
Trx 90 pink wire mod. Had my son trade me for .

Trx 90 pink wire mod Had no spark. Campbell Co Lodge F&AM #778 99Yamaha Wolverine 06 Foreman TRX500 09 Foreman TRX500 "Trail Dancer" 25" Big Horn's Mad Dog Rear Bag Body Armor Bash Plate Apr 4, 2008 · Finally got out on the trails to test hmf an gen 3 WOW the power comes on low and rips all the way to the top!Some of the hills we climb had me between 2nd-3rd gear all the way up,but now roll 3rd down low give it the gas and she just pulls, hit the upper rpms and you better have a good grip cause it will pull out from under ya!Or the front end will start coming up. what does the pink wire actually do? Four-Fifty-X Posts:872 Joined:Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:15 pm. anyone have the troubleshooting diagrams or any assistance. If none of the above suggestions work locate the pink wire coming out of the left side cover, that is the 4th gear limiter it's possible that is bad. If you ground out the wire on the neutral switch, the light will come on so I thought the switch was bad aga hi guys, does any body now if u can do the pink wire mod on crf450x 07. Explained. They are saying that it raises the RPM's by 500 RPM's. pink wire mod. 1 I installed a DG slip on and removed the airbox cover and put a Uni filter on -- stock carb air screw readjusted -- Nice sound , but no noticeable power increase -- have other stock trx 90 to compare with Oct 10, 2022 · So, i picked up a 06 trx90 for my daughter to start racing the 90 limited class at the GNCC. want to figure out which part is bad wether its the coil, pickup, computer, or whatnot. Now you'll need to cut the wire you ran but leave it long enough so you can stow it with the rest of the tail light wires. Jan 16, 2009 · From all the posts I've read, the pink wire mod remaps the ignition and give you a 500 rmp higher sign off. So i was looking for a way to beef up the performance on there bikes and was thinking the green wire mod is a good start. Jump to Latest 943 views 0 Oct 25, 2016 · just ground the neutral wire to the engine, when you do this ?, you should get a green light. KawieRiders. Discussions for the Honda TRX, 90, 250, 300, 400, 450, 700 Feb 3, 2016 · A forum community dedicated to Honda TRX ATV owners and enthusiasts. You can use automotive splices (available at an auto parts store, or you can solder the red wire from you heated grips to the pink wire. The guy said that it sat for 2 years. Honda trx 90 is pretty bulletproof. A place to discuss ATVs, UTVs, gear, riding, and wrenching. This thing has me absolutely baffled! Stator output is well over 200VAC as measured with a PVA and pulse generator is 7 - 8 VAC. The Rev limiter will also be moved up 500 rpms. Hello , I'm new here just picked up a clean 2006 TRX 90, what is the pink wire mod? bnesbitt2. Carb is clean as well. unsolder grounding wire of the lighting coil, cut pink wire from coil and solder to grounding wire of lighting coil. add some suspension and a good rider and the TRX90 will hang it out:macho bloodhound400 02-05-2005, 11:17 AM Dec 3, 2004 · I've not worked on an e ton,but they are well represented in mini racing. Removed smog equipment (still have everything, can/will go with the bike)</p><p>5. Mar 4, 2014 · Honda TRX 90 facebook group Browns Camp OHV facebook page Quad Addictions facebook group My youtube channel Painters Vancouver Wa 2006 LTZ 400 2002 TTR 125 2003 Sportrax 90 (son's) 2009 TTR 50 (son's old bike) 2003 TTR 90 (son's new bike) Start their off-road story off right with the TRX90X. ken Nov 12, 2011 · Hi all, i've just bought a new 2011 trx 450er and have been looking into the green wire mod, but came across one small problem my bike doesnt have that green wire!!! can anyone please help!!! thx Mar 28, 2011 · www. More agressive cam profiles on stock springs, plus now the valves are traveling a little more, maybe even staying open "longer" which means they have to close "quicker", pink wire mod changing ignition mapping to more agressive style, which means you begin May 29, 2011 · VFJ Stage 3 clutch, EPI pink primary and VFJ #4 secondary springs, Dynatek, spark plug boot mod, Crossover intakes, polished slides, shimmed needles, #42 pilots, #140 mains, TRP water pump, Faria temp gauge, Napa hose mod, Twin Air power flow kit, Elka front spring kit, Elka Stage 3 rear, Fasst Flex handlebars, Rox risers and dash, ODI grips Jun 28, 2013 · I did the pink wire mod after installing a stage 1 hotcam and the throttle response was amazing, but revving the extra 500rpm's didn't do much with that hotcam because it's more of a low-mid cam. then match the fuelling I have a 2013 Honda TRX90X. Here’s the link below on what helped me tremend cdi box, cut the pink wire, add an exhaust, install a 11:1 piston and cam it. Simpson Mod Bandit; Best of 2025; Buying Guide; Wire Winch Cable (20) Wireless Phone Charging Big Gun EVO M Series Exhaust System Honda TRX 90 1993-2005 $ 257 pink wire mod; 8 posts Page 1 of 1. This accesses the factory race map allows for a slip-on and the air box lid removed. jspd234 Posts:52 Jan 20, 2011 · that's just not true. After doing so, and making a good secure connection, waterproof, and reinsulate that connection and you'll be good to go. I've heard mixed results, I'm going to try it next time I get out. Cut the pink wire and spliced in my Marine Grade weather resistant Cole Hersee toggle switch. Oct 23, 2024 · I have seen many posts about cutting the pink wire in the CDI on the TRX90, but most if not all appear to be threads over ten years old. 2010 Renegade 800R XXC Aug 25, 2007 · The Famed "Pink Wire Mod" changes the ignition map from the 250X/450X to the 250R/450R. I looked in my service manual (04-05) and found 3 wires that deal with the throttle position sensor. then cut pink wire just before the harness connection where only one side will be grounded and not exactly sure where the other pink wire goes. I use the dyna for custom rev limits I can do myself and I have an 04 so no green wire mod for me. Come join the discussion about reviews, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Open to all models across the 500, 400, 300, and 200 series. Then try the pink wire mod. Only one result has been verified by everyone and that is that the mod raises the RPM limit by 500 revolutions per minute. Mar 3, 2006 · The pink wire mod changes the rev level of your motor. Apr 24, 2010 · green wire mod? Jump to Latest Follow 2K views 7 replies 8 participants last post by rrguy May 13, 2010 Nov 26, 2013 · This is a basic how to video for those looking to do the green wire mod to their Trx450r. Make sure to leave yourself enough to room to solder in a new length of wire. 07-16-2008, 08:14 AM. Basically by disconnecting it changes the timing mapping from the 450X mapping to the 450R Mapping. Save Share Dec 3, 2013 · Pink wire mod??? Jump to Latest '04 Polaris Predator 90 '12 Polaris RZR 170 :redrzr: Save Share Reply Quote Like. If you have the stock X cam, you won't see any power differences. once tight, slide coil boot down onto coil for weatherproofing. i thuoght i could just unplug it but it wont start. I believe both will kill the rev limiter. 2. Switch the pink wire to the blank hole. #drone #ethixltd #fp See full list on motorsocietyusa. M. By lightening these dogs,and or puting slightly tighter little spring on each is typically how you raise engagement. I would wait for your HotCam (which is considered an R cam). Another part of the reason is it shares the same motor platform as the crf70 and other pit bikes, and the guys that do pit bike racing also do the same serious mods. Quick, easy, and free. and when that thing tips over its SOOO HEAVY to pick up. Jan 9, 2017 · 05 Brute 750i Stock engine/ Muzzy Pro exhaust, Dynatec cdi, restricted 3" intake snorkel, 2" CVT snorkles,10" electric fan with custom mount, Mr Gasket Fuel Pump ,rejetted at #42 pilots, 2 1/4 out on A/F screws,stock needles shimmed . we got it had an amazon carb still ran decent cleaned it all up and bike seemed good for a while. Suspension?? Are There are some real cheap upgrades out there to im Apr 21, 2007 · I have searched on the pink wire to cut for the TRX90. not really loud, just a little. Dec 1, 2009 · I picked up a 98 trx 90 for free. There is a distinct difference switching back and forth between the two modes. I installed an 06 R cam and the throttle response was amazing and the extra rpm's allowed for some extra juice up top. And even without the cam from the 250R its spins up much faster now. The pink wire mod is one of those highly debatable mods for the CRF450X. 2021 Honda Sportrax 90 TRX90X Parts & Accessories at RevZilla Wire Winch Cable (20) Wireless Big Gun EVO M Series Full ATV / UTV System Honda TRX90/X/EX Apr 19, 2020 · 2002 TRX 90 pull-start only, no battery, was running great, turned it off and it hasn't started since. 3) The high gear switch Pink wire must provide continuity to ground when the transmission is in 4th gear. That's not the issue. i fixed that problem everything else is working but the headlights the tail light works fine. My Daughter raced this past season with on of Dec 28, 2012 · Welcome to the forums. Therefore the pink wire mod is a valid power adder depending upon your riding style and how you use your throttle grip actuator. Dec 12, 2020 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The Pink wire mod changes the ignition map from the X to that of the R. This publication suggests doing this mod as well as several others to improve the 450x for competition. Kill switches. help please with trx90 wiring question. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I believe both will kill the rev limiter. its got no spark. Small but mighty, it’s packed with Honda quality, a no-clutch automatic transmission, and a rider-friendly design that makes it the ideal introduction to adventure. I've seen responses to cut the one out of the CDI and reponses to cut the one out of the engine case. Replaced the stator started right up. 5:1 Wiseco Piston, Frt Elka Stage 4's, Fox Podium X rear's, EHS Lid, L8ton Stealth Bumper and 11/16" sway bar I have TRX 90 Honda race ready my kids raced it for two years has the pink wire mod done to it very fast quad runs great 2010 Honda Honda TRX 90 - Powersport Vehicles - Eminence, Indiana | Facebook Marketplace Jul 17, 2010 · 2007 Can Am Renegade 800-East Coast ATV snorkel swept back, ATR Spine Chassis, Pink wire mod? - Can-Am DS-450 Forum :: DS450HQ. Oct 31, 2010 · The pink wire is coming out of the CDI Box. Honda arguably has some of the best Motors and this one is chain drive where a lot of other smaller quads are belt drive. )Solder a new length of wire to the CDI side of the cut Lg wire. The atv still does not rev above idle. The top gear limiter switch only works when the quad is shifted into 4th gear. header only gets a little red when im riding, which is normal Feb 1, 2017 · Good news: the colors of the wire pin outs is the same 88-97 except for one wire - 88 was a light green/red wire - 89-97 was a gray wire both 2wd & 4wd So if you get a pic of a connector for any TRX300 88-97, you should be able to get the right wire on the right pin More bad news: I do not have any 88 to 97 300's sitting around to take a pic of Aug 23, 2020 · Once you remove about 1-1/2 inches of the outer tape, you will see a white/green power wire and either one or three black ground wires (it depends how close to the firewall, you managed to peel back the protective tape). May 22, 2006 · The Pink wire mod will add 500rpm to your rev limiter, or 5% higher. The Pink wire mod does three things: - changes the map 5% starting at 2,500 rpms - raised the rev limiter 500 rpm (which is really about 1000 rpm) Below is what has been done or added to the bike:</p><p>1. It has more HP now in the mid & high rpm. Cycra Hand Guards</p><p>6. 2) The neutral switch MUST be connected properly for the ignition system to work. Oct 23, 2021 · Okay so after doing a little research on google, I came across something on the 2004 CRF450X and a thing called the "Pink Wire Mod" to where you Disconnect the Pink Wire that goes to the TP Sensor on your Carburetor. ken 09 CRF 450R 07 CRF 250R 45 plt /175 main /JD Red-5th pos FS 2 trns 05 CRF 250X 42 Plt /162 Main /JD Red Needle- 5th pos CRFsOnly Fuel Screw 1-7/8 trns out (2 turns winter) Apr 1, 2009 · Hi- I have a 2008 Crf 250X, and i want to "trick it out" a bit. It will be basically the same mods at the 90 quad engine except there is no room for a larger carb because I do not want it to hang out under the side of the fuel tank. i have done no modifications to the trx90, and it is faster than 23mph. In the dry and sand I like it much better. I think you'll enjoy and notice a difference in the cams. . In Mar 27, 2004 · Mini ATV 90cc Under ATV Sub-Forum; Rev Limiter On Trx90; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. I’m 230 and this takes me around pretty well. 0'6 CRF450XXX elmo450x Posts:576 ATV; Dirt Rider Project Bike; Announcements; Bike Selection - COMPLETED; Mar 2, 2012 · Contrary to most info on the pink wire mod, it DOES do something other that raise the rev limit and make it 'like an R ignition'. Jul 13, 2015 · 2006 Green Honda Foreman 500 - Viper Elite Winch 2004 Yellow Honda 250ex - Grandson's Bike 1971 School Bus Yellow "Spaghetti" Harley-D Sprint 350 Nov 18, 2005 · What is this Mod that everyone keeps talking about on the TRX? You Cut a wire to the CDI Box and get extra RPM? Anyone know what me talkin about? By the way, I have an 04. You probaly WONT notice any type of gain with this mod, until which time you NEED the extra 1000 rpms or can take advantage of such via a more modded engine. by Jason T. You could then put the Honda 90 engine in the PBQ frame and have two ATVs, although the PBQ frame, chassis is probably inferior to the Honda. 2011 1/8th mile ATV Drag video Yoshi, Dyna, Cam-mod 1987 LT500R "ZILLA" 2005 TRX 90, 2011 Raptor 125 Mar 15, 2006 · That why I like this site. 8) Screw new wire assembly onto coil cut end towards coil. Dec 21, 2010 · the pink wire mod. May 14, 2007 · The "Pink wire mod" will change the ignition map to that of the 450R. Oct 4, 2010 · There is a green wire mod you can do, Cost nothing. It dosen't fill like the same bike It has way more TQ on the bottom end. follow them to a connector make sure it is pluged in good. i searched and only found a thread on the 90 where the kill switch was the issue. The bike is running a little rich but not bad. The test runs below were made with the pink wire connected, disconnected, and reconnected to confirm the peak engine speed was 1 Apr 10, 2013 · Finally some real logic on what the pink wire mod for the CRF450X does. 1986 TRX 250R. if you don't have a R cam or R cam replacement you won't experience much change in performance. Like most of us, you'll probably also find that it's easiest to simply take the front plastic off of the atv while you're doing the winch installation. Engine Jan 28, 2010 · The Green wire mod will increase your rpms from stock 9850 to HRC 10850rpms and also change the timing curve to a more desired curve for more mid/upper rpms. Slap an R cam in it then do the pink wire mod. Only When PINNED Wide open. just the first 90*, but revving in neutral no backfire, but when i let off the throttle when im going down the road, it pops. With a new Honda OEM #30410-HF7-008 CDI box I get no volts to the coil, so I assume an out of box failure of the CDI. It’s kinda slow so I decided to do some research on ways to make it a little faster. 2008 TRX 450ER XC racing FMSQ # 281 there is some wires coming from the front sprocket cover. » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:13 am . Running these engines bouncing off the rev limiter doesn't go well with longevity, but hey it's your money instruction from HMF on how to cut the pink wire on the Brp/Can-am Ds 450 After you get your Honda TRX90 set up with the latest add-ons check out our riding gear selection that includes gear from the brands you trust. Jan 28, 2009 · 450R Performance and Mods. Nov 29, 2017 · #1 2008 Honda Trx700xx HMF Performance Exhaust, PCV, Stroked 710cc, 10. All that to say I would never do that myself, there are much less expensive ways to get a 20hp atv that a kid can ride. Seems everyone has an opinion as to whether it does anything or not. com Kevin . Jun 29, 2013 · Ok so I have acquired (2) 2006 Honda TRX90's - Owners rarely used them (my estimate less than 20 hrs ea) - Backyard use only - they sat for long periods of time I think the pink wire mod is more about changing the ignition curve to match the R cam. The wrench is a tech guide provided by Honda to their factory mechs. 450R Performance and Mods. The Famed "Pink Wire Mod" changes the ignition map from the 250X/450X to the 250R/450R. The real reason to doit is when you install a upgraded cam from stock. No power improvement with either. 9) Repeat for other coil. Then after you're used to the added 'snap' (I was impressed how much 2nd gear improved) try the pink wire mod, and feel yet another change. Rechecked the timing marks - good, swapped in a different Stator and pulse generator, Then a different CDI. Ride with the HotCam and no pink wire mod. one of these wires is the pink wire everyone talks about to remove the 4th gear speed limiter, i think another one is a neutral safety wire. If you have a manual double check the color my sons 96 was pink " Aug 5, 2013 · Connect the black wire from the pigtail harness to the factory brown wire using the existing bullet connector (female). com, 2004 Red Rincon GPScape, Carb spring mod, K&N filter and outerwears, 26" Maxxis Mud Bug Radials on Douglas Spyder wheels, PRM skids, Warn front bumper, Works "G" Series Dual Rate shocks, Supertrapp IDSX pipe 15 discs, 2008 Polaris RZR, Vision Bruiser Black 14" with 26" Bighorns, 2004 Polaris 500 ATP, 25" Bighorns, 2004 Harley Davidson Electra Glide, 1993 LT80, 1971 Jan 2, 2012 · I used a KTM Dual Map Switch on mine , just get some wire and butt connectors that match the stock connectors , unplug the wire from the 4 prong connector , hook it to one side of the new wire , run the other end back into the connector where you unplugged the other wire from , when the switch is one way , its just like stock , when its the other way its bypassed , this mod works best with a Location of the pink wire for the 2008-2009 Can-Am DS450. I raced a 2008 700 raptor that had the air box lid pulled off & they pulled the exhuast core out. The Pink wire mod changes the ignition map from the X to that of the R. I have an 08 450 and was curious if someone could post a "how to" for this green wire mod. Taking your passion of ATV riding to the streets is only natural. Filter is Clean. Jan 11, 2011 · 6) Cut coil end of NEW solid core 7 or 8mm wire off leaving 6-8" of STRAIGHT plug end with boot. Maybe the main is too big???? Let me no what u think. Cut it. 13:1 wiseco but at idle, my header turns welders red. What ends up happening when you mod a bike is, yes, it can and does affect the life of the moving parts. A few months later, it stopped lighting up again. BDT ProX 350. it returns the ecm to its race programming. Trail Tech Radiator Fan Kit</p><p>7. like others said a cam and valve work is your biggest gain. Engine The TRX 90 has what is called a top gear limiter switch. You already removed the airbox lid, install a UNI filter, and get a Big Gun Full system racing exhaust(best pipe for the TRX90). May 3, 2008 · I'd say that sounds about true. May 16, 2004 · You could use the wire harness from the PBQ and put it on the Honda 90 with other needed components, CDI, rectifier, switches as desired, lights if desired, etc. JD Jet Kit (158 currently installed along with green needle)</p><p>3. It is crazy that 50cc's make such a difference in power. I was at the Honda Dealer a week ago looking to get the wife a new 06 450ER and I was druling over the 450 x and 450r dirt bikes but there was a big price difference, I really liked the X because of the lights so I can ride dunes at nite but thought it might be weaker than the R so I was going to do som reasearch, but don't have the time. Using shrink tubing, seal the harness side of the cut Lg wire. and yes it works on Apr 2, 2018 · But if you really want more hp out of the 90, you can get it. its under the plastics on the left side close to were your knee and the key area is. Posts:2 Joined:Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:10 am. If you do switch to the Hotcam (either stage) I recommend riding it without the Pink Wire mod for a bit. Jan 17, 2006 · We have designed a bracket to retro fit stock 300ex front a arms and disc brakes to your Honda TRX 90 with 14 inch shocks It works great ! You can get all the 300ex a arms, brakes, spindles, and hubs on ebay for a little of nothing and the bracket to make all this work will be very resonable compared to most front suspesion mod kits for the TRX 90 . If you don't like it, change it back. That ignition map is designed to work with the R cam. pink wire mod Jason T. billkelleyracing. Mar 30, 2010 · Forum; Sport ATV Model Information; Honda TRX 450R ATV Information; Green wire mod? Jan 2, 2021 · It is relatively easy to distinguish the SporTrax because it is the only 90-class 4×4 with the TRX designation. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with Apr 1, 2016 · I picked up a none running trx 90 for 250 bux. It bogs at high rpm. Pink Wire Mod BCS Basket Epic a arms w/ kyb remote ressi May 25, 2011 · The 'pink wire' connects to an alternate ignition mapping in the ECU. Suspension?? Are There are some real cheap upgrades out there to im Nov 28, 2013 · Honda TRX. The good news is that snipping that wire disables it. Then if you don't like the mod you can change it back. people learned of this trick through the hrc kit which has a 4-plug sub harness but is just missing the connecting green wire[/b] Sep 18, 2020 · Now that the TRX is completed, been working on the ATC70 with the TRX 90 4 speed engine in it. At MotoSport you can find the best casual styles anywhere from the top ATV companies like Alpinestars, Fox Racing, and many more. Also, if your atv has a winch on it, you can also tap into the red wire that goes to the winch up/down rocker switch on your handlebars. when i put a 30 amp fuse in the fuse box that does not get blown, when i put a 15 amp in which is the requirement for that slow, that fuse gets blown after Sep 23, 2011 · P. The mod really does work and is 100% safe for your ATV. you have to actually cut the pink How to bypass neutral safety switch. 5 fcr, porting and carb done by racers edge,hc3,+3 bore/477, white bros mx4 exh, uni and outerwear pre Sep 16, 2013 · here's what we tried today, Grounded the Pink and the Red wires that are connected to the High Gear switch and neutral switch as suggested. Is this still something that can be done on new units or has the wiring been changed? 37K subscribers in the ATV community. When you disconnect it, you are now on a 'performance' mapping. First off, I want to make it lighter. Engine 6. The ATV will start and idle with out the choke on. and. What is the "pink wire mod"? cook05CRF450X Posts:13 Joined:Sun May 23, 2010 6:41 pm. likewise, i had a stock predator 90 that was faster than 23mph. The R maps are different because they run a different cam with different timing and duration. " Jun 20, 2010 · C-Daddy44 '07 250EX, fmf pipe, jetted, wheel spacers & nerfs '08 Recon stock, the wife's '99 TRX90, son's - wheel spacers, widening kit 300EX shocks all around Jul 22, 2008 · it only costs you the time it takes to do it. But on my bike the pink wire seems to not go beyond the connector block, so cutting it would seem pointless. Why? To reduce the potential for an arc at the breaker points, to reduce the load the ignition condenser needs to absorb on the opening of the points and, last but not least, to reduce the internal heat generated by the primary windings inside the coil. You should have 1 wire left on the pigtail and the wire you ran from the front of the machine. Beyond that it runs horribly. if you had the early model with recoil start you could have ran a smaller flyhwheel and programmable daytona ignition. Apr 29, 2009 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in here's a photo of the pink wire. Oct 27, 2017 · HI, I have a 2010 CRF250X and I have read about the pink wire mod. I stumbled across this ‘pink wire mod’ where you go into a wiring harness, cut and isolate a wire and it supposedly removes a top speed limiter in 4th gear. My questions is, does this actually make the bike spool up quicker or is it strictly about increasing the rev limiter? Oct 14, 2008 · I cut my pink wire on the ds450 to set it in race mode. BUT there are a lot of peeps that doit and love it with air box mod and exhaust. here's a photo of the pink wire. 020",# 158/# 158 main Jets, 2017 OEM Brute Wheels w/26" Mud Lite XTR, Heim Tie Rods ends,buss connector mod front/rear Sep 24, 2007 · Vortex makes no power improvement, use it mainly to raise the limiter which you can do for free with the green wire mod. First is the pink wire I believe is going into the CDI. cut pink wire from coil and solder to existing copper wire grounding terminal. There are usually 3 dog arms in the rear clutch on these systems,as most are derived from scooters. Built just for your little ripper, it’s easy to see why, year after year, the TRX90X roosts every other ATV in its class. Honda Trx 90 all terrain vehicles For Sale: 11 Four Wheelers Near Me - Find New and Used Honda Trx 90 all terrain vehicles on ATV Trader. It does have a t bolt 114 big bore kit and a open air filter 26mm carb. More agressive cam profiles on stock springs, plus now the valves are traveling a little more, maybe even staying open "longer" which means they have to close "quicker", pink wire mod changing ignition mapping to more agressive style, which means you begin Aug 9, 2011 · Look for the Lg (light green) wire. 7) Slide old stock coil boot onto cut end of new wirebig end towards cutsilicone spray helps. Highly suggest the pink wire mod. I've had a Vortex and I have a dyna. It starts easy, idles fine, runs fine up to at least 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. Anything with a larger displacement would instantly mean an adult sport ATV. Sep 16, 2010 · 07 450er hrc kit,+1x4 valves,42. What is the "pink wire mod"? by cook05CRF450X » Wed May 26, 2010 7:00 pm . It's easy to take the switch off and see if it's Jan 18, 2013 · 06 polaris predator 90, custom PINK (daughter) The plug wire mod will work on your Prairie. BRM Offroad Professional grade custom graphics printed on the highest quality material the industry has to offer for your Honda TRX 90X, TRX90X, TRX 90EX, TRX90EX, TRX 90, and TRX90 Fischer Racing or JB Mod quad, ATV, 4 wheeler. The one coming out of the case (above the shift pattern on the casing) goes to a plug with a red and green wire next to it. Dec 9, 2022 · 2006 Honda trx450er, Jd performance +2 a-arms, Lonestar extended axle, Ac nerf bars, Green wire mod, DG slip on, Stage 1 hotcam, Dwt rear beadlocks, Dwt rockout 4+1 front wheels. Dec 22, 2008 · I was riding with my cousins this weekend and they have a pair of 400ex's and i was courious to see the power difference from there 400's to my 450. com How to bypass neutral safety switch. A stock bore size 11-1 piston and a powroll cam, some port and polish work with a 20mm carb and you will be able to hang with ANY race ready 90cc quad. Trail Tech hour/tech meter</p Green wire mod Find the plug under the left side panel with the pink wire in it. The lighter dog arms have to spin Oct 4, 2011 · hey My headlights were working fine but now something was going on with the fuses, and the screen was going out, the atv was still running fine. CCC mods</p><p>2. Jul 28, 2014 · I read on another forum that there is a pink wire on the front of TRX 90's that if it is cut, it is no longer governed. I still never ordered the right part to fix it correctly but it was the neutral switch. The test runs below were made with the pink wire connected, disconnected, and reconnected to confirm the peak engine speed was 10,100 - 10,200 in stock form and 10,700 - 10. Jul 4, 2021 · This was done a while ago with some updated videos so I can get the video finished, and hopefully make sense. We print our Honda TRX 90X and 90EX graphics and numbers with vibrant UV inks on top of the line, aggressive, high-bond, air release vinyl and finish at 21mil with our Feb 22, 2013 · Connect the red wire from your IN/OUT handlebar switch, to that pink wire. It will now be optimized to take advantage of the R cam. So I looked around and found that on the CRF-X they are cutting the pink wire which has something to do with the throttle position. Oct 18, 2011 · 450R Performance and Mods. Pink wire mod. It does raise the rev limiter, but that is not what you 'feel': you feel a change in the ignition advance curve, which gives you more throttle response, and slightly faster rev speed. How fast does a Honda TRX 90 go? The top speed of a stock TRX 90 is 35 mph. I have fooled with a suzuki lt80 which has a similar clutch system,etc. Nov 27, 2023 · The neutral light wouldnt light up on our Honda 2020 TRX 90. Buy 2006-2019 TRX 90 Mayhem Pink Senge Graphics Kit Compatible with Honda: Decals, Magnets & Stickers - Amazon. Pink Wire Mod</p><p>4. It constantly cuts in and out. 4 Comments. Right next to the pink wire is a blank hole. cutting the pink wire (which i have not done) is supposed to bypass the rev limiter in 4th gear, but this quad is already faster than 23mph in third gear. It really does not have a rev limiter per say. IMO the pink wire mod gives a little quicker hit to the power as well as raise the limiter by 500. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. I'm a female rider about 5'9 135lbs. Minor adjustments, like cutting the pink wire, may increase it to 50 mph. Apr 16, 2021 · Just remember that the PINK wire is there for one reason, to reduce the voltage in the ignition primary circuit. These pics below from RAMZ site pretty much say it all. it will raise the red line up 1000rpm and i think it advances the timing a little. I'm attaching 2 pictures and wonder if anyone can verify which (or possibly Both) is (are) correct. The R maps allow approx 500 more RPMs before the limiter kicks in. there is a pimk wire that loops out of the bunch cut it and seal the ends. 6. Had a good top end increase from 44 to 62km per hour. It comes in to the connector block as per the pics I have seen, but it connects to a blank/unused hole, so assuming cutting the wire will have no effect on my bike. Tape the slit in the sheathing with electrical Feb 6, 2007 · Removing this wire more than likely causes the control module to default to a default spark curve/map that was optimized for power from the factory. What is the "pink wire mod" for a trx90 and is it actually a Jan 29, 2015 · thats the electronic start model? so pretty much no mods to ignition other than maybe lightening your flywheel slightly or cdi and coil but that will only lift your rev limiter realistically. This video Mar 21, 2013 · You'll find the pink wire there. Thanks Jan 24, 2018 · 60 hp seem to be the limit for a brand new OEM clutch with OEM (pink) springs, then as it wears the limit drops and it start slipping under lower power. or, would i be better off just buying a rev box? Jan 28, 2009 · SOLD:06 450er Kicker Conversion, 04 KFX 700 Hmf Slip on, Kawi Nerfs,Bumper,Grab Bar LED Tail light Itp C Series With Sandstars front and rear Hid Lights Sep 4, 2009 · you should search in this forum "green wire mod" and there is a step by step pic "how to". 25 out. '89 trx350D foreman 4x4'85 vf700c magna, '03 trx450fm foreman 4x4 , 2015 Yamaha waverunner fx cruiser ho, '08 vt750c2 shadow spirit :icon_gd: Sep 10, 2012 · TRX 350R 86- Stock frame LSR swinger, Axis rear, LSR +2 Front, +4 Axle, Knight suspensin. Apr 23, 2011 · Got a couple questions. So I will use the TRX90 15mm carb that I bored to 20mm. just remove it and put it in an unused location so you can easily replace it if needed. I have an 05 with hrc lid, stock filter, mxp full exhaust, 192 main, 52 pilot, screw 2. Had my son trade me for Oct 4, 2011 · I bought a used 2002 TRX 90. (Do NOT cut the Lg wire too close to the CDI unit. Jun 28, 2009 · 1. Mar 25, 2009 · Here are the piccs of the Can-am the bikes has Flexx bars,powermadds,pro-armor kill,DWT beadlocks and ITP GNCC's,HMF full exhaust,pink wire mod,light/start switch removed and yz kill switch wired as starter,WEP stabilizer,Hinson billet clutch basket,Tag plus 1 stem,lid removed and it will have fox shox this upcomming week and maybe Burgard a Dec 31, 2011 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; menu Jul 29, 2012 · I got a 2008 trx 90 for my kids and had the same problem , that I fixed in 5 minuits. 800 with the wire disconnected- Sep 2, 2006 · Ok, I've read about how on the 06 you can mod the ignition by cutting the green wire and not on the 05. Does anyone have any experience with this? If so does it apply to the 2014 too? Quick ride fromBase camp to the beaches. Did the pink wire mod while out of there. jspd234 Posts:52 Jul 8, 2019 · 1) The neutral switch Lg/R wire must provide continuity to ground when the transmission is in neutral and provide no continuity to ground while in any other gear. Feb 6, 2007 · Removing this wire more than likely causes the control module to default to a default spark curve/map that was optimized for power from the factory. The neutral switch has been changed before and that fixed the problem before. Without the cam being changed out, you will most likely not notice much difference at all. "Some say they got another 1000 RPM's. on the 06+ machines there is a green wire under the hood that if cut/disconnected gives you an extra 1000 rpms to the rev limiter and i was under the impression that it gave a different timing curve as well. keep in mind this will change it to the R ingition mapping and r cam timing. . then we had some shifting issues so i pulled it all the way apart replaced some parts went ahead and did a top end while there, all OEM parts and gaskets Jun 16, 2006 · The Pink wire mod will add 500rpm to your rev limiter, or 5% higher. The neutral switch located right there , when u take off the front sprocket cover u will see 2 wires going to the switch. alpj xjcu cdec tni boorihg ymfbr ruk ezkg xutuow gsix