Verizon service getting worse reddit. Oct 23, 2022 · Service has gotten seriously worse.
Verizon service getting worse reddit It’s the service, I’ve noticed since 2019. Overall, it was still manageable. Even though there are indications otherwise. The other day I went to one of the Verizon stores and I didn’t get connection… at the actual Verizon store… (all of this is Airport rd) My personal 5G phone is on Verizon and my work 5G phone is on AT&T and both suck. Warren Buffet recently sold his position in Verizon, likely a testament to the company’s bonafides. Either way, my service is actually getting worse by the month now, even if I’m not using a lot of data (I have their best unlimited plan). If you are in a congested area that is at or near network capacity then prepaid and entry level plans are “deprioritized” in favor of those on premium postpaid plans. I’ve been getting between 300mbps and 650mbps down. It's just as good as tmobile here . But seeing this post and talking to friends it appears it’s not my phone. Doing some quick Reddit searches show other people who are noticing increasing performance problems with the 4G network In areas throughout the US. 906B, a 0. Xfinity Mobile is a Verizon MVNO and resells their service, so they are much lower on the totem pole when it comes to network congestion. Support wont get you anywhere either sadly. AT&T has effectively halted their n77 build, and haven't gone back to add DoD on a TON of sites. (E. All devices connect wirelessly. This year however, Verizon service is utter trash. My service has been getting progressively worse since about September-ish. Still terrible. The biggest reason is network priority. Multiple people agree . With T-Mobile, I feel like it goes in an out when I’m traveling in a car for example. You will not find anyone from Verizon with an actual answer as to why this is so, why people whi made no phone, plan, or location changes are now seeing one bar with such a weak signal that they get failure to load pages regularly, video is unwatchable, dropped calls, sub-1MB service The LTE services are getting worse because the towers are switching to 5G. My best friend also has AT&T and he’s experienced the same thing. My T-Mobile service is WAAAAAYYYY better then the Verizon service and the 5G and LTE is a joke. What's worse is that in a nearby more populated town I have perfect 5G signal, yet a simple speed test barely breaks 25 Mbps. The cost of Verizon insurance over time add up more than Apple insurance during the 36 month. Only problem I have is the 5G is not that good. I’ll probably be switching to Verizon soon. No, no it has not. Symptoms are as follows: Suddenly can barely make calls inside my house without WiFi calling After about 6 weeks of 2Mbps down with no resolution in sight or communication, I gave up and ported my number to T-Mobile as well as got 5G internet with them. Verizon has worked the best for me here. I've tried T-mobile, Sprint, and AT&T. 5mpbs in some areas. Why is Verizon getting worse? So I’ve recently noticed a marked decline in service quality where I live, and others have noticed it as well. I just bought a new phone and I’m very tempted to pay it off and just switch service back. Having said that, their customer service is shit. The company had switched hands a couple times before Verizon overtook everyone, my bill of $18 a month was suddenly something like $300 and nobody could tell me why. The other 2 apparently invested more in there network here cuz they work Much better than Verizon. In rural Pennsylvania and where I am Verizon was king, and as of 2 or so years ago it's an absolute joke. Had to have one of my non-Verizon friends help out and it finally connected with his phone. Either T-Mobile’s network heavily de-prioritizes Mint users or Mint itself is a steamy pile of useless crap, I’m leaving it this week for good and getting back on Verizon network via a MVNO because Verizon mobile plans that fit my needs are ridiculously It's definitely getting worse. People rant and rave about Verizon service, and it does reach places tmo doesn't, but I really don't mind when I can't even watch YouTube on while walking around. No problems until 5ish months ago. 🤷🏻♀️ I live in the South Loop and the cell service keeps dropping out constantly to the point where I can’t text or use certain apps because I keep losing a connection. But recently, service has been awful! I just took a trip to Montana where I had full LTE in many places, yet nothing would load! I upgraded my wife 5 months ago to a 15 and it was absolutely shocking how much her service improved. My parents live in Sarasota and it's even worse there. All I want to do is use my phone during my lunch break and it’s been almost unusable for videos for the past 6 months because of the shorty service. I switched to Mint just a year or two prior to Covid and the service was fine then, but there also was probably less of a user base. The last couple of years things have noticeably gotten worse. To add some perspective, I remember waiting on dial-up so I can exercise some patience. When you get AppleCare, you get a brand new new phone each time. The past week it's been on a whole new level. Waiting for Verizon's website now to say service is available at my apartment. I used to have a signal all the way to work located in zip code 70427 but now I have no signal for 80% of my drive. Suddenly the signal is at 1 bar or no signal at all. Use to love Verizon but seems like its only going to get worse cause customer service don't have a excuse or a explanation on whats going on. Both of them the mobile hot spot data speeds are down by 30% even with I have four bars. I lived on skyline from 2016-2019 and had trouble there too. the third party represents as Verizon, operates under licensing from Verizon, and yet Verizon customer service literally refuses to read the receipt from the third party and claims the best they can do is refund my switching incentive (I switched to Verizon from T-Mobile). I can’t even use my phone in the target/etc. I started Verizon service last November in my rural area (I travel to and from Boston alot) because others in the area use it. I come up to Maine (from NJ) for 2 weeks every summer and have had my Verizon phone in tow. I have a houseful of devices. Even when it shows 5G. Out of the three Verizon has had hands down the best cellular service in more areas. They spend a lot of time trying to trouble shoot my individual device, despite this issue occurring for my neighbors, my wife, on all devices, etc. I first experienced Verizon when they took over my car phone service when I was 18. Verizon has ruined my credit simply because I told them about how bad their customer service is. ) MVNO's 5. When I go to Williamsburg, I get some spotty reception, especially in the area near the Walmart on Rochambeau. I plan on getting a physical or eSIM for myself and the each of the family. Hello everyone! I have a S21 Ultra and I have Verizon My phone randomly yesterday morning stopped having service and after doing stuff like moving the sim card around, using airplane mode, doing android updates and tons others I decided to go to the Verizon store. My mobile Internet has been trash and even when I'm at home on my TMHI, the connection is ridiculously slow. Same with other prepaid carriers who use Verizon/T-Mo/AT&T towers. I get 1-2 LTE bars but I cannot connect to any online service (stream music, gps, any website, etc. Pages load slower, videos need to buffer, sometimes there would be connection issues, etc. T-Mobile Rep told me I wasn't getting good service because I had an "old phone". Right now, I'm getting 221 down, 16. No SOS but horrid service and data speeds, if im even getting signal, since the day this all started. I've experience poor data service ever since T-Mobile and Sprint merged. Cellular service, like most anything is a get what you pay for service. My family lives in a dense suburb in New Jersey, where we were getting 2-3 bars on AT&T using our iPhone XRs. Since then haven’t had more the 3 bars, don’t ever see 4G anymore. Just that my service stinks and seems to be getting worse. ) Visible - yesI do think Visible is absolute LAST priority. At their price it should be lightning No they are getting way worse I had perfect service when I first moved now the same area I had awesome service it’s horrible now I even had to sign up for T-Mobile 3 mo trial to use alongside Verizon when it does not work and when my phone is paid off I’m gone but the thing is Verizon won’t care one way or the other they really cater to I have lived in the same home for 25 years and have been with Verizon since 1992 and never had a problem. Looks as if they just want to take the money and never provide proper service. , if you're on Mint, you get secondary access to T-Mobile, while T-Mobile users get first access. & even with a brand new direct from samsung unlocked s23 ultra - which is a compatible device (idk about verizon model or tmo or sprint or usc. I fully blame this 5G stuff. But most of the time it says it is in 4G or not at all and is constantly dropping calls, or echoing my own voice back to me when I am speaking to someone. I switched to Verizon recently, away from T-Mobile because of all the issues. I'd close everything out and with same results. Sprint also worked great here. I noticed last night the map in my state (ND) nearly doubled in 5GUW coverage. Verizon gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2023 was $77. My ping spikes and packet loss would get so bad that the modem would go off-line. Verizon is the best out here or they were. It doesn't matter what state I'm in or where I'm at. I’ve been getting spam calls for about two months now, have Call Filter sent to “All Spam Calls” on the My Verizon settings, yet I’m still getting inundated with calls. Same! I’m in OH and have had Verizon for many, many years. My wife has ATT and it is ok, but about half the data speed of Verizon. Yes, my telecom providers are stellar! Verizon bilks me for over $200/month and Cox gets me for $135, internet only. Long-time AT&T user here-- cellular coverage around Epic, both on campus and in many areas nearby has always been pretty abysmal, but it seems like it's getting way worse lately. but because their customer service at least via chat is largely staffed Verizon cell service getting worse? Anyone else feel like Verizon cell coverage has drastically worsened over the past year or so? I'm on the iPhone 5S, and most of the time I only have 3 bars. My company-issued phone is a Samsung 5G device on Verizon and the service is absolutely horrible both in Richmond and Hampton Roads. If you are going between areas, sometimes your service will look towards the previous area. They tried to charge me for phone service for a year after I cancelled my account and returned my phone to them. Switched from T-Mobile because my sister moved to Iowa and it's a complete dead zone for T-Mobile out there plus Verizon somehow became the cheapest option for 4 phones, a tablet, and home internet, but man do they nickel and dime you for everything and their service is hit or miss in my part of Illinois. In fact I think I already have here, a couple times. You don't get the same customer service and you don't get the extra perks. Now it the worse one here. Sometimes I’d sit in my walk in to have enough service to call family. With mobile service, you get what you pay for. ST Verizon speeds are a joke. If you can live without perfect coverage, get Tmobile to save a boatload of cash, or if your data usage is small, get Ting or Google Fi. Really ridiculous and dangerous if 911 has dead spots inside a metro area. I love my Cellular service with Verizon. Whatever Verizon did objectively made service in my area terrible, despite others saying their service is great. Bad service in my home town is why I switched to Tmo. I can't walk into my back yard anymore to make a call. Before that AT&T, before that T-Mobile. Now with Verizon I only get 1 bar of service at work in the outskirt of a small sized city (250,000), but have several warehouses of big national corporations. Doesn't matter how poor service might be getting or how poor customer service is, they arrogantly and naively believe Verizon will be fine. However, they started "re-signing network to TMobile" and my service became unbearable, the magic box at my house even stopped picking up LTE because of them screwing with Sprint. I must say, quite upsetting. 5-2 years ago, then got noticably worse since about November. 36×15 equals 540 and you pay a fee to get a replacement. its a shame i must change providers i have been with verizon for close to 20 years. We have iphones 14, 13, 10, and Samsung S22 as phones, all updated, all having the same issues and all issues are relatively recent and customer service has zero answers after hours of calls/online chats or even worse, actually trying to walk into a store and getting someone the3re to listen who isn't completely annoyed with your presence the third party represents as Verizon, operates under licensing from Verizon, and yet Verizon customer service literally refuses to read the receipt from the third party and claims the best they can do is refund my switching incentive (I switched to Verizon from T-Mobile). One of my coworkers just got a fancy new Google 5G phone from Verizon in hopes that it would help their issues but it seems like its even worse when they try to use it on conference calls you can't hear them at all 90% of the time now, which makes me think upgrading my phone is a poor choice too. It's because 3G stopped being high priority. Speed has been getting progressively worse in this time span. Quite impressive, kinda like a page out of the ATT 5Ge playbook. In Asheville you don’t get service at all. I have Xfinity mobile which uses Verizon towers and have been having issues for the past week, especially downtown, but I live midtown-adjacent and have had issues there too. Then he said he is part of a team located one state over and that he would put associate my number with their team so if I ever needed to call customer service again, they'll try to route the call to their team. I still keep a backup line on Verizon for when I travel again. I have an iPhone 13 and I’ve The gym is a dead zone for me unless I get outside despite having full bars and not going over my 25gb premium unlimited so I shouldn’t be slowed down at all or flat out restricted. Where my phone service would spin and spin and go nowhere. They are usually free. That was 2019-2020. When it worked flawlessly and speeds on par with 100 down and 10 up on a cable ISP. One workaround I found was to go into the cellular setting > cellular data options > and force voice and data to LTE only in the areas you’re getting issues. It ended up being within $5 of the monthly cost of my old plan. And sure enough, I was still pulling 1Gbps+ with Verizon router. 95% increase year-over-year. I called and complained to Verizon and the rep told me the tower was way overloaded and asked if my city had exploded in population recently. No answer from Verizon as to why. I'm 45 years old. If you're a Verizon social media troll, I get that's your job, but they just lost six lines. Verizon told me point blank (today) that they are NOT fixing LTE coverage in rural areas. I’ve been with Verizon for about 20 years and their customer service is my biggest complaint. 702B, a 0. 4g used to always be fine. They sent me to collections trying to collect on it. Our 4 line Verizon plan (with 2 iPads and Apple Watches) comes out to $230 a month. Service is terrible lately on all fronts. Service is my area is substantially better with Verizon. The same network they started installing 14 years ago. Tech wise, Verizon was always considered a "CDMA" service, while AT&T and T-Mobile were "GSM" now, thanks to 5G there will only be one standard, which I suppose is the reason former T-Mobile Tracphones were able to "migrate" to Verizon with just a SIM Getting frustrated, I placed the Verizon 5G modem back into router mode to make sure I was still able to get the full bandwidth through there and my connection didn't get worse for some reason which would be why I was only able to get ~500Mbps from this brand new TP-link router. It’s good to be back. In this case, the service is trash. Verizon annual gross profit for 2022 was $77. I have been saying this for years. Everyone out here has Verizon that’s why I switched from AT&T. Oh, and I am now getting 5G again, which never happened on ST Verizon. Both of our services have gotten progressively worse over the last 6 months. I was with Verizon from before I preordered a Droid X years ago, and came back because of their coverage. Could not be happier. Long time Verizon customer over 10 years but have noticed data coverage has really gotten bad. Friends with T-Mobile and ATT did okay, me no service. I’ve made multiple calls to them over the last 7 months and they still haven’t addressed the issue. didn't want any of those anyway lol) but even with the compatible unlocked from the factory s23u I still sometimes have to turn off mobile data, or airplane mode, or reboot, or sim fiddle sometimes to 169K subscribers in the tmobile community. My phone will claim I have 2-3 bars of service, yet nothing will load. Overall I think Verizon is a better network. I was on T-Mobile and for years you would generally get service when the train stopped in the station. So I'm pretty happy. Other people that I’ve talked to that have T-Mobile or booster to straight talk or whatever cell phone companies there are I’ll have shitty service worse than my Verizon. The quality kept getting worse and eventually became unusable. On top of that we are saving tons. However, over the past year or so, I’ve noticed my service has been very inconsistent. If LTE is on, it’s not gonna work. My local tower was "upgraded" to 5g and now you don't get any service at all with Verizon. However, over the last year or two, I've noticed that my phone's internet service has been getting progressively worse. Ever since the 5G rollout, my iPhone often will show 2 bars of signal on 5G…yet I can’t send pictures or even iMessages sometimes over the cellular network, or I can’t surf the web while over cellular. eventually had to make it so my phone would use the wifi for calling. Absolutely no change in service. And it's not just in Orlando. Verizon was one of the last carriers to join in on this nonsense because they were actually leasing/building quite a few “true” 5G towers, the high bandwidth type. Verizon service has been getting worse and worse, even on 5G there is horrible service. When I’m connected the speeds are great, I’ve clocked 5GUW downloads at 2. Welcome to /r/Verizon! A unofficial community to discuss and ask questions about anything and everything Verizon, be it Wireless, FiOS, DSL, Landline, etc. I’m in Collingswood and just switched from Verizon to AT&T. But at the same time when it’s been really bad the phones I’ve had then and now are really struggling so I’m never confident that’s it’s the service. I had this at my house, took a year of casual calling and chatting getting nowhere with my service before it started dropping calls so often I asked about a network extender, after a week of dropped calls when I tried to reach customer service and further run around I was able to get one for my house and the service is strong 4G at last, works I used to have Verizon and it worked fine at my house in Pinebrook. Here is the good news: You can upgrade your phone now, and if service does not improve that phone works with other carriers. I rely on my phone for work, and work can be all remote sessions for weeks at a time. I was always willing to pay more b/c the service was excellent. MEO Portugal has something like 30GB for €20, etc. If you're on a secondary service, you get lower priority than first-service customers. Holy crap the service is 10x worse. It's worse than dial up. However, I have no explanation as to why. I have had better data integrity with Verizon so far and the first thing I noticed was the call quality was better than before. 06% increase year-over-year. The surrounding counties only have nationwide 5G that’s slow as shit, or even worse, LTE with band 13 only. The phone itself can improve your reception by like3% to 10%, not a lot, but if enough that it can make the difference between solid coverage and crappy coverage, or just barely no Posted by u/shotsofglitter - 14 votes and 19 comments I could not get past the Verizon Assistant to get FIOS support. But every few minutes my service keeps dropping and reconnecting after 10-15 seconds. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Verizon Service is getting worse in my area . It’s insane how my “5G” is so much slower and less reliable than my 4G LTE. It is now almost unusable in certain situations. So clearly terrible speeds. I'm having some internet issues for which I'm hoping to crowdsource some help. IMO the best option is to constantly switch every few years between carriers. I live in the Sacramento CA area and it works great, there is UWB and small cells everywhere, but as soon as I leave the county, the service goes to shit. lots. Had a family friend break down on 183A and just south of Whitestone. My line has been signed up to the Do Not Call registry for over a decade, I’ve called Verizon to complain and they said they did something but it still hasn’t helped. I often get data drops when it switches between 4g LTE and 5g, have to restart or enable airplane mode for a few seconds to get data back. Ever. My Verizon always dropped around 4th st when you turn up to go to sky mtn dr. Apologies for what is probably an ignorant question. We were having latency and bandwidth issues with the old one and so we decided to get an upgrade but seems like we are still experiencing some fluctuations with the wifi. Will be taking my business at the lower price to T-Mobile the second largest carrier. Seems like a common issue now. Reply reply My bill currently with Verizon is $86 with T-Mobile I have been on Verizon for 10 years. She sat until cedar park PD saw her and helped her out. 5% increase from 2021 How much more cut costs does it need? I've tried calling Verizon customer service and tech support like 5 times. Basically sometimes my phone has very poor service with Verizon until I restart it or use airplane mode to get it to look for a closer access point. I had two lines there that cost me $173 and three lines In T-Mobile are $150. Verizon customer service is the biggest chore/hassle in the world to deal with. My work phone is T-Mobile and my personal phone is Verizon. Here is an article on About 5 months ago, my service started getting worse. my service with sprint was pretty dang good, equivalent to Verizon which I know because I have a Verizon work phone. my service has gotten progressively worse. Verizon cdma network still up and running, it's just they Shut down 3g/2000 evdo part of their network, sim cards are not just used for GSM it used for other network standards as sim stands for subscriber identity module which is easier to replace than having to replace phones that had what was essentially the precursor to embedded Sim (esim) when it's module died when they launched their 4g Jun 16, 2021 · Both my husband and I have terrible cellular connection when we are at home. ) Verizon prepaid 4. 84K subscribers in the verizon community. Verizon has the least sub-1 (no 850, only 700), yet they outperform both carriers in overall coverage. Last time I was through Kansas and Nebraska Verizon still had better coverage. At the start of this year, I tried the 5G Home Internet T-Mobile, which offered to try to save some money by reducing my internet bill to $50 a month. As long as you have a modern phone that supports their lowest frequencies, coverage is generally very good and speeds are light years ahead of Verizon. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. How can you have a major metropolitan area that doesn’t get phone service? Pathetic. I did notice that Verizon was throttling certain streaming services and I got around that with VPN’s. Regardless of the level of service I’m shown to have. I now have only 2 bars while I’m in my house. AT&T is nearly as expensive as Verizon with less coverage, and is crap once you walk indoors. I know this is old but just venting that I’m sitting at work in midtown in nyc with 1 LTE bar. Always paid the Verizon premium for "better coverage" but took a recent trip up to the foothills and had no service. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 16 votes and 13 comments Does anyone else with Verizon cell service feel that reception has been getting worse in the last year or so? Seems like ever since they turned on these 5G towers I have less bars on my iPhone just about everywhere I go in Memphis. My sister got at&t and it's also really good here in LA definitely better than Verizon. Visible is wholly owned by Verizon but they definitely do have some work to do in the customer service department. As of now Verizon is only LTE at my house, but a solid 30-60 mbps speed and I get full bars on my iPhone. You can get an in home booster from Verizon. Oct 11, 2024 · Verizon seems to be getting worse with their coverage and signal. Sometimes my 4G is better. I feel like it's been getting progressively worse for the past 3 years. Thank you for posting this. I’ve been a Verizon customer for going on 20 years and noticed the service getting worse back in 2017-2018ish and it hasn’t gotten back to what it once was since. Why is Verizon Cell service and signals so weak ?? You pay a premium to be with them but their service is getting worse. In my area of Oklahoma ATT has better performance than Verizon. You’d probably get worse speeds on verizon, where there’s no 5G UW, it’s a lot of the time complete ass (coming from a verizon user) in congested areas you’d be lucky to get 0. The past 6 mos. She even called 911 and the call failed. I’m not even talking about internet speeds —I often have no service at all. My recent experience with them was the worst experience I've had with a cell carrier. No data and no signal There’s four different kinds of 5G because one of the carriers sued to reclassify their LTE upgrade (I’m oversimplifying) as 5G. Makes no sense that I get terrible service, to the point I can’t load anything online let alone play a video or a song on Spotify, with Verizon but not US Cellular. Going there next year and I plan on using a combo of the included travel pass days I get on my account and a local data sim. But I feel, overall, Verizon's data is worse and worse. Verizon’s customer service has gotten really bad. Verizon is the worst company in America. As of late though (last couple months), the connection has gotten significantly worse. I have been Verizon customer for a long time - 10 years or so - and 5 years at my current address. The phones you get a refurbished from another company. According to your other posts basically no other carriers are as good in your area as Verizon, even if Verizon has gotten worse. Their call center has more non native English speakers than native speakers, making it extremely difficult to communicate your problem. I did not notice how bad Verizon got until I made the jump to T-mobile. T-Mobile is the network to have around here. The t-mobile data breach sucks, but man their customer service was fantastic. Its hitting people at random too. NY . I was convinced that it was an equipment failure at the tower because multiple techs said that the equipment on my end was fine. Last august I decided to try Verizon and then closed my T-Mobile account. Posted by u/Plenty_Attitude9933 - No votes and 12 comments In my market, AT&T struggles indoors despite having the most sub-1ghz spectrum out of all carriers, including T-Mobile. I get the same service and speeds but my phone says LTE. It's just been unreliable and gotten worse even in the city. Verizon postpaid non-premium data 3. I believed the tech rep when they told me my Verizon-purchased S10e was the cause of the service issues, so I traded it for an S20 FE 5G - biggest mistake. Did not read comments. With no warning, my Verizon cloud service was shut down and I lost all my pictures and videos that I saved there. It was worth giving up my 50% off VZ employee discount - paying more now, but my family and I can use our phones. Further frustration is that Fios is available in my neighborhood, actually on my block, my next door neighbor has it. Desoto Co can be pretty bad in parts too. I live 40 minutes from Boston in a populated where I normally always have consistent 5G and despite that service is absolutely horrendous. So I switched plans. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now and the service is getting worse. 408B, a 1. They (and all providers) have fiber optic trunks from the towers to their central switch and those pipes are being dedicated more and more to 5G traffic. Verizon cdma network still up and running, it's just they Shut down 3g/2000 evdo part of their network, sim cards are not just used for GSM it used for other network standards as sim stands for subscriber identity module which is easier to replace than having to replace phones that had what was essentially the precursor to embedded Sim (esim) when it's module died when they launched their 4g I upgraded to a new phone in November (OnePlus 8 5g Uw) and I realized the first week that 5g sucks. I thought I heard they were working on the service, but can't say foe sure. They are pretty much useless. BAND 13 ONLY, in 2023. Back when I was with TMo around 2020, had to call customer service, and the guy made a point to ask me where I lived. I've noticed a marked drop in service, particularly on the train (subway). Welcome to /r/Verizon! A community to discuss and ask questions about anything and everything Verizon, be… The type of service and signal strength are unrelated. Get Verizon if coverage in rural areas or out camping in the woods is important to you. For the last 8 years. I remember back in the day Verizon was number one here in LA. but because their customer service at least via chat is largely staffed My 5G had been absolutely ass since I bought an iPhone 14. My phone is 5G and I pay for that service. I live in a suburb of NYC and my service sucks. My router is the G1100 Quantum Gateway, which I own (did not rent). 5 Mbps. Verizon Fios service, Gigabit Connection. I don’t like the Verizon insurance either. To our dismay, our signal dropped to 1-2 bars. Work, personal, kids, etc. I live in NN and my reception has been perfect. I’ve been noticing this over the past 2-3 years as well. I'm in Massachusetts and the past 3 months Verizon cell service has been on a decline. Asked about a booster and was told it may not help as was a connection problem. They help but Verizon reception issues are getting worse all the time and Network switching is horrendous. Especially at my office where Verizon has worse coverage than ATT and T-Mobile. also, in many cases low band 5G is worse than LTE, i frequently find my self switching my phone back to LTE because low band 5G is such a joke. T mobile appears to have taken charge and overpowered Verizon. Literally I could have written your post myself. Service at my own home has gotten worse, to the point I can’t make phone calls in certain rooms or use data there, either. Also at my place of work, I had to use wi-fi to use data or make any calls. This happens in the same areas I used to have service in. We had no problems at home until 4-5 months ago. ) Each I recently moved from T-Mobile to Verizon. Someone said past year or so Verizon lost 30 percent of there coverage. There’s something seriously wrong at Verizon right now. Also, there is no 5G here. " Then they told me I needed to get a new plan since my old plan didn't have the correct 5G features (whatever that means) and that I didn't have priority data. I have 7 phones, a watch , and a hotspot on my plan. Had ST for years, but Verizon ruined them. They sent my account to collections without proper notice and they refuse to stop negative credit reporting. Interesting that you say that it's Verizon service IN GENERAL that's hit the skids, NOT exactly related to the Tracphone/Verizon buyout. I switch to T-mobile, t-mobile paid off my phone and I have reliable service. On the bright side, maybe it’ll be useful when my internet provider (Cox) has one of their frequent non-weather-related outages. That's exactly what they were doing to me. We switched to Verizon about two months back, hoping to take advantage of a superior network. LTE is pathetic now. Verizon lost all the cell tower contracts in our area of Western North Carolina to AT&T. Welcome to the subreddit of the best wireless carrier in the industry! T-Mobile is the second largest… Verizon gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2023 was $19. Have to leave our home for calls. Glad to see Verizon is catching up. Verizon sometimes was a mixed bag. Personally I think there is a bad congestion all around. ) My experience was on AT&T’s fixed wireless, which is an LTE-based service. They don’t even have 5G in my area so my phone virtually does nothing without Wi-Fi. Yet when I look up the service map and try to get sales to install, they claim its "not available in my neighborhood" MY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR HAS IT 🤦🏿♂️ I was gonna try and struggle with the 5G some more, hoping it Oct 23, 2022 · Service has gotten seriously worse where i used to have excellent service, now drops and data is terrible. Edit: bring on the downvotes. We both had no service while out the other day. We have been to Verizon store x3, we have called and messaged. Awhile ago when my only choice was wireless internet via cell providers we had what was called an "evDO card". I have iPhone 14 pro max. They will connect to wifi and require a clear sky view for gps reception. More specifically center of Long Island, and I'd say I noticed the sketchy service 3vto 4vweeks ago. Yes, it seems to have started to degrade about 1. Two days ago (1&1/2 months after fire) I received the regular monthly bill for service I haven't been able to use for 1&1/2 months. Same thing at Six Flags. Technician left a few hours ago replaced my old router (the black slim one) with a new one which is the model CR1000A Verizon Router & connected everything to the new network. Verizon first said it was "congestion. 9 up and 28 ms ping, tested from my iPhone, connected to my Eero mesh wifi network, which is connected to my Verizon 5G home modem via ethernet. Never seen it this bad any other place I've lived outside of FL. In fact, that's why I have Verizon. I got visual voicemail and wifi-calling, the latter I could not get activated on ST Verizon. I used to have pretty decent signal no matter where I went but now it's slow and shitty or non-existent. I switched to T-Mobile about 2 months ago after trying Network Pass, and its soooo much better than Verizon Wireless service. Not my phone, everything in it and out was checked. We were forced to switch to T-Mobile and it does not work in our neighborhood at all. Verizon Assistant let me get through to billing where I was able terminate service that I could not get support for. One store says one thing, one store says another, phone-in customer service says another. I couldn’t get any service at all a few weeks ago. I have contacted them multiple times about service issues and they always say “there have been reported issues in the area and we are working on resolving them” My speeds are now back up to where they were before ST switched to Verizon. T-mobile is probably a huge part of why Verizon's customer service has tanked. Verizon Sucks! Jun 14, 2023 · I have the Galaxy Fold 3 and my wife has the Galaxy S23 we live in zip code 39466. I used to get great service, then 5G came out, my reception started to tank. I cannot confirm that is because of Verizon or my new phone but TMobile and Verizon both have different signal types. I have been a Verizon customer for several years now and 2 years ago I actually added there home service, it was actually pretty good but I recently moved back in January and had to disconnect my home service because first its not even available at my new address and my new rental already includes cable internet with the rent. The customer service guy said that they are bringing 5g to rural areas, not fixing the lack of LTE coverage. Been a long time Verizon customer and was always happy with the service and felt like it was better than the competitor companies that my friends had. Now they’re service is an absolute joke, I heard if you call and complain about it they’ll offer to pay your bill 1 month. I’m in the most populated city in the country and I can’t even get decent service Jun 16, 2021 · Both my husband and I have terrible cellular connection when we are at home. Barely anything loads in, 90% of things I send fail, and phone calls are either filled with static or drop. When I travel, T-Mobile has provided the best service and they have way more contracts with other roaming partners then Verizon and AT&T as I was told by executive insiders from all three of the big providers. Im in the same boat as you. I don't know how to explain it. I would still go somewhere else. just data, no calls. You can tell they really no longer care. WTF? Myself and most of my friends and family have stayed with Verizon for over a decade because the cell and data service was so good. It is probably the single worst customer service in the US after their Sprint merger. Verizon still had the worst service in my area and I ended up moving back to T-Mobile last week. My service at the home I grew up in is also terrible lately. I drop calls at home even on Wi-Fi. Signal strength is based on how close you are to a tower with service that's available to you. It slotted into a laptop and used the 3G internet signal. Periodically we get connections so slow that we can't do anything. Im now 7 months in and today I paid of my phone and left Verizon for TM without looking back. Just this past week the Verizon coverage map started showing this area as having 5Guw (even though it doesn’t) , so I’m hopeful they implement that soon. Overall I'd just chalk it up to Verizon downgrading old signals. Whether that is worth the difference in cost to you or not is another thing altogether. When you can game the system and get your service for $10 total per line per month or $25 if you don't game the system, and $40 if you just do absolutely NOTHING to save money - you're bound to be last and final Since about two months ago my nationwide 5G has gotten so bad in my house it’s just lte and to get up to 3mb I need to go outside even tho prior I was getting 50-70 mbps inside so like wtf my tower is right outside my house bro 💀 I have prem data so it’s not my plan. This was not in a store, this was speaking directly to Verizon customer service. g. Still on 4G LTE phone and time to upgrade. They just tried upselling my plan and blaming the issues on network congestion somewhere I've been for months with 0 issue so far. So you're stuck with Verizon. Currently struggling to get any traction on an open NRB (network repair bureau) ticket I have regarding poor coverage in an area and am waiting to get a Verizon engineer to pick up the ticket so they can troubleshoot. Can’t hurt to give it a shot! Verizon doesn't care if people leave them anymore. Same thing happened to me. Now I’m locked into my newest contract and I want out. . We have all noticed dead zones, dropped calls and a slow-down in speed the last 3-6 months. Needless to say I dropped them. She couldn't call a tow truck, or anyone. Ever since then I’ve been monitoring the coverage map for updates daily, because I’ve been getting 5GUW in a lot places that didn’t show 5GUW coverage. dfuf segiflu ysf ccii ecr hch zwbnxti crsbd onljh iicln