hear it from me!!!!!” Feb 3, 2013 · and also I know with the 11-87 super magnum you are supposed to remove the barrel seal activator when firing 3 and 3. 5 inch shells but install it when using 2 3/4 inch shells, but do you have to make any such adjustments with the 20 gauge model, or do you just keep the barrel seal activator on no matter what shell you are using? Nov 15, 2010 · I'm looking to buy a new waterfowl gun and I am leaning towards the 11-87 supermag. If you shoot heavy loads with it in it will cause the action to take more of a beating. (2 Sets) Replacement Remington O-Ring Barrel Seals [OEM Style Graphite Coated Mar 23, 2022 · His barrel was just not made to shoot light target loads. Aug 27, 2011 · 11-87 barrel seal The Dave McCracken Memorial After spending $5 on a Remington O-ring and having it fall apart after one morning of shooting ducks I ordered 9 Feb 14, 2005 · While reading the manual and assembling my shotgun, I noticed the piston/piston seals shown in the diagrams look very different than those supplied. Contains the larger F15899/19264 o-rings for ST/STD models as well as the smaller F14437 o-rings for LT/LW models. com : TUSOG for Remington 11-87 11-96 1100 12 GA. 95 New. SUPER MAGNUM ONLY: Slide the barrel seal, barrel seal activator (when using 2%" shells), and piston/piston seal assembly from the magazine tube. remington 1187 20ga - barrel seal activator: plated $10. I haven't seen the two sizes variation you are talking about. I love this gun, but it is very frustrating when you've tried everything that your advised to do and nothing has worked. $9. com An 1100 skeet and 11-87 20 are not the same. But now im shooting 2 3/4in 1350fps loads for crow. Go to this diagram at the link listed below to see the proper Parts listed here are designed for the Remington Model 11-87 shotgun chambered in 12/20 gauge unless noted otherwise. Another thing that might make 23a confusing is the fact that the picture shows the old style two piece piston/piston seal assembly. Write a Review Close Jan 2, 2011 · The only time you need the barrel seal activator is when shooting 2-3/4". Thus "pressure compensation". The 1187 only has one design, lighter than either of the 1100 action sleeves. I tried to shoot some 2-3/4″ shells through it and they didn’t cycle correctly, but, after looking through the manual and removing the forearm I don’t think it has the “barrel seal activator” that is required for it to operate correctly with the lower pressure shells. With the ring in you can shoot 7/8loz light loads. SKU: F201598. Last fall I shot 3 times and it jammed with a bent link (3" #2's and 3-1/2" #2's), this fall after 10 shots it jammedbent link again! Apr 28, 2024 · This will help specifically with a 20 ga Remington 11-87 that is short stroking with target loads, ( It runs Winchester AA 7/8 oz. Bought one Not much written about them I am unsure if it is strictly an 1187 thing or if it can be used safely in an 1100. They did not always cycle reliably with light loads. 71) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. What you will learn in the manual are the parts of the shotgun and their location on it. The 11-87 barrels that do not have this part are the none gas compensating ones, such as any slug barrel or target barrels. $10. Jun 7, 2021 · Remington Piston and Piston Seal Assembly 1100, 11-87 12 Gauge New Style (Post 1986) Product Family #:. should be removed or not when shooting magnum loads. 61. I figured they would work so I decided to take the 11-87 SPS barrel and put it on my 1100. It's confusing because you are anxious to buy something and you have limited knowledge. (Edited by shred at 12:44 pm on Aug. Can see a possible problem with light target loads if seal ring is not in. Note: The 11-87 was designed to function with all loads from 3" Magnums down to 1-1/8 ounce field loads. Sep 14, 2022 · Remington Barrel Seal Activator 11-87 20 Ga . Part 45a still goes on these none compensated barrels in a 12ga wood stocked 11-87's even though there isn't this valve. www. and other Models. Upon disassembly for cleaning and relubing, I noticed that the activator was missing. Feb 21, 2020 · A) The two, two piece gas rings as per Remington instruction, check your owner manual or Remington’s site. remington 1100/1187 12/16/20ga(large frame) - barrel seal I recently purchased a Remington 11-87 Sportsman Super Magnum. Nov 26, 2011 · from the owners manual. This kit includes a meticulously crafted piston seal and barrel seal, both essential components for maintaining proper gas pressure and ensuring consistent cycling of the The Remington Model 11-87 is a semi-automatic shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms and based on the The barrel seal activator is meant to be removed when 309 product ratings - (6 Pk) Remington Shotgun Graphite 1100 20 GA 1187 11-87 O-Ring Barrel Gas Seals Nov 26, 2011 · I recently purchased a Remington 11-87 Sportsman Super Magnum. We provide seal products to a variety of industries and customers such as: Automotive, Pool, Spa, Pump, Restaurant, Washer, Hydraulic Dec 27, 2009 · I don't know about the spring in the picture but the normal problems with an 1100/1187 start with the barrel seal, o-ring, & activator parts. Nov 29, 2009 · I shot a 3-gun match yesterday and used my Remington 11-87 Police model. $5. com. Mar 23, 2008 · Unfortunately, I read quite a few negative comments regarding the 3 1/2" 1187. Do I need to go to a more powerful shell like 6 Shot to get the shotgun to cycle co Apr 3, 2022 · Remington 1100 20's were built in 2 3/4" or 3" models. 75" loads with the super mag. I really like my 11-87 I was really frustrated with the troubles but once I knew the fix everthing was great. midwestgunworks. I’ve never had a problem with shells cycling. Dec 10, 2006 · I've got an 11-87 Super Mag and went 3 years with no problems. Go to this diagram at the link listed below to see the proper placement of Mar 17, 2022 · For the 11-87 20 gauge you only use the barrel seal activator if the gun will not reliably cycle lighter loads. Nov 8, 2021 · Check out the deal on Remington 11-87 20ga. LT20 is an 1100 20 gauge model. It is 1/16th wide and fits right into the lug where the o-ring would fit on any 11-87. I have 0. Products, Schematics, Manufacturers, Other Ways to Shop, Learn, Sale & Clearance Remington 11-87/1100 Barrel Seal Sep 12, 2024 · The Remington 1100/1187 Piston-Barrel Seal Kit is a precision-engineered upgrade designed to enhance the reliability and performance of your Remington 1100 or 1187 shotgun. I assumed everyone knew you have to remove the barrel seal activator with an 1100 barrel on an 11-87. This Jul 9, 2014 · Only exception were some really old Federal hulls I tried to reload that were tight in the chamber, but I learned my lesson there. Carlson's Barrel Seal Kit Remington 1100, 11-87 12, 16, 20, 28 Gauge Rubber Black Nov 30, 2016 · Works just like the barrel seal activator, but seals better. My seal & piston kit came from Brownells, and is brand new. In this diagram the barrel seal, piston seal assembly and barrel seal activator are shown in the proper positions on the 11-87 Super Magnum magazine tube A barrel seal activator is used on the 11-87 Super Magnum to improve May 15, 2013 · Somewhere on this site there was a discussion about the need for the barrel seal activator on the 1187 20 ga. Get you a set of the old style piston and seal for better performance witgh the light loads. Just make sure the barrel seal activator is installed when shooting light loads, and you shouldn't have an issue. Trick out or upgrade your firearm with the largest gun parts selection at eBay. While performance and style are May 6, 2009 · Hello all, I just recently purchased a Remington 11-87 sportsman super magnum. Super Magnum™ only) 12A Barrel Seal Activator (Used on 20 Ga. Shop for a Remington 1187 Parts List and Accessories with Numrich Gun Parts. I tried to shoot some 2-3/4" shells through it and they didn't cycle correctly, but, after looking through the manual and removing the forearm I don't think it has the "barrel seal activator" that is required for it to operate correctly with the lower pressure shells. His confidence was well founded. I've broken plenty of 25s in trap with it. Operating handles are the same as the model 1100 or the newer 11-87. quick view add to cart. 19) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. 00 We have a few 20ga. I think I used a 1/8" or 7/64" cross section O ring. IMPORTANT: A BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR IS USED ON THE MODEL 11-87 SUPER MAGNUM WHEN USING 23⁄4" LOADS. This is probably the part in the action your gunsmith Oct 15, 2009 · What needs to be removed when shooting 3 or 3. The barrel he handcrafted set a new standard for firearm accuracy and spawned generations of products that have made Remington® Arms America’s leading gunmaker. 00 state guage wanted #2 Gold Remington Logo. I was using Winchester Universal 2 3/4" 8 Shot with a DR EQ of 3. Apr 05, 2013 The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. The 1187LT20 and the 1187 Super Mag both have an extra part that goes in front of the piston called the Barrel Seal Activator. This barrel seal from Remington is designed to fit your 1100 or 11-87 shotgun in 12 ,16, or 20 gauge. Blocks the flow of gasses to the relief valve. I will also try reinstalling the old parts and see if it cycles then. Gonna try to round up a box of 3" shells as well. Oct 2, 2012 · From Remington: The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. It was later on after experiencing problems it was supplied in a manila envelope as an upgrade/repair kit to put on the gun in-between the rubber o-ring and the barrel seal itself. Super Magnum™ only) 62. The barrel seal activator is meant to be Mar 24, 2013 · The biggest issue I've seen is people forgetting to install / remove the gas seal ("barrel seal activator") when swapping between light 2 2/4" and heavy 3 to 3 1/3" loads. It doesn't seem to matter which way that you put it on, it works fine either way. That helped Remington® F100642 : CARRIER ASSEM 12GA N/S * Model 11-87™ / 11-87 SM™ Not Shown; 12 Barrel Seal; 12A Barrel Seal Activator (Used on 20 Ga. It then states to remove the barrel seal and piston seal from the barrel tube assembly (2 3/4-3") only. I think a barrel seal activator will fit on a 3" 11-87, and that ought to help with real light loads too. e 2 3/4") shells. This kit includes a meticulously crafted piston seal and barrel seal, both essential components for maintaining proper gas pressure and ensuring consistent cycling of the Jan 11, 2020 · The Barrel Seal Activator, Remington Part # F201598, is a part that was designed to be used with the 1187 Super Magnum shotgun when shooting 2-3/4 in loads. The barrel seal activator is a secondary metal ring that goes forward to block off the forward gas ports for low powered (i. Home / Uncategorized / Remington Barrel Seal Activator – Super Mag. In this diagram the barrel seal, piston seal assembly and barrel seal activator are shown in the proper positions on the 11-87 Super Magnum magazine tube A barrel seal activator is used on the 11-87 Super Magnum to improve Jun 11, 2006 · The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. The 20 gauge 11-87 comes with a barrel seal activator, but in my limited experience the 20 gauge 11-87 can be picky with lighter loads. Save Share and I installed the barrel seal activator for the 2 3/4 inch hulls. Made to the same factory specifications, materials and standards as the parts in your firearm. Also, the gun seems to get picky about light loads when it gets dirty. Super Oct 15, 2012 · Do you have your barrel seal activator in? If you dont have one, contact remington and they will send you one. Call Consumer Services Department at 1-800-243-9700, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST. He can either try faster and/or heavier loads or get a different barrel to shoot light loads. I find it to be the easiest way to change from target loads to hunting loads and no need for modifying the guns. Super Magnum. It is what they call a barrel seal activator and is listed in the 11-87 SUP section of the parts lists. Mar 26, 2011 · As far as I know, I could be wrong but when Remington first released the 11-87 super mag they did not have the barrel seal activator as a part on the gun. Brand New. Replacement F15899 barrel seal o-rings for Remington 1100, 11-87 12 Gauge and 16 Gauge. removal of the barrel seal activator is recommended only when using 3" or 3 1⁄2" loads. Outfit your Remington 11-87 with quality OEM and aftermarket parts/components to ensure Apr 11, 2018 · Genuine factory replacement parts Stainless steel piston/piston seal Teflon-coated barrel seals Fits all Model 1100 and 11-87 12-gauge Shotguns Package Contents: Remington Gas System Kit - 1100/1187 Jan 20, 2016 · The ONLY differences between an 1100 and an 11-87 is the gas system within the barrel gas ring, which includes the relief valve on an 11-87, the fore end is different (usually) to accommodate that difference, the 11-87 has a wider extractor, and the operating handle retention system is different on 11-87s than on older 1100s (detent on the rear Remington® F92061 : DISCONNECTOR 20GA 28GA 410GA * Model 11-87™ / 11-87 SM™ Not Shown; 12 Barrel Seal; 12A Barrel Seal Activator (Used on 20 Ga. 17) for use with 23⁄4" loads. appreciate it Brad 512-966-6617 Apr 05, 2013 The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. and 12 Ga. 68A Return Plunger Retaining Pin. Hunting with 3” and 3 1/2” shells remove it. The 11-87 was built with a 3" chamber and has the gas compensation system to function with either 2 3/3 or 3" shells. Shockwave RG500 Raptor Grip for Mossberg 500/590 - Black (197) Feb 20, 2013 · Guns - 11-87 Super Mag - I am a little confused on the manual for the 11-87. At least I never have. Picture #24 on page 15 show a piston seal, a piston, a barrel seal/activator and a barrel seal. The manual suggests removing the barrel seal activator when shooting 3" or 3 1/2" shells. becomes battered or broken, the gun needs to be sent back to the factory for repair. I will start with a good cleaning tonight, and try to get some shots off Wed. Magazine Spring. It is used, but in very good condition. Dec 14, 2015 · Will work just like BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR used in the SuperMag and 20 gauge versions of the 11-87. Mar 19, 2010 · model 11-87™ super magnum™ owners please note: a barrel seal activator is used on the model 11-87 super magnum for 23⁄4" loads. 67 Piston Seal. It is important to learn this information so that you Jan 15, 2024 · Amazon. removal of the barrel seal activator is recommended Dec 15, 2009 · I bought a used Remington 11-87 Super Mag, so I went ahead and ordered a piston and seal kit for it while I was ordering some other stuff. 4K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by ctsrad7 Apr 15, 2021 The Remington 20-gauge barrel seal kit is a set of components designed to enhance the performance and reliability of Remington 20-gauge shotguns. 12 Barrel Seal 12 ga 8. Select 11-87 supermag barrel seal activator BTW, CDNN has 21' 11-87 barrels for $100- These are police barrels and not threaded for chokes. 2 Sets of replacement barrel seals for all Remington 1100 & 11-87 20 Gauge STD/LT/LW/SP shotguns. IMPORTANT: A BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR IS USED ON THE MODEL 11-87 SUPER MAGNUM WHEN USING 2%" LOADS. Also, Model 11-87 barrels with 3-inch chambers cannot be used on Model 11-87 Super Magnum receivers. Up to 316C (600F) and down to -54C (-65F) This is the barrel seal set for all Remington Model 1100 and 11-87 20 gauge shotguns (STD/LT/LW/SP). Nov 5, 2009 · Bass Pro is advertising a Remington Model 11-87 Super Mag (3-1/2 shells) for under $700 plus it comes with a $50. Mar 25, 2011 · In sweden we use 7/8 Oz steel on clay and to make the gun work I use the barrel seal activator from a super mag on my 11-87's. When using the barrel seal activator does the rubber o ring go on barrel seal activator? Been trying to look this up on the web and I really didn't find much. Go to this diagram at the link listed below to see the proper Feb 5, 2012 · There are two weights of action sleeves for Remington 1100s - standard and magnum. It is needed to cycle 2. Specifically, the kit includes various seals, gaskets, and O-rings that are essential for maintaining a tight seal between the barrel and receiver of the shotgun. (2 sets) Remington Barrel Seal O-Rings for 1100, 11-87 20 Gauge (All Models) | eBay Sep 12, 2024 · The Remington 1100/1187 Piston-Barrel Seal Kit is a precision-engineered upgrade designed to enhance the reliability and performance of your Remington 1100 or 1187 shotgun. and 12 Ga Remington 1100 11-87 O Ring Barrel Gas Seals (321) 98% agree - Would recommend. Oct 7, 2009 · The activators only got delivered with the super Mags. I also own a Benelli SBE and I like the Rem 11-87 just as much. A Model 11-87 é uma escopeta semiautomática operada a gás. Does anyone happen to have one that isn’t used or an extra? I can’t find one to buy anywhere on the internet. In this diagram the barrel seal, piston seal assembly and barrel seal activator are shown in the proper positions on the 11-87 Super Magnum magazine tube. 1300 but not 1200/1210 target wally world loads when slightly dirty, it does run when totally clean including clean ports ) ( yes it has the barrel seal activator installed) Thanks Dec 31, 2013 · Will work just like BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR used in the SuperMag and 20 gauge versions of the 11-87. If you're not planning on shooting light loads, the Super Mag is an excellent gun. Assuming did it again. I personally see no reason to shoot light loads with a strictly Tactical/HD semi-automatic shotgun. The long-lasting, teflon-coa Mar 14, 2023 · Seeing a barrel seal activator made me think this may be to help the low power target loads cycle. I read several aritcals about this barrel seal activator for a super magnum 1187 helping cycle rounds so I decided to try it out and so far it worked. Fits all Model 1100 and 11-87 20-gauge Shotguns. Remington®Model 1100™/11-87™Autoloading Shotgun Model 11-87™ / 11-87 SM™ 12A Barrel Seal Activator (Used on 20 Ga. Sep 15, 2014 · Greetings. Jan 2, 2006 · Cycling Issues with new Remington 11-87 sup They may have to beef it up some. This is the same material used by Remington when your firearm left the factory. I was reading the Owners Manual and it states that the gun should be configured WITH the Barrel Gas Seal "Activator", another large O-ring type seal installed between the singular front O-ring and the metallic Gas Seal assembly, when shooting "low-pressure" 2 3/4 inch shells. The only fitting choice for your Remington shotgun. Mar 19, 2006 · You can get a barrel seal activator from Remington if you want to shoot light target loads, but even that wouldn't let mine cycle most 1 oz loads. Shotgun Barrels; Remington Barrel Seal Activator 11-87 20 Gauge; Remington Barrel Seal Activator 11-87 20 Gauge Nov 2, 2021 · Remington 11-87 Barrel Seal Activator. The Remington Model 11-87 is a semi-automatic shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms and based on the earlier Model 1100. In this corrected diagram the barrel seal, piston seal assembly and barrel seal activator are shown in the proper positions on the 11-87 Super Magnum magazine tube. Sep 1, 2023 · Barrel Seal Activator (Used on 20 Ga. It is a thin aluminum ring with a lip on it. I'm a little confused as to the placement of the rubber o ring when using the barrel seal activator(BSA). REMINGTON 1187 - BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR: SUPER MAG REMINGTON - GRC. Jun 11, 2017 · Remington 20 gauge 11-87 Sportsman Mossy Oak Break-up Camo. Jump to Latest 2K views 4 replies 3 participants Mar 27, 2013 · The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. Jun 27, 2015 · I am reminded of the Basement discussion of the Remington 11-87 Barrel Seal Activator (BSA) to shoot light loads. May 15, 2023 · What I have done before is use the barrel seal activator from a 1187 super mag, which basically bypasses the gas bleed system on the regular 1187 barrels and allows you to use a 1100 forend and no retainer, but IDK where you'd look to find one now. The diagram supplied describing where to place the barrel seal activator did not look like anything on my firearm. 12 Ga. Dec 8, 2008 · Remington also has a $50 rebate on any 11-87. Great deals on Remington 1187 Barrel. The piston, piston seal and barrel seal depicted are similar to those on my model 1100. This part is a factory OEM part. Free shipping. C) The Remington barrel activator seal so that the tapered/slightly rounded edge is positioned toward the muzzle. 5" models to shoot target loads. Can be used on others. Feb 11, 2015 · The manual and Remington say that ALL Rem 11-87 20 ga. SKU: F201631B. light loads takes more gas or a larger port to collect the gas. Used on 11-87. Without the ring you cant shoot anything lighter than 3 dram. Highest grade synthetic rubber o-rings with graphite coating replace old, worn, or cracked orings to provide a proper seal and restore gas system reliability. 19. FOR 11-87 12-GA. I knew they were basically the same but the 11-87 has the gas system in the barrel. Brownells has them available for purchase. When I took it apart, the parts to the left were on it, in the order shown. The Remington Model 1100/11-87 Barrel Seals will replace rusted, broken, or badly carbon-covered gas seals that keep your Remington 1100 or 11-87 from working at its best. $ 18. However, I learned that you have to install a "barrel seal activator" to shoot 2-3/4" shells and remove it to shoot 3" and 3-1/2" shells. part number:f15899 Nov 7, 2015 · 5th COMMANDMENTUse Proper Ammunition. I miked the assembly that locked up against the other two 1187 20 ga I have and they were almost the same so I don't think replacement of parts is the answer. I just got a new 11-87 Super Mag, and have a question about where the barrel seal activator goes. Just not designed for 15-20gr of powder gas. Using the wrong ammunition, mixingammunition or using improperly reloaded ammunition can cause serious personal injury or death. 75" target through 3" mag, as per the owner's manual. Do you have the barrel seal activator installed? I have had to stifle the gas compensation system on a 20 gauge 11-87 to get it to function with light loads before. Free returns Jan 1, 2012 · model 11-87™ super magnum™ owners please note: a barrel seal activator is used on the model 11-87 super magnum for 2 3⁄4" loads. Oct 11, 2015 · barrel seal activator. You can run 3/4 ounce loads in a 12 with that. Ao disparar um projétil, alguns dos gases de alta pressão da pólvora em chamas são desviados através de dois pequenos orifícios na parte inferior do cano, [3] forçando um pistão e o ferrolho em direção à coronha, que por sua vez ejeta o estojo deflagrado. I was just curious about the placement of the barrel seal activator on the 11-87 20ga, the owners manual says to remove it when using 3" and 3 1/2" shells in the 11-87 super magnum. Want To Buy . J. Don't forget to remove it before shooting heavy loads. Aug 26, 2023 · The magnum gun has a barrel seal activator ring that works with the piston. You remove the barrel seal activator when shooting heavier loads. He has been using the barrel seal activator for 3. This part is a Remington factory OEM part. Reliable Gun: Firearms, Ammunition & Outdoor Gear in Canada. important: a barrel seal activator is used on the model 11-87 super magnum when using 23⁄4" loads. Remington 1100 20 gauge Barrel Seal. 99. Dec 16, 2015 · Used to resolve blow back issues with 20 gauge gas ports for Remington 1100 & 11-87 shotguns; Material has high temperature, compression, and operational tolerances. The O-ring Store is a distributor of O-rings, Seals, Seal Kits, Hydraulic Seals, and Pneumatic seals for many applications. The barrels in the picture below are both from an 11-87 Premiere, the top barrel is an uncompensated slug barrel, the bottom is a compensated gas system 28" field barrel. Feb 2, 2004 · Yes you need to remove the barrel seal ring if you plan on using anything over 2 3/4. Nov 8, 2009 · My 20 gauge 11-87 Premier came from the factory with the piston, piston seal, barrel seal activator and, of course, the barrel seal/O-ring. Remington Barrel Seal Activator – Super Mag 870/1100/1187. Included are four total o-rings. This kit covers you for any 20ga model 1100/1187. Jan 6, 2013 · On to my issue: The 11-87 Super Mag is similar to the 1100 in that they use a piston asssembly and o-ring in the gas system. I called Remington but as my 1187 is 6 years old, they wanted to sell me a new action bar assembly. 086", but I honestly don't know where the number came from. never attempt to assemble any model 11-87 12-gauge barrel with a chamber length shorter than 31⁄ 2" to a receiver marked model 11-87 super magnum. Oct 28, 2010 · Remington introduced the gas-operated 11-87 action 20 years ago to serve as the Model 1100's big brother. The barrel seal activator is used for all loads, light 2. The next shell wouldn't feed after firing and was also getting some FTE's. loads, up to 31⁄2" Magnum loads. Made to the same specifications, materials and standards as parts in Shotgun Parts in NZ. i usually run the gun without the barrel seal activator, because I typically shoot 3in or 3 1/2in magnum high velocity loads. Mar 15, 2024 · Buy Remington 11-87 Super Mag Barrel Seal Activator Factory replacement gun parts, accessories and gunsmithing service on most manufacturers including Browning, Winchester, FN America, Beretta, Benelli Franchi, Stoeger, Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin, Sig Sauer, HK and many more. REMOVAL OF THE BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR IS RECOM- MENDED WHEN USING 3" OR 3%" LOADS. My bad, because most people have never swapped barrels. evening to see if it is any better. Part # F201598. or do I also remove it with heavier 2 3/4 loads such as slugs Oct 21, 2013 · 8. Nov 24, 2024 · Back to my recently acquired Remington 11-87 12 GA. That's not a criticism. Jump to Latest The barrel seal activator should be removed for 3" and heavy 2-3/4" loads. Remington 11-87 Super Mag Barrel Seal Activator. With the provided barrel seal Feb 11, 2010 · I have 0. Are they saying that during total. B) A Remington rubber O-ring seal next. Material Description: Fluorocarbon FKM O-rings . Nov 23, 2009 · The barrel seal activator basically cuts off the flow of gasses to the relief valve so you can shoot light loads and have the gun function. Gas Piston Seal KIT Post 1986 : Sports & Outdoors O-Ring Barrel Gas Seals for Remington 1100 12 GA 1187 Oct 29, 2003 · There was a discussion on this forum about the differences between 1100 and 11-87 barrels and if a 11-87 barrel would work on an 1100 frame. I would Apr 15, 2021 · Barrel Seal Activator Jump to Latest 1. On page 15 it recommends removing the barrel seal activator when using 3-3 1/2" shells. Jan 9, 2010 · Bron67 - I do have the barrel seal activator installed. The O ring is still required to seal off gas leakage at the forward end of the gas cylinder. Check out NU-LINE REMINGTON 1100/11-87 BARREL SEALS available Online at Brownells Today and many more Shotgun Gas System Parts products are available in our Gun Parts Department. 00 mail-in rebate. The Super Mag also uses a Barrel Seal Activator in between the o-ring and the piston that allows it to cycle 2-3/4" loads. However when I assembled the gun according to the schematic (Piston, piston seal, barrel seal activator and barrel seal) then the barrel and magizine cap, the assembly is too long and the gun will not go into battery. SUPER MAGNUM ONLY: Slide the barrel seal, barrel seal activator (when using 23⁄4" shells), and piston/piston seal assembly from the magazine tube. I wish I would have done more research before I purchased. The barrel seal activator should be removed when shooting more powerful 3- and 3 1/2 Mar 27, 2013 · The 11-87 Owner's Manual schematic has not been updated with the most recent version of the barrel seal activator. Fast & Free shipping on many items Remington Barrel Seal, Fits Remington 1100, 11-87, 12 & 16 Gauge, Black Rubber. Some folks have used it in 1100/1187 shotguns when shooting light or low pressure loads to ensure smooth functioning. Save Share Reply Quote Like. remington 1100/1187 12, 16 and large frame 20ga - barrel seal (standard) *20ga will only work on 12ga frame. Oct 18, 2011 · No resolution yet unless the removal of the barrel seal activator is the answer. Black Apr 15, 2024 · Check out the deal on Remington 11-87 Gas Cylinder Spring 12ga at MGW. and. Buy It Now. Jan 7, 2019 · Seals for Remington 1187 11-87 1100 12 ga O-Ring Seals Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Apr 12, 2002 · “To Order The Activator Part # 1187 Super Mag Barrel Seal Activator . Highest grade synthetic rubber o-rings with graphite coating replace old, worn, or cracked orings to provide a proper seal and Jan 8, 2025 · This is the barrel seal set for all Remington Model 1100 and 11-87 20 gauge shotguns (STD/LT/LW/SP). Write a Review Close REMINGTON 1187 20GA - BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR: PLATED REMINGTON - GRC. The long-lasting, teflon-coated, genuine factory replacement parts fit all 12 and 16 gauge Model 1100 and 11-87 shotguns. The 11-87 20 ga guns came with a barrel seal activator for shooting lighter loads. Otherwise, look at a standard 1187 or one of the B guns. Remington® F15499 : ACTION SPRING TUBE NUT LOCK WASHER * Model 11-87™ / 11-87 SM™ Not Shown; 12 Barrel Seal; 12A Barrel Seal Activator (Used on 20 Ga Apr 11, 2013 · Just don't forget it when you go back to shoot heavy stuff. Remington Barrel Seal Activator Remington 11-87 Lightweight 20, 20 Gauge Magnum Barrel seals for Remington's Model 1100/11-87 will replace rusted, broken, or badly carbon-covered gas seals that keep your Remington 1100 or 11-87 from working at its best. In this diagram the barrel seal, piston seal. Remington Shotgun Parts, Barrel Parts - 11-87, Barrel Seal Activator, 20ga, Nickel Plated. and 12 (2 sets) Remington Barrel Seal O-Rings for 1100, 11-87 20 Gauge (All Models) Opens in a new window or tab. (In the picture below the muzzle would be to the left of the activator seal). 5 inch shells but install it when using 2 3/4 inch shells, but do you have to make any such adjustments with the 20 gauge model, or do you just keep the barrel seal activator on no matter what shell you are using? Feb 3, 2013 · and also I know with the 11-87 super magnum you are supposed to remove the barrel seal activator when firing 3 and 3. 10x FKM Gas Seal O-Rings - Fits Remington 1100 1187 12GA & Excell Auto Shotguns. 101" for the 12 gauge 11-87, and I am thinking the 20 should be close to the same thing. Barrel Seal Activator, Nickel Plated at MGW. * Chemical-resistant fluoroelastomer, 75A durometer Item packaged in resealable 3x4 plastic bag Nov 3, 2010 · BARREL SEAL ACTIVATOR IS IN THE CORRECT POSITION (SEE PICTURE 31, PAGE 17) FOR USE WITH 2 3⁄4" LOADS. but mine being a 20ga only shoots 2 3/4" and 3" shells, so I was wondering if I only remove the barrel seal activator when using 3" shells. Made out of blade rubber, this seal will replace one that you have lost or damaged. Remington F15899. " Mar 6, 2014 · Gas volume from light loads is probably the problem. Apr 9, 2017 · "11-87 Super Magnum barrels chambered for 3 1/2-inch shells cannot be used on non-Super Magnum Model 11-87 receivers. Go to this diagram at the link listed below to see the proper placement of Made in the USA, high quality replacement o-rings for Remington part number F14437 Fits Remington models 1100 and 11-87 20 gauge LT and LW shotguns. Nov 22, 2009 · When using heavy loads the spring steel allows the excess gas to dump. Super Magnum receivers have serial numbers that end with the letter "A". Jim18611865. It cycles the 2-3/4 incher's with the "barrel seal activator" installed and 3 - 3-1/2 incher's without. 12 Barrel Seal. NOTE: The 11-87 Super Magnum is designed to function optimally with ammunition ranging from 2 3⁄4" 3 dram 11⁄8 oz. To Disassemble Model - Remington Models 1100 11 87 11 87; May 31, 2020 · The Barrel Seal Activator, Remington Part # F201598, is a part that was designed to be used with the 1187 Super Magnum shotgun when shooting 2-3/4 in loads. make sure the barrel seal activator is in the correct position (see picture 31, p. Oct 30, 2014 · Okay, thanks Mark. You had me scratching my head. 13 Breech Bolt. Quite often, they are installed incorrectly or need a replacement o-ring. Mar 22, 2010 · Also if you want to use the 11-87 barrel on your 1100, go to the Remington web site and order part number 201598. Feb 23, 2024 · I am needing one of these for a 11-87 super mag 12 gauge. So, if you get one of those and plan to shoot light stuff, you better also plan to do some experimentation. When shooting 2 3/4” hunting and target loads have it installed. I couldnt locate that thread, so I wrote Remington today as follows: "Web chat groups debate whether the barrel seal activator on the 1187 20 ga. have a barrel seal activator. See Picture 23a. Jul 27, 2016 · The Remington 1100/11-87 owner’s manual contains detailed information about three Remington shotgun models; 11-87, 1100, and 11-87 Super Magnum. *These o-rings do not fit 20 gauge Standard models. Used to resolve blow back issues with 12 gauge gas ports for Remington 11-87 Super Mag Barrel Seal Activator. xsfnjnsgiuxtqykiatzjwyjiipwsroyezdhyieolsheeymkh